Part 6 Chapter 2 表达观点态度_Unit 3 一般词汇

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apparent [əˈpærənt]
【释】a. 显然的,清晰可见的(clear or manifest)
【例】It was soon apparent to the audience that our team was winning the match. 观众很快就看出来我们队将会赢得比赛。
argue [ˈɑːɡjuː]
【释】v. 争论,争辩(to express an opposite opinion, to give reasons for or against something)
【用】argue against...on 在…(问题)上与…争辩
【例】Bernie argued for the proposed tax cuts. 伯尼为减税的提议辩论。
assay [əˈseɪ]
【释】v. 评价,估价(to evaluate)
【例】The professors held a conference to assay Lu Xun's literary impacts. 教授们开会评估鲁迅的文学影响。
assess [əˈses]
【释】v. 评定,估价(to carefully consider a situation, person, or problem in order to make a judgment)
【用】assess at 将…评定为(某数额)
【例】They are assessing Bill's house. 他们在评估比尔的房子。
assume [əˈsjuːm]
【释】v. 假定,假设(to pretend to have or be)
【用】assume to be/do 假定…是/做
【例】If the package is wrapped well, we assume the contents are also wonderful. 如果包装精美,我们会假设里面的东西也很不错。
baffle [ˈbæfl]
【释】v. 使困惑,难倒(to defeat by confusing or puzzling)
【例】The odd noises and flashes of light in the empty house completely baffled Eric. 这所空房子里的奇怪噪音和闪烁的灯光完全迷惑了埃里克。
belief [bɪˈliːf]
【释】n. 信念,信仰(a strong feeling that something is true or real)
【例】My mother holds the belief deeply that everything will come out fine in the end. 我妈妈深信,最后一切都会变好。
【析】belief, faith, credit和reliance都有“相信,信任”的意思。belief意为“信任,信仰”,使用范围较广,指“人们心目中认可、相信的事物”,尤其指“宗教信仰”,常与have, hold, maintain, lose等动词连用,后跟介词in,表示“相信”;faith意为“信任,信心,信念”,表示“绝对地、毫无疑虑地接受某事”,常与动词have, put, lose, lack连用,后跟介词in;credit意为“信誉,信用”,指“对某事物真实性的信任或信心”,常和place, put, have, enjoy等动词连用,后跟介词with或in;reliance意为“信赖,依靠”,指“对被依赖者所产生的信任”,常与place, have, put等动词连用,后跟介词on。
bewilder [bɪˈwɪldə(r)]
【释】v. 使迷惑;使难住(to make someone feel confused)
【例】The silence from Alex hurt and bewildered her. 亚利克斯的沉默伤害了她,还令她不知所措。
characterise [ˈkærəktəraɪz]
【释】v. 描绘(人或物的特性),描述(to describe or show the qualities of someone or something in a particular way)
【用】 将…(的特点)描述成
【例】Shakespeare characterises Richard Ⅲ as an evil king. 莎士比亚把理查三世描绘成一个邪恶的国王。
comfort [ˈkʌmfət]
【释】v. 安慰(to make someone feel less sad, worried, or disappointed)
【例】I tried to comfort Joanna after she failed the examination. 乔安娜考试没及格,我试图安慰她。
confuse [kənˈfjuːz]
【释】v. 打乱,(使)迷惑(to make someone unable to think clearly)
【用】confuse...with 把…与…相混淆
【例】They confused their teacher for they have the same name. 他们两人的名字相同,让老师很迷惑。
console [kənˈsəʊl]
【释】v. 安慰,抚慰(to try to make someone feel better when they are unhappy or disappointed)
【用】console...for/on 在…(问题上)安慰
【例】After his house was destroyed by the flood, Alan consoled himself with the thought that it might have been worse. 艾伦的房子被大水冲毁了,他却安慰自己说情况本可能会更糟。
conspicuous [kənˈspɪkjuəs]
【释】a. 显著的(very noticeable or easy to see, especially because of being unusual or different)
【用】be conspicuous for 因…惹人注目
【例】Polly might have felt less conspicuous if there had been other women. 如果还有其他女士,波莉可能就不会觉得自己这么显眼了。
debate [dɪˈbeɪt]
【释】v. 辩论,讨论(to discuss something formally before making a decision)
【用】debate about/on 对…进行辩论
【例】They debated for hours on the merits of the different systems. 他们就不同体系的优点辩论了数小时。
deliberate [dɪˈlɪbərət]
【释】v. 商讨(to think about or discuss something very carefully, especially before you make an important decision)
【用】deliberate on 仔细研究,审议
【例】The jury deliberated for several hours before bringing in a verdict. 陪审团在得出结论之前商讨了几个小时。
depict [dɪˈpɪkt]
【释】v. 描绘,描述(to describe someone or something using words or pictures)
【用】 将…描述为
【例】The novel depicts the hero as a cynical opportunist. 小说把主人公描绘成一个玩世不恭的投机主义者。
disorient [dɪsˈɔːriənt]
【释】v. 使迷失方位;使迷惑(to make someone confused about where they are; to make someone unable to think clearly)
【例】The strange streets disoriented him. 奇怪的街道让他迷失了方向。
distinct [dɪˈstɪŋkt]
【释】a. 清楚的,明显的(easily or clearly heard, seen, felt etc.)
【例】There was a distinct note of annoyance in Mary's reply. 从玛丽的回答中可以听出明显的不耐烦。
estimate [ˈestɪmət]
【释】v. 估计,估量(to form an idea of the cost, value, size etc. of something, but without calculating it exactly)
【用】 估计…为
【例】We estimated that it would take three months to finish the work. 我们估计完成这项工作要花三个月。
evaluate [ɪˈvæljueɪt]
【释】v. 评价,估计(to think carefully about something before making a judgment about its value, importance, or quality)
【例】The market situation was difficult to evaluate. 市场情况很难评估。
evident [ˈevɪdənt]
【释】a. 明显的,清楚的(clear to the vision or understanding)
【用】be evident to 对…是很明显的
【例】From the quick success of the business, it was evident that he had run it wisely. 从生意的迅速成功来看,显然他的管理方式十分明智。
feud [fjuːd]
【释】v. 长期斗争(to be involved in an angry disagreement that continues for a long time)
【用】feud with 与…长期不和
【例】The two countries have long feuded over the ownership of this island. 这两个国家常年为这个岛的归属权而争斗。
fit [fɪt]
【释】v. 相一致,符合(to be the truth or the same as what someone describes or asks for)
【用】fit with 与…相符
【例】Your observations fit the theory nicely. 你的观察结果与该理论完全符合。
gauge [ɡeɪdʒ]
【释】v. 评估(to make a judgment or guess about a situation, action, or person)
【例】One's mood can be gauged by his reaction to the most trivial incidents. 对最琐碎的事情的反应可以用来评估一个人的情绪。
idea [aɪˈdɪə]
【释】n. 想法,主意(a plan, thought or suggestion, especially about what to do in a particular situation)
【用】get the idea that... 形成…的印象
indefinite [ɪnˈdefɪnət]
【释】a. 不清楚的,不明确的(not clear)
【例】He gave Jim an indefinite answer. 他给了吉姆一个不明确的答复。
insight [ˈɪnsaɪt]
【释】n. 洞察力,洞悉(the power or act of seeing into a situation)
【用】have an insight into 了解,洞悉

【例】I never questioned my grandpa's insight. 我从没质疑过爷爷的洞察力。
match [mætʃ]
【释】v. 和…相配,和…相称(if one thing matches another or they match, they form an attractive combination)
【用】match up 相配
【例】The government has adopted a new foreign policy that matches today's realities. 政府采取了适合当今实际情况的新外交政策。
mystify [ˈmɪstɪfaɪ]
【释】v. 使(某人)困惑不解;使迷惑(to make someone confused through lack of understanding)
【例】The magician's tricks mystified the audience. 魔术师的花招令观众们迷惑不解。
noticeable [ˈnəʊtɪsəbl]
【释】a. 明显的(easy to see, hear, or feel)
【用】noticeable change 明显的变化
【例】There has been a noticeable improvement in her health. 她的健康状况有了明显的好转。
notion [ˈnəʊʃn]
【释】n. 想法,看法(an idea or understanding of something)
【用】have no notion of 完全不明白
【例】Mike's naive notions about politics surprised his friends. 迈克天真的政治观让朋友们很吃惊。
【析】notion, concept, idea和opinion都有“概念,想法”之意,区别在于:notion表示“模糊的想法或印象”,有“随意性”和“不成熟性”的含义,如:She had only a vague notion of what she wanted to do.(对于自己想做什么,她只有一个模糊的想法。) concept指“一个事物的各个具体部分和特点结合在一起形成的一种抽象概念”,从广义上可以指“大众对某一事物的一般概念”,如:The soul is a religious concept.(灵魂是一个宗教上的概念。)idea较常用,指“大脑思维的任何一个方面和任何一部分活动的概念”,它可以代替这组词中的其他词;opinion则可以指从“个人见解”到“权威判断”的所有概念。
obscure [əbˈskjʊə(r)]
【释】a. 模糊的(not clearly expressed or not easy to understand)
【例】The rules for the competition are more or less obscure. 比赛的规则多少有点模糊。
【析】faint, indefinite和obscure词义相似,注意不要混淆:faint的意思是“模糊的,隐约的”,指“看不清楚、听不清楚或闻不清楚的”,如:the faint light of dawn(黎明昏暗的光);indefinite意为“不确定的,含糊的”,强调“不明确”,如:an indefinite answer(含糊不清的答案);obscure的意思是“费解的,模糊的,晦涩的”,强调“不易理解”,如:an obscure poem(晦涩难懂的诗)。
observable [əbˈzɜːvəbl]
【释】a. 看得见的,显著的(capable to be seen or noticed)
【例】There was no observable change in three days. 三天以来都没有什么明显的变化。
obvious [ˈɒbviəs]
【释】a. 显而易见的(easily seen, recognised or understood; clear)
【例】The most obvious explanation is not always the correct one. 最显而易见的解释并不总是正确的。
perceivable [pəˈsiːvəbl]
【释】a. 可察觉的,可感知的(capable of being perceived, especially by sight or hearing)
【例】The condition was not perceivable by the senses. 那种情况不是凭感觉就能察觉的。
perplex [pəˈpleks]
【释】v. 使(某人)困惑(to make unable to grasp something clearly or to think logically about something)
【例】Rosie was perplexed by Tom's refusal to tell her where he was going. 汤姆不肯告诉罗茜自己要去哪里,这令罗茜很困惑。
picture [ˈpɪktʃə(r)]
【释】v. (生动地)描绘,描述(to describe vividly in words or make a verbal picture of)
【用】 将…描绘成;把…想象为
【例】It was hard to picture him as a responsible husband and father. 很难想象,他是一位有责任感的丈夫和父亲。
plain [pleɪn]
【释】a. 清晰的,明白的(clear)
【用】in plain English 说得明白点;make oneself plain 表达清楚,明确说明
【例】The message was short, but the meaning was plain enough. 这条消息很短,但意思很清楚。
presume [prɪˈzjuːm]
【释】v. 假定,认为(to think something is true because it is likely, although you cannot be certain)
【例】The missing person is presumed dead. 失踪者被认定已经死亡。
puzzle [ˈpʌzl]
【释】v.(使)迷惑,(使)为难 (to make someone worry and think hard, by being difficult to understand)
【用】puzzle over 苦苦思索
【例】The boy was puzzled by his neighbour's odd looks. 邻居奇怪的表情让那个男孩感到困惑。
quarrel [ˈkwɒrəl]
【释】n./v. 争吵,争论(to have an argument)
【用】quarrel about/over 因为…而争吵;quarrel with 和…吵架
【例】We quarrelled over something silly yesterday. 我们昨晚因为一件蠢事而争吵。
rate [reɪt]
【释】v. 对…估价,评估(to consider that someone or something has a particular quality or has achieved a particular standard or level)
【用】 把…评估为
【例】My car was rated at only 3000 dollars. 我的车估价只有3000美元。
reassure [ˌriːəˈʃʊə(r)]
【释】v. 使…安心,安慰(to make someone feel less worried about something)
【用】reassure...about 使某人在…(问题上)安心
【例】Rebecca just reassured me that everything was fine. 丽贝卡安慰我说一切顺利。
represent [ˌreprɪˈzent]
【释】v. 描述,描绘(to describe someone or something in a particular way, especially when this influences other people's opinions)
【用】 将…描绘成
【例】The movie represented the assassination of Kennedy as a government conspiracy. 这部电影把肯尼迪总统被暗杀的事件描述为一个政府的阴谋。
scheme [skiːm]
【释】n. 计划,方案(a plan or system for doing or organising something)
【例】The colour scheme of the newly opened restaurant was my favourite. 那家新开的餐馆的配色方案是我最喜欢的。
seeable [ˈsiːəbl]
【释】a. 看得见的,可见的(being able to be seen)
【例】The light was so weak that it wouldn't be seeable ten metres away. 灯光太暗了,在10米之外就看不见了。
theory [ˈθɪəri]
【释】n. 理论,原则,学说(an idea that you believe is true although you have no proof)
【用】in theory 理论上,按理论
【例】Vera is full of fascinating theories about men and women. 关于男人和女人,薇拉有许多有趣的理论。
thought [θɔːt]
【释】n. 想法,见解(a word, idea, or image that comes into your mind)
【用】at first thought 乍一想
【例】After much thought, Carl decided to buy a second-hand computer. 考虑了很久之后,卡尔决定买一台二手电脑。
unclear [ˌʌnˈklɪə(r)]
【释】a. 不清楚的(not obvious, definite, or easy to understand)
【用】be unclear about 对…不清楚
【例】The police said the motive for the attack was still unclear. 警方称,袭击的动机仍不清楚。
vague [veɪɡ]
【释】a. 含糊的,不明确的(not clearly or fully explained)
【用】be vague about 不了解,对…不清楚
【例】Witnesses gave only a vague description of the murderer. 对于凶手,目击者只给出了含糊的描述。
visible [ˈvɪzəbl]
【释】a. 可见的,看得见的(that can be seen)
【用】be visible to 对…可见
【例】The meadows are hardly visible from inside the house. 从房子里很难看清外面的草地。
voluntary [ˈvɒləntri]
【释】a. 非官办的,自愿的
【例】People's voluntary recycling have contributed to the country's environmental protection. 人们自发地回收利用,为国家的环保工作做出了贡献。
confound [kənˈfaʊnd]
【释】v. 使迷惑(to throw a person into confusion or surprise)
【用】confound...with 分不清…和…
【例】The patient's unusual symptoms confounded the doctor. 病人不寻常的症状令医生感到困惑。
indistinct [ˌɪndɪˈstɪŋkt]
【释】a. 不清楚的(difficult to see or hear clearly)
【例】The point of what Kirk had said was indistinct. 柯克陈述的观点不是很清楚。
perceptible [pəˈseptəbl]
【释】a. 可察觉的(capable of being perceived especially by the senses)
【用】be perceptible to 对…来说是可以感知的
【例】Tom still walks with a perceptible limp. 仍然可以察觉出汤姆走路时腿有些跛。
solace [ˈsɒləs]
【释】v. 安慰(to make someone feel better when they are sad or upset)
【例】Jessica solaced herself by playing the flute. 杰茜卡吹长笛来安慰自己。
surmise [səˈmaɪz]
【释】v. 推测,猜测(to guess or suppose something using the evidence you have, without definitely knowing)

【例】There's so little information about it that we can only surmise what happened. 由于所知甚少,我们只能推测发生过什么。
wrangle [ˈræŋɡl]
【释】v. 争吵,争辩(to argue about something for a long time, especially in an angry and unpleasant way)
【用】wrangle with...about/over 与…为…而争吵或争辩
【例】The two sides spent most of their time wrangling over procedural problems. 双方就程序上的问题争论不休。
befuddle [bɪˈfʌdl]
【释】v. 使迷惑(to make someone very confused and unable to think clearly)
【例】The writer likes to befuddle his readers with at least one unfamiliar word per article. 这个作者喜欢在每篇文章中至少用一个不常见的词汇来迷惑读者。
bicker [ˈbɪkə(r)]
【释】v. 争吵,斗嘴(to argue about things that are not important)
【用】bicker (with...) over/about 为…(与…)争吵
【例】The two women bickered constantly. 这两个女人时常斗嘴。
controvert [ˌkɒntrəˈvɜːt]
【释】v. 争论,辩论,讨论(to argue about something by reasoning)
【例】We have controverted the topic for hours. 我们讨论这个话题已有好几个小时了。
discernible [dɪˈsɜːnəbəl]
【释】a. 可识别的,可辨别的(able to be seen, noticed, or understood)
【例】A small boat was clearly discernible in the middle of the lake. 湖中央的小船清晰可见。
rebut [rɪˈbʌt]
【释】v. 辩驳,驳斥(to show or say that something is not true)
【例】The prosecutor's arguments were rebutted by the defense lawyer. 检察官的观点遭到了辩护律师的驳斥。
squabble [ˈskwɒbl]
【释】v. 口角;争吵(to argue with someone about something that is not important)
【用】squabble (with...) over/about 为…(与…)大声争吵
【例】The children were squabbling over the TV remote control. 孩子们为争抢电视遥控器而争吵。


















