


I wonder how many Americans go abroad every year.


That’s an interesting question, and I think I’ve talked about it before, but whatever! Let’s talk about it again.


So there’s a great website, travel [dot] trade [dot] gov, that has all kinds of information about American tourism. For example, I just went there and found information about Americans traveling abroad in 2017 (I didn’t look at 2018 because this year isn’t finished yet).


I saw that Americans went abroad 87,703,442 times last year. That number seemed really high to me, since the population of the USA last year was only 327 million, so 87 million is over a quarter of all Americans. But then I thought about it and realized that a lot of those 87 million “times” were probably the same person, like me. I think I left the USA at least twice last year.


So then I went to find out how many Americans had passports, and that was really interesting information. In 1990, only 4 percent of Americans had passports. That means that only 4 percent of Americans could even leave the country, which is amazing. But by 1997 that became 15%, by 2007 it was 27%, and now it’s 42%.


That’s a huge change, but Americans are still behind other Western countries in terms of passports. 66% of Canadians have one, and almost 76% of British people do. So Americans do love to travel, but that’s kind of a recent development.



Can you get the answer of 7 multiplied by 8 in less than 1 second? How do Americans learn math? Thanks a lot.


Hi, Horace! The answer is no, I can’t do it in 1 second. But I can do it in 2 or 3 seconds. That’s because Americans don’t focus so much on memorizing multiplication tables乘法表。They focus more on learning methods to figure out the answer to different questions.


That’s not to say we don’t ever look at multiplication tables. I remember memorizing them in primary school, but after that, nobody ever asked us about it or expected us to remember immediately what 7 times 8 is. Instead, we rely on easy ways to find the answer quickly, even if we forget the multiplication tables. For example, 8 times 5 is easy to remember, because it’s a round number, 40. 7 minus 5 is 2, so you need two more eights to know the answer to 7 times 8. Fortunately, 2 times 8 is also easy to remember: 16. So, 40+16=56, which is the answer to 7 times 8.


Now, to me, that kind of math is very easy, but you might think it sounds complicated and hard. That’s OK – lots of older Americans agree with you, because older Americans did a lot more memorization when they were in school. But these days, schools focus less on memorization and more on teaching students how to find out the answer to the problem.

那么对我来说那个方法非常容易,但是一看就可能会觉得很复杂、很难。那也OK –很多老美国人跟你同意,以为美国以前也是看重那种背乘法表的方法。可是现在,美国的学校少点玩背背背,更多是培训学生找办法回答各种不同的问题。

That way, when they see a really complicated looking problem in the future, they won’t say, “I can’t do that, because I haven’t memorized the method.” Instead, they will say, “Hey, maybe I can find out a way to do that!”



When Chinese people come across something that’s very surprising or out of their expectation, they will say, “Oh!” “Ya!” “Ah!” So, just one syllable. But when Americans come across such a situation they will say, “Oops!” So, still one syllable, but more consonants. I mean, it’s easier to say as less (little) as possible, so why (do) Americans say “oops” in such situations?


哎呀!哎呦妈呀!我勒个去!什么鬼!Andy, not everything that Chinese people say when they’re surprised is only one syllable. You’re right that shorter things are easier, but that doesn’t mean easier is always better. Sometimes you use a longer phrase to express yourself more clearly or more strongly.


As for Americans, we don’t say “oops” when we’re surprised. We say “oops” when we make a mistake. For example, if you drop something, you can quickly say, “Oops!” Or if you accidentally delete a very important file on your computer, you can slowly say, “Oooops!”


But if something happens to us in a very surprising way, we can also say, “Whoa!” “What?” “Aah!” “Ugh!” So we also have all kinds of one-syllable, easy-to-say exclamations.


One thing I’ve learned is that people everywhere are basically the same. We all get surprised, excited, and scared sometimes, and the way we express that is usually very similar. I am sure that every language in the world has a short way to say “Ah!” as well as a longer way to say “我勒个去!”



Yep! It teaches you how to find answers to all kinds of problems.



so many Americans go abroad ❗I am never go abroad, how I wish to go abroad.


Math trains the mind.

来自美国的周树华 回复 @Horace_25

Yep! It teaches you how to find answers to all kinds of problems.


Hi,请问购买树华英语大爆炸 有效期多久?

来自美国的周树华 回复 @1313528dwks


来自美国的周树华 回复 @1313528dwks

No worries! I should have answered you sooner anyway.

1313528dwks 回复 @1313528dwks

Sorry,noted your below answer,thank you.


Hi.good morning,Could you please tell me how long I can learn on this program if I buy it?

来自美国的周树华 回复 @1313528dwks

You can listen to it forever! There will be 180 episodes, and after you buy it, you can always listen to it.



简介:Joshua Ogden-Davis 周树华,“不看脸不知道是外国人”的中国通,来自美国得克赛斯州。●畅销书《与老外交朋友》联合作者●曾北京知名公关公司高级总监●曾李阳疯狂英语全国外教总监●曾疯狂英语杂志外箱编辑●线上娱乐教育英语交流名师●双语主持人●跨文化交流专家2010年搬到中国的时候,一句汉语都不会说。通过自学,3年以内已经进入了全中文的工作和生活环境。现在,树华用最流利的中文和英文带你搞定跨文化交流能力和深入了解中西文化差异!