Health 主题 cut sugar content 重新录制

2018-12-17 07:27:0901:25 78

Food manufacturers and retailers have already been told to cut /sugar content by a fifth by 2020. It's not compulsory, but there were strong hints from ministers when the Childhood Obesity Strategy was unveiled last year /that if the industry didn't comply, there would be legislation.

Now the same approach/ is to be adopted for calorie content in manufactured products (已加工好的产品)/including ready meals, pizzas, curries, savoury snacks(可口的小吃)and sandwiches.

This could meansmaller portions/ or reducing high calorie ingredients. No figures have yet been announced. Public Health England says / reducing calorie consumption from sources other than sugar is critical to reversing the obesity trend.

Officials say /salt content /has already been cut by food manufacturers in line with official targets. But the National Obesity Forum/ says there was next to nothing to show for the government'slast twelve months of work, and that was a serious disappointment.

