LeBron James Speech

2022-10-06 18:20:0705:06 114

it is a pleasure to have LeBron James in
the game how do you get geared up for

another season after the one you just
had it's a feeling that that's

undescribable to be able to want a
championship and to be able to go in the

locker room and celebrate with your
teammates and everyone that puts so much

into the effort to do it and that's part
of my motivation and get get that

feeling back so how do you stay
motivated and you do both off the court

and on the court um well I'm in a
position where I can be the best I can

be each and every night I have a
organization I have a team I have great

you know coaches around me that that can
put ourselves in a position to be the

best each and every year and then
personally I hold myself up to a

standard higher than anyone so that
keeps me going as well when did you know

I'm gonna play in there being no I'm not
dream about it it's going to happen I

will say I've really started to open my
eyes when I was in eighth grade we
played in a tournament and in Orlando it

was the national tournament and we were
kid kids from Northeast Ohio from Akron

and we got always a championship we lost
in the championship by one point but we

made a statement in that tournament that
no one thought we could do and I was

like okay I love something going here
maybe my dream can't become a reality

let's just let's just know to stay
focused but talk about how it helped you

not just as a world-class basketball
player but being an athlete how it

helped you be the person that you are
today um it helped me tremendously being
an athlete and being around basketball

helped mold me to Who I am today the
friendships and the Brotherhood that had

created the love - I think when you play
sports and you're committed to something

- commitment the responsibility of
showing up to practice on time - being

there for your teammates to listening to
your coaches it's
responsibilities that you have when

you're playing with a group that you
have to hold you're in in a bargain and
uh you know shape meter to who I'm day

you were your role models because you
know we were up there in the classroom

and the kids their eyes get really big
and they and you know they look up to

you for various reasons who did you look
up oh my mother was definitely number

one on my list she's everything to me no
matter what I was going through she

always kind of kept the outside away
from me and I have no idea how she did

it it was amazing
she was 16 when she was pregnant with me

you know she'd sophomore high school so
you know as a kid you understand but
when you grow up and become a man or a

woman you have your own family you look
back on sa wow wow yeah and you do have

your own family now you want your kids
to play be involved in sports they are

now and it was a choice it airs on your
own you know an obviously they come

watch your dad play they love sports but
I'm gonna be there as a father to

support them and if it's something do
they want to do then I will be there

support them just the expectation
yello-ha you on your low a little bit

little fan setting a bar a little high
we ask we go on espnW and we ask um

Facebook and Twitter some questions this
is from Matt and he asked if you were

not a professional athlete what would
you be doing right now as far as a job

not a job uh it would have to be
something in the community you know I've

always kind of enjoyed being around kids
it's part of our job to be there for

these kids to be able to share light on
darkness to be able to give these kids

an opportunity to possibly make their
dreams become a reality and for me
personally I can hold my end of the

this one is from Marcus this is this is

good to do you do you see the access
fans and especially sports media get

with today's players have either hurt
helped or a mixture of both for the

world of sports well I think in my case
and the guys that I'm around it's helped I
think social media has done a great job

of allowing our fans to have more of a
connection with the sports figures that

they love and you know because it's not
realistic for us to touch every fan that

we get that loves us and we wish we
could but it's not realistic but the

simple fact that you can go sent out a
tweet and tell your friends what you're

doing it allows them to feel like
they're human they're accessible I've

tried to use it to the best way I can to
let my fans know hey I'm I don't take

you guys love support for granted Thank
You LeBron thank you very much





果酱英语(Jam Jam English)



Jam in Shy-Jam in Shy 卷米烧

