181116【直播回听】英语角 医学心理

2018-11-16 17:05:5027:39 106




Urology department, peeing problem, kidney stone, that is my passion


Common ground is the overlap between the positions of parties that may otherwise disagree. "Finding common ground" is a technique people use to facilitate interpersonal relationships.


没听懂 12:54, When someone asks you “What do you do?“, they’re asking about your job. In English, people don’t actually say “What is your job?“. Instead they say “What do you do?“ and the correct response is “I’m a/an + a job title”. Examples: I’m an English teacher. I’m a dentist. I’m a lawyer. “What is your job?“ is still used in English textbooks, but in real life native English speakers almost never say that. They will mostly say: What do you do? What do you do for a living? What do you do exactly?

虞一明_中學聲聲慢 回复 @虞一明_中學聲聲慢

What do you do? What do you do for a living? 这个对话中两个都用到了,native English speaker?


what do you do for a living? 发散思维理解力“你直播在干嘛?”


从一开始what do you do,就没有理解,导致前面的交流就没有在一个平台上

虞一明_中學聲聲慢 回复 @虞一明_中學聲聲慢

The question “What do you do?” has basically become synonymous with “Who are you?” There’s a reason it almost always follows “What’s your name?” in polite conversation: It’s helpful. It’s get-to-know-you shorthand. The one-word answer to “what do you do?” allows people categorize us and gives them a snapshot of what we do or who we are.