Development prospect of aluminum materials 铝材发展前景

2018-11-16 15:06:1306:50 218


Development prospect of aluminum materials

Under the background of energy saving, emission reduction and circular economy development, the comprehensive characteristics of aluminum alloy, such as lightweight, corrosion resistance, easy forming, high specific strength, beautiful color and easy recycling, have prompted aluminum alloy to usher in new development opportunities in the fields of automobile lightweight, new energy power batteries, rail transportation, aviation aluminum, passenger ships, building aluminum templates, all-aluminum homes, durable consumer goods, 3C products, and aluminum replacing copper ( steel ),and so on.



development [dɪˈveləpmənt] n. 发展,进展

prospect [ˈprɒspekt] n. 展望,前景;v.勘探,找矿

background [ˈbækgraʊnd] n. 背景,底影

save [seɪv] v. 节约,节省,保存,挽救;n.救援

emission [iˈmɪʃn] n. 排放,发射,排放物

reduction [rɪˈdʌkʃn] n. 减少,降低,压缩,压下量,缩小,还原,简化

circular [ˈsɜ:kjələ(r)] a. 循环的,圆形的;n. 通知,通告,广告,传单

economy [ɪˈkɒnəmi] n. 经济

comprehensive [ˌkɒmprɪˈhensɪv] a. 综合的,广泛的

characteristic [ˌkærəktəˈrɪstɪk] n. 特性,特征; a. 特有的,有特色的

lightweight [ˈlaɪtweɪt] n./a. 轻量化,轻量的

form [fɔ:m] v. 成型,形成;n. 形状,外形,轮廓

specific [spəˈsɪfɪk] a. 具体的,特殊的,比的;n. 特性,细节

strength [streŋθ] n. 强度,力量

colo(u)r ['kʌlə(r)] n. 颜色,色彩v. 染色

recycle [ˌri:ˈsaɪkl] v. 回收利用,重复利用

prompt [prɒmpt] v. 促使,导致;a. 迅速的,立刻的

usher [ˈʌʃə(r)] v. 引领,招待;n. 招待员,门房

opportunity [ˌɒpəˈtju:nəti] n. 机会,良机,有利的条件

automobile [ˈɔ:təməbi:l] n. 汽车

battery [ˈbætri] n. 电池,蓄电池

rail [reɪl] n. 轨道,钢轨,栏杆,横条;v. 将…围起来,铺铁轨

aviation [ˌeɪviˈeɪʃn] n. 航空,航空学,飞行术

passenger [ˈpæsɪndʒə(r)] n. 旅客,乘客

ship [ʃɪp] n. 船;v. 装运,把…装上船

build [bɪld] v. 建造,建立,构筑

template [ˈtempleɪt] n. 模板,型板

home [həʊm] n. 家,家庭;a.家庭的,家用的;ad. 在家;v. 回家

durable [ˈdjʊərəbl] a. 耐用的,耐久的,长期的;n. 耐用品

consumer [kənˈsju:mə(r)] n. 消费者,顾客

goods [gʊdz] n. 商品,货物

3CComputer计算机、Commu-nication通讯、Consumer Electronic消费电子产品

replace [rɪˈpleɪs] v. 代替,替换

copper [ˈkɒpə(r)] n.

steel [sti:l] n. 钢,钢铁

