Experience of traveling abroad

2018-12-20 09:55:2702:30 1602

P: Hi, Jason. How is it going?

J: Not bad.I’ve just finished a business trip.

P: Yeah. I heard you’d been to Europe, right?

J: Yes,I went to the UK, and I’ve been there for a week.

P: That sounds wonderful.

J: Uh…actually,I’ve been to UK twice.

P: Really? I’ve never heard of that. Would you like to share your experiences?

J: No problem.The first time when I went to UK was 7 years ago for further study. I’ve stayed there for almost one year, and I got my Master Degree.

P: It’s great. That’s why you’re very familiar with Shakespeare, for you must watch his dramas very often when you studied in Britain.

J: Yeah, our school is going to arrange the drama for public on each weekend. But I prefer the British rock and roll.

P: I know. So have you traveled in Britain? I know that views in UK are very nice.

J: Yes. When I went to UK the second time,I got a honeymoon journey to Scotland.There were numerous mountains, forests and even old castles in Scotland.There was the heavy snow in early winter for the temperature got colder than England.When it began to snow, you’re able to see the dark green mountains got white through a whole night.

P: That’s so attractive. I’d love to go there for vacation.

J: Certainly. So have you been abroad before?

P: Yes. I have been to Thailand for my graduate journey.

J: I’ve known little about Thailand. Is that interesting?

P: Yes, I love swimming very much, and I enjoy the beach. I used to travel to the tropic areas near the sea like Philippine, and Vietnam. And the seas and beaches in Thailand are wonderful. They seem to be like the paradise.

J:I love the seas as well, for I used to live with my grandparents whose house was close to the sea.

P: Yes. And I enjoy walking on the beach after tide ebbs. There are many creatures such as crabs, shells and kelps. Do you like the tropics?

J: Well, not at all, for it‘s too hot.I still like traveling in countries with long history like European countries.

P: I’ve never been to Europe yet. I am going to travel on this Spring Festival.

J: Ok, I would help you to make a plan.

P: Thank you so much Jason.

Learning Points:

1. Master Degree 硕士学位

Bachelor's Degree 学士学位 Doctor’s Degree博士学位

2. rock and roll 摇滚乐

Blues布鲁斯蓝调音乐 Pop music流行乐 Jazz爵士乐

Orchestral music /ɔː'kestr(ə)l/ 管弦乐 Funk重金属音乐

3. honeymoon journey 蜜月之旅

4. numerous /'njuːm(ə)rəs/ adj. 许多的,很多的。

英文释义:If people or things are numerous, they exist or are present in large numbers.

常用搭配:numerous absence多次缺席 numerous mistakes谬误百出

numerous information海量信息numerous desire 许多的愿望

5. attractive /ə'træktɪv/ adj. 吸引的,有吸引力的,诱人的,引起注意的

英文释义:1. A person who is attractive is pleasant to look at. 有魅力的

2. Something that is attractive has a pleasant appearance or sound.


常用搭配:attractive appearance造型美观attractive and durable美观耐用

attractive designs款式新颖,款式新奇

6. tropic area热带地区

temperate zone温带地区 frigid zone寒带地区

7. tide ebb落潮

tide ebb and rising潮来潮去 Every tide has its ebb. 潮涨必有潮落时

8. kelp /kelp/ n. (uncountable) 海藻,海草灰,巨藻

英文释义:Kelp is a type of flat brown seaweed.大型褐藻.

常用搭配:kelp powder海藻粉 kelp farm 海藻养殖场

Kelp salad凉拌海带丝 kelp products海藻产品



