Aluminum for automobile 汽车用铝

2018-11-23 16:24:1308:55 175


Aluminum for automobile

In the automobile industry, aluminum alloy has gradually become the preferred material for " aluminum replacing steel" due to its high specific strength, easy forming and recyclability, and is widely used in car bodies, chassis and structural parts. Among them, the car body includes the body frame made of high-performance aluminum profiles and the skin and door made of high-precision aluminum sheets. ABS is an English abbreviation for automobile body sheets, with a thickness of 0.88 ~ 1.8 mm and a maximum width of 2200 mm, which is the most accurate aluminum alloy sheet and strip at presentAnother meaning of ABS is anti-lock braking system.Aluminum alloy has good energy absorption performance,and is often used in automobile anti-collision beams, shock absorbers,engine cylinder blocks, engine mounts,cylinder heads, support floors,braking systems,steer wheels,hubs, seat supports, airbag parts, etc. Energy conservation and environmental protection have become the theme of today's social development. Automobile lightweight accelerates the demand for aluminum for automobiles. According to relevant research, the weight loss ratio of aluminum body is more than 40 % compared with that of general steel body. For every 100kg of car weight lost, fuel consumption will be reduced by 0.4 liters/100 kilometers,and carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced by 1kg.


在汽车制造业,铝合金以其高比强度、易成型和可再生的优良性能逐渐成为“铝代钢”的首选材料,广泛用于车身、底盘和结构件产品上。其中,车身包括用高性能铝型材制作的车身骨架和用高精铝板制作的蒙皮及车门。ABS是汽车车身板的英文简称,其厚度0.88~1.8mm,最大宽度为2200mm,是目前最高精度的铝合金板带材(ABS的另一层意思是防抱死制动系统)。铝合金吸能性能良好,常用于汽车防撞梁、减震器、发动机缸体、引擎架、气缸盖、承载地板、制动系统、操纵盘、轮毂、座椅支架、气囊组件等。节能环保已成为当今社会发展的主题,汽车轻量化加快汽车用铝需求。据有关研究:铝材车身与一般钢制车身相比减重比率达到40% 以上。汽车每减重 100 公斤,油耗降低 0.4 /百公里,二氧化碳排放可减少 1公斤。

automobile [ˈɔ:təməbi:l] n. 汽车

gradually [ˈgrædʒuəli] ad. 逐渐地,逐步地

preferred [prɪ'fəd] ad. 首选的

recyclability [ri:saɪklə'bɪlɪtɪ] n. 回收再循环

structural [ˈstrʌktʃərəl] a. 结构(上)的

frame [freɪm] n. 框架,边框

body frame [ˈbɔdi freim] 车身骨架

abbreviation [əˌbri:viˈeɪʃn] n. 缩写,简化

maximum [ˈmæksɪməm] a. 最大值的,最大量的;n. 最大的量、体积、强度等

width [wɪdθ] n. 宽度,广度

accurate [ˈækjərət] a. 精确的,准确的

anti-lock [ˈænti:ˌlɔk] a. 防锁的

braking [breɪkɪŋ] n. 制动,刹车

absorption [əbˈsɔ:pʃn] n. 吸收,专注

absorber [əb'sɔ:bə] n. 减震器,吸收器,吸收剂

shock [ʃɒk] n. 震动,打击,震惊

engine [ˈendʒɪn] n. 发动机,引擎

engine cylinder block [ˈendʒin ˈsilində blɒk ] 发动机缸体

mount [maʊnt] n. 支座,托架,底座

steer [stɪə(r)] v. 驾驶,操纵,引导,控制

wheel hub [hwi:l hʌb] n. 轮毂

chassis [ˈʃæsi:, ˈtʃæsi:] n. (车辆的)底盘

anti-collision beam [ænti:kə'lɪʒn bi:m ] 防撞梁

bumper [ˈbʌmpə(r)] n. 保险杠

support [səˈpɔ:t] v. 支持,支撑物,帮助

radiator [ˈreɪdieɪtə(r)] n. 散热器;辐射体

conservation [ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃn] n. 节约,保护,保存

environmental [ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentl] a. 环境的,

theme [θi:m] n. 主题,话题,题目,主旋律

social [ˈsəʊʃl] a. 社会的,社会上的

relevant [ˈreləvənt] a.有关的,相关的

accelerate [əkˈseləreɪt] v. 促进;加快,加速

demand [dɪˈmɑ:nd] n. 需要,需求

dioxide [daɪˈɒksaɪd] n. 二氧化物

aluminium profile[ˈprəʊfaɪl]铝型材

aluminium sheet/plate [ʃi:t /pleɪt ]铝板材

aluminum strip [strɪp] 铝带材

ABS: 汽车车身板或者防抱死制动系统

