2021-11-08 23:28:4904:32 217

so many people out there fell not

because they don't have the ability it's
because they don't have the heart to go

through adversity the world ain't all
sunshine and rainbows it's a very mean

and nasty place and I don't care how
tough you are it will beat you to your

knees and keep you there permanently if
you let it you'll go through some

failures when you're in that darkness
you want to sit there and wait for the
light to come but you can't wait the

only way out is to step forward to face
your fears

to become your own light there's gonna
be a lot of times y'all about to fail we

are all a work in progress but in that
moment I want you to remember the power

of you you will change the world even
when you're struggling even when you're

discouraged and you feel like other
people have given up on you don't ever

give up on yourself the indomitable will
if you have a belief you can do

something the only way you grow that
like in the gym you grow your muscles by

actually exercise him to grow the
individual will to become something you

must get comfortable with fear and
failure they must be your best friends

they're the only one that moves that
needle of life every hero you guys had

was called an idiot crazy a loser you
must break society status quo status quo

is normality it's alive but not living
its death wanna stick guys

belief of the individual overrides
thousands of people with just in 10

safety comfort zones are dead zones we
have to continue to push yourself

because your true potential will never
be matched guys nobody is gonna hit as
hard as life but it ain't about how hard

you hit it's about how hard you can get
hit and keep moving forward how much you

can take and keep moving forward now if
you know what you're worth I'm glad I

tell what you're worth but you gotta be
willing to take the heads the future

rewards those who press on with patience
and firm determination and the press off

I don't have time to feel sorry for
myself I don't have time to complain

we've got work to do what's your why
what motivates you what pushes you what

drives you and if that bidding is
returnable if nobody has to call you if

nobody has to prod you and nobody has to
reward you

and nobody has to give you anything if
you are self-motivated and sound

regulated you can have it you can be you
can do it take ownership take extreme

ownership don't make excuses don't blame
any other person or any other thing get

control of your ego take ownership of
everything in your world so good and the

back take ownership of your mistakes
take ownership of your shortfalls take

ownership of your problems and then take
ownership of the solutions that will get

those problems solved take ownership of
your mission

take ownership of your job of your team
of your future
ownership of your life

to victory
possible you can live your dream it's

necessary that you have a plan of action
that you're resilient that you stick to

and you'll work with the system that you
have the vision and never give up that

you become creative and relentless and
keep on coming back again and again and

again and that it's you that you gotta
take personal responsibility to make it

happen and that it's hard easy is not an
option when life knocks you down jump

back up the chat it's not over until I


i can sing i can read 2



An I Can Read

