Part 7 Chapter 2 属性与状态_Unit 2 状态

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abnormal [æbˈnɔːml]
【释】a. 反常的,变态的(not usual or typical)
【例】The child has an abnormal fear of strangers. 那个小孩对陌生人有一种反常的恐惧。
accidental [ˌæksɪˈdentl]
【释】a. 意外的,偶然(发生)的(happening without being planned or intended)
【例】Their accidental meeting led to a renewal of their acquaintance. 他们的意外碰面加固了他们之间的情谊。
actual [ˈæktʃuəl]
【释】a. 实际的,真实的(existing in fact; real)
【例】What David told us was not a lie, but an actual happening. 戴维告诉我们的不是谎言,而是真实发生的事。
aimless [ˈeɪmləs]
【释】a. 无目的的(without any particular purpose or plan)
【例】Peter had been adrift and aimless. 彼得一直游手好闲,无所事事。
appropriate [əˈprəʊpriət]
【释】a. 适当的(suitable or right for a particular situation or purpose)
【用】appropriate for/to 对…合适,适合
【例】This isn't the appropriate time to discuss the issue. 现在不是讨论这个问题的恰当时间。
approximate [əˈprɒksɪmət]
【释】v. 几乎相同,接近(be almost the same as)
【用】approximate to 近于,与…接近
【例】What you said approximates to the facts we already know. 你所说的和我们已经掌握的事实出入不大。
apt [æpt]
【释】a. 适当的(suitable or appropriate in the circumstances)
【例】It seemed apt that the winning goal was scored by the captain. 由队长来奉上制胜的一球似乎是很恰当的。
arbitrary [ˈɑːbɪtrəri, ˈɑːbɪtri]
【释】a. 任意的(not based on any particular plan or done for any particular reason)
【例】It was an arbitrary choice that we stopped at the first motel we passed. 我们在路过的第一家汽车旅馆停下,这是一个随意的选择。
authentic [ɔːˈθentɪk]
【释】a. 真正的,真实的(real, not false or copied; accurate or based on fact)
【用】an authentic signature 亲笔签名
【例】This is an authentic painting by Leonardo da Vinci. 这幅画是莱奥纳多•达•芬奇的真迹。
bare [beə(r)]
【释】a. 空的,几乎空的(empty or almost empty)
【用】bare of 空的,几乎空了的
【例】Jim walked into the bedroom and found it bare of furniture. 吉姆走进卧室,发现里面几乎没有任何家具。
becoming [bɪˈkʌmɪŋ]
【释】a. 合适的,相称的(appropriate or correct for you or the situation that you are in)
【例】Your becoming hair style made you more attractive. 你的发型很适合你,让你显得更加迷人。
bizarre [bɪˈzɑː(r)]
【释】a. 奇形怪状的,怪诞的(strange and difficult to explain)
【例】The game was also notable for the bizarre behaviours of the team's manager. 比赛还因球队经理的奇怪举动而著名。
blank [blæŋk]
【释】a. 空白的,空着的(without writing or printing; empty)
【用】go blank (脑子)一片空白
【例】Take a blank sheet of paper and write your name at the top. 拿一张空白的纸,在最上面写上你的名字。
border [ˈbɔːdə(r)]
【释】n. 边缘,边界(an outer part or edge)
【用】on the border of 在…的边缘
【例】Rushes grew on the borders of the lake. 灯心草长在湖边。
【析】border, edge和margin在考试时常被放在一起考查,都有“边缘,边缘部分”的意思。border常指“边界,国境”;edge常指“某物一边的边线、平面的交界线等很窄的边缘”,引申为“处于不同性质或状态间的界限”;margin通常指“较宽的边”,像书页旁边的空白,比喻意为“余地”,有时也指“利润”。
case [keɪs]
【释】n. 情况,事实(a situation or set of conditions, especially one involving a particular person or thing)
【用】if that's the case 如果是那样的话
【例】This was the case in the past, but now lifestyle is changing rapidly. 这是过去的情况,现在生活方式变得很快。
casual [ˈkæʒuəl]
【释】a. 随便的(relaxed and informal)
【用】casual wear 便装
【例】Our long friendship began with a casual meeting at a party. 我们长久的友谊是从一次聚会上的偶然相遇开始的。
ceaseless [ˈsiːsləs]
【释】a. 不停的,不断的(continuing without stopping)
【例】I was tired of our ceaseless quarrel. 我对我们无休止的争吵感到厌烦。
circumstance [ˈsɜːkəmstəns]
【释】n. 境况,情况(the facts or conditions that affect a situation)
【用】under/in...circumstances 在…的环境或情况下;not under/in any circumstances 无论怎样都不
【例】They investigated the circumstances surrounding the child's deathplace. 他们调查了这个孩子死亡地点的周边环境。
【析】case, circumstance, situation和state都有“情况,状况”的意思。case指“一系列的情况或事件的一种状态”;circumstance侧重指“事物或动作发生时的情形、状况”;situation侧重指“特定地点、时间或特定事件中的状况”,也可指“环境状态”;state泛指“人或物的存在状态或状况”以及“人的精神状态”。
comparable [ˈkɒmpərəbl]
【释】a. (with, to) 可比较的,类似的(capable of or suitable for comparison)
【用】be comparable with/to 与…相似
【例】There is no basketball player who is comparable to Jordan. 没有一个篮球运动员可以和乔丹相提并论。
compulsory [kəmˈpʌlsəri]
【释】a. 强制性的(mandatory or enforced)
【例】Wearing school uniform is no longer compulsory now. 如今穿校服已经不再是强制性的要求了。
condition [kənˈdɪʃn]
【释】n. 情形,状况(the situation or environment in which something happens or exists)
【用】in poor condition 破旧不堪
【例】The criminal complained bitterly about the prison conditions. 罪犯痛苦地抱怨监狱的条件。
considerable [kənˈsɪdərəbl]
【释】a. 相当大(或多)的(large in size, amount, or degree)
【例】Bill earned a considerable amount of money during his lifetime. 比尔一生赚了一大笔钱。
【析】considerable, enormous, numerous和 significant的词义有相似之处,考试中曾多次考查,需要注意的是:considerable意为“相当大或相当多的”,指“大小、范围、数量或程度大的”;enormous“超乎寻常的大”,一般用来修饰大小、尺寸、程度;numerous意为“众多,许多”,指“数量大的”;significant意为“相当数量的;意义重大的”,强调“数量大,有重要影响”。
constant [ˈkɒnstənt]
【释】a. 持续的,不变的(continuous or regular over a long period of time)
【例】The pollution problem has been a constant source of concern for us. 污染问题一直以来都令我们担忧。
【析】constant, continual和continuous都表示“不断的;持久不变的”。constant强调事件发生的稳定性和持续性,如:a constant stream of visitors(持续不断的参观人流);continual强调动作的重复发生,还常有“令人厌烦的”之意,如:continual rain(持续的雨);continuous指“连续的,持续的”,侧重指“时间、物质、广度上没有间断”,如:We had five continuous hours of meetings.(我们连续开了五个小时的会。)
depart [dɪˈpɑːt]
【释】v. 死亡(to die)
【例】Bernard departed his life in the winter of 1973. 伯纳德于1973年的冬天离开人世。
die [daɪ]
【释】v. 死,死亡(to stop being alive)
【用】die of 死于(疾病);die from 死于(疾病以外的原因)
【例】Helen's grandfather died of cancer. 海伦的祖父死于癌症。
disappear [ˌdɪsəˈpɪə(r)]
【释】v. 不见,消失(to pass out of sight)
【用】disappear from 从…消失
【例】The airliner disappeared from the radar. 这架飞机从雷达上消失了。
disperse [dɪˈspɜːs]
【释】v. 分散,散开(to separate and go in different directions)
【例】The police dispersed the crowd. 警方让围观群众散开。
dissipate [ˈdɪsɪpeɪt]
【释】v.(使)驱散;耗尽(to gradually disappear by becoming less strong)
【例】Carl opened the window to dissipate the heat. 卡尔打开窗户以驱散热气。

distant [ˈdɪstənt]
【释】a. 在远处的,久远的(situated at a great distance; far apart in time)
【用】in the distant past/future 在遥远的过去/将来;distant memory 久远的记忆
【例】Bill's eyes scanned the distant hills. 比尔的眼睛扫过远方的山峰。
distinct [dɪˈstɪŋkt]
【释】a. 有区别的,不同的(separate and different in a way that is clear)
【用】distinct from 与…不同
【例】They were classified into two distinct groups. 它们被分成两个截然不同的群体。
diverse [daɪˈvɜːs]
【释】a. 不同的,多样的(very different from each other)
【例】The magazine aims to cover a diverse range of issues. 这本杂志旨在涵盖多个不同种类的话题。
edge [edʒ]
【释】n. 边,边缘(the line where an object or area begins or ends)
【用】on the edge of 在…的边缘
【例】Victoria was sitting on the edge of the cliff. 维多利亚当时正坐在悬崖边上。
endless [ˈendləs]
【释】a. 无止境的,没完没了的(seeming to have no end or limit)
【例】They asked endless questions about my personal matters. 他们没完没了地询问关于我私生活的问题。
endure [ɪnˈdjʊə(r)]
【释】v. 维持,持续(to last for a long time)
【例】The Forbidden City has endured for centuries. 紫禁城已经存在了好几个世纪。
equal [ˈiːkwəl]
【释】v. 等于,比得上(to be the same in value or amount as something else)
【例】Jack equals me in strength but not in intelligence. 杰克的力量跟我不相上下,但智力不如我。
equivalent [ɪˈkwɪvələnt]
【释】a. 相同的,相当的(equal in force, amount, or value)
【用】be equivalent to 与…相等的、等价的或等值的
【例】There was a decrease of 10% in property investment compared with the equivalent period in the last year. 与去年同期相比,今年在房地产方面的投资减少了10%。
eternal [ɪˈtɜːnl]
【释】a. 永恒的,永久的(continuing forever or for a very long time)
【用】the eternal verities 永恒的真理
【例】The minister spoke of the soul's eternal life. 牧师谈及灵魂的永生。
exhaust [ɪɡˈzɔːst]
【释】v. 用尽,耗尽(to consume entirely)
【例】The expedition was forced to turn back when it exhausted its food supply. 探险队因耗尽了食物而被迫返回。
expire [ɪkˈspaɪə(r)]
【释】v. 断气,去世(to breathe one's last breath; to die)
【例】The old man expired at the moment that he was making his testament. 老人在留遗嘱时咽气了。
fairly [ˈfeəli]
【释】ad. 相当地(rather)
faraway [ˈfɑːrəweɪ]
【释】a. 遥远的,久远的(far from a particular place; happening a long time before or after the present time)
【例】Dick went to a faraway island where people live on wheat. 迪克去了一个遥远的岛,那里的人们依靠小麦生活。
far-off [ˈfɑːr-ɒf]
【释】a. 遥远的,久远的(far away in space; happening a long time before or after the present time)
【例】In those far-off days of our youth, we were always very happy. 在我们远去的青春岁月里,我们总是那么开心。
fatigue [fəˈtiːɡ]
【释】n./v. 疲劳,劳累
【例】The old man can't bear the fatigue of a long journey. 这位老人无法忍受长途旅行的疲劳。
fitting [ˈfɪtɪŋ]
【释】a. 适合的,恰当的(appropriate for a particular situation)
【例】The dinner was a fitting end to Carter's 25 years in the company. 这场晚宴作为卡特在这家公司供职25年的终结十分恰当。
fleet [fliːt]
【释】a. 快速的,敏捷的(fast, light and quick in moving)
【例】Nicholas is fleet of foot. 尼古拉斯健步如飞。
flock [flɒk]
【释】n.(鸟、兽等的)一群(a group of birds, sheep, or goats)
【用】a flock of 一群
former [ˈfɔːmə(r)]
【释】a. 以前的,前者的(of an earlier period or time; being the first mentioned of two things or people)
【用】a shadow of one's former self 已不再有从前的力量或影响
【例】The owner of this castle is Mr. Smith, while the former owner was Mr. Johnson. 城堡现在的主人是史密斯先生,之前的主人是约翰逊先生。
funny [ˈfʌni]
【释】a. 稀奇的,古怪的(strange or unusual)
【例】It's funny how love can come and go. 爱情可以说来就来,说走就走,这是一件多么稀奇的事情。
genuine [ˈdʒenjuɪn]
【释】a. 真正的(real, rather than pretended or false)
【用】genuine article 货真价实的物品
【例】This ring was made of genuine silver unmixed with base metal. 这个戒指是真正的纯银制品,不是用基底金属镀银制成的。
【析】genuine, actual, real和true词义相近,含义略有不同:genuine是普通用词,指“真正的,货真价实的”,强调“不是人为的或虚假的”;actual的意思是“实际的,真实的”,强调“事物在现实中存在而非主观臆造的”;real的含义比较广,通常强调“实际上存在而非想象的”,有时可与actual和genuine换用;true则指“实际情况与标准相符的”,而且经常用于口语。
hasty [ˈheɪsti]
【释】a. 急速的,匆忙的(said, made or done in a hurry, especially when this has had results)
【用】be hasty in doing/to do 草率或仓促地进行
【例】After the hasty meal, men had moved forward to take up their positions. 匆匆吃过饭后,人们又开始各司其职。
herd [hɜːd]
【释】n. 兽群(a large group of animals of the same type)
【用】herds of 成群的
【例】A herd of elephants thundered across the plains. 一群大象的吼叫声响彻平原。
hold out
【释】继续,坚持(to continue to be enough or continue to exist)
【例】Can you hold out just a little longer? 你能再坚持一会吗?
hollow [ˈhɒləʊ]
【释】a. 空的,中空的(empty inside)
【用】ring hollow(话语、文章等)空洞而缺乏诚意;beat...hollow 彻底击败
【例】These chocolate candies are all hollow. 这些巧克力糖果都是空心的。
imaginable [ɪˈmædʒɪnəbl]
【释】a. 可想象得到的,可能的(possible to imagine)
【例】This is the only imaginable solution. 这是唯一可以想到的解决方法。
imperative [ɪmˈperətɪv]
【释】a. 必要的(extremely important and urgent)
【例】Long-term investing is risky, and careful planning is imperative. 长线投资有风险,有必要做好周密的计划。
infinite [ˈɪnfɪnət]
【释】a. 无限的,无穷的(very great, and seeming to have no limit)
【例】She is a good teacher with infinite patience. 她是个非常有耐心的好老师。
innumerable [ɪˈnjuːmərəbl]
【释】a. 无数的(too many to be counted, used for emphasising a large amount or number)
【例】There are innumerable examples of his generous nature. 有无数的实例可以证明他慷慨大方的性情。
keep on
【释】继续(to continue doing something)
【例】Although the weather is bad, we’ll keep on heading for that mountain. 尽管天气不好,但我们还要继续向山顶攀登。
last [lɑːst]
【释】v. 持续,维持(to continue existing or happening for or until a particular time)
【用】last out 持续,支持下去
likely [ˈlaɪkli]
【释】a. 可能的,有希望的(possessing the qualities or characteristics that make something probable)
margin [ˈmɑːdʒɪn]
【释】n. 边,边缘(the edge of a place or thing)
【用】margin of …的边缘
【例】The Andes runs along the western margin of South America. 安第斯山脉纵贯南美洲的西部。
mess up
【例】Who messed up my clean bedroom? 谁把我干净的卧室弄乱了?
miniature [ˈmɪnətʃə(r)]
【释】a. 小型的,微小的(much smaller than things of the same kind)
【例】This miniature camera has very bright colour. 这个微型照相机有着十分鲜艳的颜色。
minute [ˈmɪnɪt]
【释】a. 微细的,极少的(exceptionally small)
【例】My apartment is quite minute. 我的公寓很小。
mob [mɒb]
【释】n.(盗贼等的)一群(a large crowd of people that is dangerous or difficult to control)
【用】a mob of 一群;mobs of 大量的

【例】A mob of reporters were waiting outside the courthouse. 一群记者在法庭外等候。
muss up
【例】Tom mussed up the boy's hair. 汤姆把男孩的头发弄乱了。
noble [ˈnəʊbl]
【释】a. 卓越的,光辉的(possessing very high or excellent qualities or properties or very good or excellent)
【例】This is a noble poem in the history of literature. 这是文学史上一首卓越的诗歌。
numberless [ˈnʌmbələs]
【释】a. 无数的(too many to be counted)
【例】There are numberless stars in the sky. 天上有无数颗星星。
numerous [ˈnjuːmərəs]
【释】a. 许多的,无数的(existing in large numbers)
【例】Justin had numerous other duties apart from teaching. 除了教书以外,贾斯廷还有许多其他职责。
odd [ɒd]
【释】a. 奇特的,古怪的(unusual or unexpected in a way that attracts your interest or attention)
【用】an odd fish 古怪的家伙
【例】It was odd that Paula had never left the village. 奇怪的是保拉从来没有离开过这个村庄。
pack [pæk]
【释】n. 兽群(a group of wild animals that live and hunt together)
【用】a pack of 一群
【例】Wolves hunt in packs. 狼成群觅食。
parallel [ˈpærəlel]
【释】v. 与…相当,比得上(to be equal to something else)
【例】Your experience paralleled mine. 你的经历和我的很相像。
pass away
【释】去世(to die)
【例】Edward passed away in his sleep at the age of eighty-four. 爱德华在睡梦之中离开了人世,享年84岁。
past [pɑːst]
【释】a. 以前的,过去的(happening or existing at any earlier time)
【例】These old ladies can never forget the past sufferings. 这些老妇人永远不会忘记过去受过的苦。
pay out
【例】My father has paid out a lot of money on repairing our house. 父亲在修理房子上花了很多钱。
peaceful [ˈpiːsfl]
【释】a. 安静的,宁静的(calm and free from disturbance)
【例】The children look so peaceful when they are sleeping. 当孩子们睡觉时,看起来很平静。
persist [pəˈsɪst]
【释】v. 持续(to continue to do or say something in a determined way)
【用】persist with 不畏困难继续做
【例】The hostilities between the two families have persisted for years. 这两个家族间的敌意持续了好多年。
petty [ˈpeti]
【释】a. 琐碎的,不重要的(having little or no importance or significance)
【例】The meeting degenerated into petty squabbling. 会议沦为了为小事的争吵。
plentiful [ˈplentɪfl]
【释】a. 大量的(present or available in large quantities)
【例】Here the hotel rooms were plentiful and cheap. 这家酒店的房间很多,而且很便宜。
posture [ˈpɒstʃə(r)]
【释】n. 态度;情况(the situation of something)
【例】The government has an active posture on this issue. 在这个问题上,政府采取积极的态度。
preceding [prɪˈsiːdɪŋ]
【释】a. 在前的,前面的(existing or coming immediately before someone or something else)
【例】The information we discussed yesterday is on the preceding pages. 我们昨天讨论的信息在前面的几页。
pretty [ˈprɪti]
【释】ad. 相当地,很(very, to a fair degree)
【用】pretty much/well/near 几乎
previous [ˈpriːviəs]
【释】a.(时间或顺序上)先前的,以前的(coming before in time or order)
【用】previous to 在…之前
【例】I came across Joan the previous day. 我前天碰到了琼。
prior [ˈpraɪə(r)]
【释】a. 在…之前(happening, existing, or done before a particular time)
【用】prior to 在…之前
【例】We didn't receive any notification prior to today's date. 在今天见面之前,我们没有得到任何通知。
probable [ˈprɒbəbl]
【释】a. 可能的(likely to happen or be true)
【例】It is possible but not probable that Nick will pass the examination. 尼克有可能通过考试,但把握不大。
【析】possible, probable和likely都表示“可能的”,但程度不同:possible指“客观上潜在的可能性”,一般主语不为人,常用结构有:It is possible (for sb.) to do sth.,以及It is possible+that从句;probable指“有实际依据的或逻辑上合乎情理的推测”,比possible表示的可能性要大,一般主语也不为人,常用结构有:sth. is probable以及It is probable +that从句;likely强调“表面上看来有可能”,与probable意思接近,有时可以互换,但likely常暗示“从表面迹象来判断”,常用结构有:主语(人或物) is likely to do sth.以及It is likely+that从句。
prompt [prɒmpt]
【释】a. 急速的,迅速的(immediate or quick)
【用】be prompt to do/in doing 迅速做
【例】Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. 感谢您对此事的及时关注。
proper [ˈprɒpə(r)]
【释】a. 合适的,恰当的(appropriate for the purpose or situation)
【用】be proper for 适合于
【例】You have to have the proper tools for the job. 你必须有适合这项工作的工具。
quaint [kweɪnt]
【释】a. 奇怪的,离奇有趣的(interesting or attractive with a slightly strange and old-fashioned quality)
【例】I found that lady's hat is very quaint. 我发现那位女士的帽子很奇怪。
queer [kwɪə(r)]
【释】a. 奇怪的,异常的(strange or unusual)
【用】a queer fish 古怪的家伙
【例】Have you heard the queer noises outside the windossw? 你听到窗外奇怪的噪音了吗?
quiet [ˈkwaɪət]
【释】a. 安静的,静止的(making very little or no noise)
quite [kwaɪt]
【释】ad. 相当地,颇(to some extent; rather)
【用】quite a few 相当多;quite some time 相当长的时间
【例】The boy wrote quite a long composition. 那个男孩写了一篇很长的作文。
random [ˈrændəm]
【释】a. 任意的,随机的(chosen or happening without any particular method, pattern, or purpose)
【例】The man fired a few random shots. 那个人随意开了几枪。
rapid [ˈræpɪd]
【释】a. 迅速的,快的(happening, moving, or acting quickly)
【用】make rapid strides 取得巨大进步
【例】We are seeing a rapid growth in the use of the Internet. 我们发现互联网的使用迅速增加。
reasonably [ˈriːznəbli]
【释】ad. 适度地,相当地(to a fairly high degree, level, or standard)
【例】I'm reasonably sure this is the best solution. 我相当确定这是最好的解决办法。
remote [rɪˈməʊt]
【释】a. 远的,遥远的(far away in distance or space; far away in the past or future)
【用】remote from 远离
【例】My grandparents came from a remote town in California. 我的祖父母来自加利福尼亚州的一个偏远小镇。
removed [rɪˈmuːvd]
【释】a. 远离的,遥远的(far away in time or space)
【用】removed from 远离
【例】The city remained relatively removed from the worst place of the conflict. 这座城市离冲突最严重的地方相对较远。
required [rɪˈkwaɪə(r)d]
【释】a. 必须的;〈美〉(大学课程)必修的(demanded as necessary or essential)
【用】required reading 必读物
【例】Chinese was taught as a separate and required course here. 在这里,中文是一门单独授课的必修课。
rim [rɪm]
【释】n. 边缘(the edge of an open container or circular object)
【用】on the rim of 在…的边缘
【例】Ivy's glasses had gold rims. 艾维的眼镜有金色的框。
school [skuːl]
【释】n. 一群(鱼)(a large group of fish, dolphins, whales etc.)
【用】a school of 一群
【例】Our small boat was attacked by a school of sharks. 我们的小船遭到了一群鲨鱼的袭击。
similar [ˈsɪmələ(r)]
【释】a.(to)相似的,类似的(having characteristics in common)
【用】be similar to 与…相似的,类似的

【例】My girlfriend and I have similar taste in music. 我和女友在音乐上有相似的品位。
singular [ˈsɪŋɡjələ(r)]
【释】a. 奇怪的,非凡的(noticeable because of being strange or unusual)
【例】All the children listened to his singular adventures with eager attention. 所有的孩子都认真听他讲述自己奇特的探险故事。
slight [slaɪt]
【释】a. 轻微的,不足道的(small in size, amount, or degree)
【例】Our headmaster is a perfectionist who won't overlook even the slightest mistake. 我们的校长是个完美主义者,他不会放过任何细微的错误。
speedy [ˈspiːdi]
【释】a. 快速的,迅速的(characterised by rapid motion)
【例】Carl finished his work in a speedy way. 卡尔迅速完成了他的工作。
spend [spend]
【释】v. 用尽(exhaust, wear out)
【例】The gas in this car was spent. 车里的油用尽了。
state [steɪt]
【释】n. 状态,情况(the condition of something at a particular time)
【用】a state of 一种…的状态
【例】The city is drifting into a state of chaos after the flood. 洪灾过后,整个城市陷入一片混乱之中。
status [ˈsteɪtəs]
【释】n. 情形,状况(a position of affairs, especially in political or commercial contexts)
【例】They are working on a report about the status of the negotiation. 他们在写关于谈判进展的报告。
still [stɪl]
【释】a. 静止的,寂静的(not moving)
【例】Just sit still and I will finish the work in a minute. 坐在那里别动,我马上就完成工作了。
suitable [ˈsuːtəbl, ˈsjuːtəbl]
【释】a. 适当的,合适的(right for a particular purpose, person, or situation)
【用】be suitable for 适合;be suitable to do 适合做
【例】This movie is not suitable for young children. 这部电影不适合小孩子看。
swift [swɪft]
【释】a. 快的,敏捷的(happening quickly or immediately)
【用】be swift to do/in doing 快速地做
【例】They took swift actions in dealing with these problems. 他们迅速采取行动解决这些问题。
tiny [ˈtaɪni]
【释】a. 极小的,微小的(extremely small)
【例】The table was covered in tiny pieces of paper. 桌子被很多小纸片覆盖着。
to a degree
【例】The film is boring to a degree. 这部电影相当无趣。
trifling [ˈtraɪflɪŋ]
【释】a. 不重要的,琐碎的(lacking in significance or solid worth)
【例】The cost of the requested equipment was trifling. 购买所需的设备没花多少钱。
trivial [ˈtrɪviəl]
【释】a. 琐屑的,微不足道的(of little worth or importance)
【例】Most people don't like to visit the doctor just for something trivial. 很多人不愿为了小毛病去看医生。
【析】minimal, slight和trivial都有“小的”之意,但有细微差别:minimal的意思是“最小的,最低的”,如:The cost to taxpayers would be minimal.(纳税人承担的费用会极少。) slight的意思是“微小的,轻微的”,强调“程度或数量小的”,如:a slight increase(微小的增长);trivial是“没有价值的,不重要的”,如:the most trivial offences(最微不足道的过错)。
undying [ʌnˈdaɪɪŋ]
【释】a. 不朽的,永恒的(never ending)
【例】Do you believe the dog's undying love for its master? 你相信狗对主人会有永恒的爱吗?
unimportant [ˌʌnɪmˈpɔːtnt]
【释】a. 不重要的,琐碎的(not important or relevant)
【例】It was an unimportant job and paid very little. 这是一份琐碎的工作,而且薪水很低。
unlike [ˌʌnˈlaɪk]
【释】a. 不同的,不相似的(not like, different)
【例】These two boys are so unlike that nobody would believe they are brothers. 这两个男孩子太不同了,没人会相信他们是兄弟。
unplanned [ˌʌnˈplænd]
【释】a. 意外的,计划外的(not intended or expected)
【例】I think they must be crazy to carry out an unplanned adventure. 我想他们一定是疯了,才会开展毫无计划的冒险行动。
use up
【例】Our sugar has been used up. 我们的糖用完了。
vacant [ˈveɪkənt]
【释】a. 茫然的;空着的,未占用的(not filled or occupied)
【用】a vacant expression/look 面无表情
【例】The room on the third floor is vacant at present. 目前三楼的房间是空着的。
vanish [ˈvænɪʃ]
【释】v. 突然消失,消逝(to disappear in a sudden and mysterious way)
【用】vanish from 从…消失;vanish from sight 不见
【例】Joe vanished and he was never seen again. 乔突然消失了,人们再没见过他。
various [ˈveəriəs]
【释】a. 各种各样的,不同的(different and more than a few)
【用】many and various 多种多样,五花八门
【例】There are various hats and pants in the store. 这家店里有各式各样的帽子和裤子。
verge [vɜːdʒ]
【释】n. 边缘(a border along the side of a road, often covered with grass)
【用】on the verge of 在…即将发生之际
【例】The heavy trucks damaged the grass verge. 重型卡车轧坏了青草覆盖的路边。
void [vɔɪd]
【释】a. 空的,空闲的(containing nothing; not occupied or inhabited)
【用】void of 缺少;null and void 无效的
【例】Suddenly the street was void of people. 霎时街上空无一人。
weird [wɪəd]
【释】a. 古怪的,离奇的(strange and unusual, sometimes in a way that upsets you)
【例】It made me feel weird going back to Liverpool. 回到利物浦让我感到很奇怪。
worthless [ˈwɜːθləs]
【释】a. 无价值的,没有用处的(lacking worth, useless)
【例】The guarantee could be worthless if the firm goes out of business. 如果公司倒闭了,保证书是没用的。
wrinkle [ˈrɪŋkl]
【释】v. (使)皱,(使)起皱纹(to form, or to cause something to form small lines or folds)
【例】The medicine made Tim wrinkle up his nose in disgust. 这种药使蒂姆厌恶地皱起了鼻子。
akin [əˈkɪn]
【释】a. 近似的(essentially similar, related, or compatible)
【用】be akin to 与…相近的;与…有密切关系的
【例】Pity is often akin to love. 同情常常与爱类似。
analogous [əˈnæləɡəs]
【释】a. 类似的(similar to another situation or thing, and therefore able to be compared with it)
【用】be analogous to 类似于,与…类似
【例】This proposal was analogous to the one we discussed in the last meeting. 这个提案和我们上次会议讨论的差不多。
breathe one's last
【释】[委婉]断气(to die)
【例】The cancer patient breathed his last on the operating table. 这个癌症病人死在了手术台上。
brim [brɪm]
【释】n. 边缘(the top edge of a cup or bowl)
【用】be filled/full to the brim 满
【例】Jody lifted her cup and looked at us over the brim. 乔迪拿起杯子,从杯子边缘上看着我们。
conceivable [kənˈsiːvəbl]
【释】a. 可能的(possible, or possible to imagine)
【例】It is just conceivable that a single survivor might be found. 有可能还能找到生还者。
considerably [kənˈsɪdərəbli]
【释】ad. 相当地(much, a lot)
【例】We have a considerably larger house than the previous one. 我们有了一座比之前那座大很多的房子。
crease [kriːs]
【释】v. 弄皱,起皱(to make lines on cloth or paper by folding or crushing it)
【例】Alice was careful not to crease her dress. 艾丽斯小心翼翼地不把裙子弄皱。
crinkle [ˈkrɪŋkl]
【释】v.(使)变皱(to make a lot of small messy folds in)
【用】crinkle...(up) 使…起皱
【例】The end of the map crinkles. 地图的边缘皱皱巴巴的。
decease [dɪˈsiːs]
【释】v. 死亡(to die)
【例】Both Carla's parents deceased last year. 卡拉的父母都于去年过世了。
evaporate [ɪˈvæpəreɪt]
【释】v. 消失(to disappear suddenly)
【例】Our fears at last evaporated. 我们的恐惧终于消失了。
fortuitous [fɔːˈtjuːɪtəs]
【释】a. 偶然发生的,意外的(happening by chance, especially in a way that is lucky or convenient)
【例】Their success was the result of a fortuitous combination of circumstances. 他们的成功是一连串事件偶然结合的结果。
furrow [ˈfʌrəʊ]
【释】v. 弄皱(to form grooves or deep wrinkles in)
【例】Gavin furrows his brows, sinking deep into thought. 加文紧皱眉头,陷入了深深的思考中。
haphazard [hæpˈhæzəd]
【释】a. 偶然的,任意的(done in a way that does not seem to be carefully planned or organised)
【例】Angus works in a very haphazard way. 安格斯以一种极其随意的方式工作。
insignificant [ˌɪnsɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt]
【释】a. 无关紧要的,可忽略的(not significant)
【例】In comparison with famine, a plane crash is almost insignificant. 相对于饥荒来说,飞机失事是一件微不足道的事情。
kindred [ˈkɪndrəd]
【释】a. 同类的(of a similar nature or character)
【用】a kindred spirit 志趣相投
【例】Those who saw this movie had kindred emotions. 那些看过这部电影的人都有同样的感觉。
myriad [ˈmɪriəd]
【释】n. 无数 a. 无数的(very many, especially too many to count)
【例】A whole myriad of options exists for us. 我们面前有无数的选择。
pacific [pəˈsɪfɪk]
【释】a. 平静的,平和的(peaceful in character or intent)
【例】The hotel is set in pacific surroundings. 这家酒店周围的环境很安静。
persevere [ˌpɜːsɪˈvɪə(r)]
【释】v. 坚持(to continue trying to achieve something difficult)
【用】persevere at/in/with 坚持做
【例】Despite failures, he persevered in his research. 尽管失败了,他还是坚持他的研究。
restful [ˈrestfl]
【释】a. 宁静的(relaxing and with no noise)
【例】The apartment seems to be restful. 那座公寓看起来很宁静。
superexcellent [ˌsuːpə(r)ˈeksələnt]
【释】a. 卓越的,极好的(extremely good, very good)
【例】The manager gave the guest some superexcellent cigarettes as present. 经理送给客人一些上好的香烟作为礼物。
swarm [swɔːm]
【释】n. 群,一大群(a large group of insects flying or moving together, or a large number of people moving together as a group)
【用】a swarm of 一大群
【例】Swarms of police officers surrounded the building where a bomb exploded. 一群警官包围在发生炸弹爆炸的大楼外面。
undersized [ˌʌndəˈsaɪzd]
【释】a. 小的,不够大的(too small, or smaller than normal)
【例】His girlfriend has undersized feet. 他女友的脚很小。
unfading [ʌnˈfeɪdɪŋ]
【释】a.(颜色、光彩、价值等)永不消失的(not losing colour or freshness; not losing value or effectiveness)
【例】The colour on this picture was unfading. 这幅画不会褪色。
winged [wɪŋd]
【释】a. 迅速的(moving fast)
【例】Dick was a winged messenger. 迪克是一个动作迅速的信使。
bona fide [ˌbəʊnəˈfaɪdi]
【释】a.〈拉〉真正的,真诚的(neither specious nor counterfeit; sincere)
【用】a bona fide agreement 真诚的协议
【例】He was a bona fide buyer. 他是一个真诚的买主。
copious [ˈkəʊpiəs]
【释】a. 丰富的(large, or in large amounts)
【例】Lucia felt relief at last in a copious flow of tears. 露西娅终于如释重负,泪流满面。
crumple [ˈkrʌmpl]
【释】v. 弄皱,压皱 (to crush something such as paper or cloth so that it forms messy folds)
【用】crumple...into 把…压成;crumple...up 把…压皱
【例】I quickly crumpled up the letter and shoved it in my pocket. 我很快地把信折起来,塞进了口袋里。
dishevel [dɪˈʃevl]
【释】v. 使蓬乱,弄皱(to loosen and let fall in disarray)
【例】Jon's robe is disheveled. 乔恩的长袍皱巴巴的。
disparate [ˈdɪspərət]
【释】a. 迥然不同的(fundamentally different in kind; entirely dissimilar)
【例】The three experiments gave disparate results. 三个实验得出了迥然不同的结果。
dissimilar [dɪˈsɪmɪlə(r)]
【释】a. 不同的,相异的(different from someone or something else)
【用】dissimilar to 与…不同
【例】Vicky's latest album is quite dissimilar to her previous one. 维姬的新专辑与之前的专辑有很大的不同。
equate [iˈkweɪt]
【释】v. 认为…相等或相仿(to consider something to be the same as something else)
【用】 将…与…等同
【例】The principle of hierarchy does not equate to totalitarian. 等级制度的本质不等于极权主义。
everlasting [ˌevəˈlɑːstɪŋ]
【释】a. 永恒的,永久的(lasting or enduring through all time)
【用】everlasting life 永生
【例】The Christian believes the everlasting life of the soul. 基督教徒相信灵魂的永生。
expeditious [ˌekspəˈdɪʃəs]
【释】a. 迅速的,敏捷的(quick and effective)
【例】The police were very expeditious and arrived in 5 minutes. 警察动作十分迅速,五分钟之内就到达了现场。
homologous [həˈmɒləɡəs]
【释】a. 相应的,类似的(having the same relative position, value, or structure)
【例】The two analyses concluded a homologous result. 从这两个分析中推断出了类似的结论。
immortal [ɪˈmɔːtl]
【释】a. 不朽的(living or existing forever)
【例】Hamlet was one of Shakespeare's immortal works. 《哈姆雷特》是莎士比亚的不朽作品之一。
imperishable [ɪmˈperɪʃəbl]
【释】a. 不灭的,不朽的(that will never disappear, be destroyed, or be forgotten)
【例】Gray won imperishable glory for his bravery. 格雷因其勇敢而赢得了不朽的荣誉。
inconsequential [ɪnˌkɒnsɪˈkwenʃl]
【释】a. 不重要的,微不足道的(of no significance)
【例】Seemingly inconsequential details can sometimes contain significant clues. 看起来微不足道的细节中有时会包含重要的线索。
moderately [ˈmɒdərətli]
【释】ad. 适度地,适当地(to some degree but not to a great degree)
【例】Tim did moderately well in the exam. 蒂姆在考试中表现很不错。
obligatory [əˈblɪɡətri]
【释】a. 强制性的;有义务的(binding in law or conscience)
【例】It is obligatory for members to be insured. 为会员上保险是强制性的。
outlast [ˌaʊtˈlɑːst]
【释】v. 比…耐久(to last longer or continue to be successful for longer than someone or something else)
【例】Most people agree that the economic reform may continue and outlast the political reform. 多数人赞同经济改革可能会持续,而且比政治改革更持久。
paltry [ˈpɔːltri]
【释】a. 微不足道的;无价值的(trivial, not very good, important or valuable)
【例】The conversation with Tom seemed paltry. 与汤姆的谈话似乎没什么价值。
piddling [ˈpɪdlɪŋ]
【释】a. 琐碎的,微不足道的(small or not important)
【例】The two men were arguing over piddling amounts of money. 那两个人因为一点小钱而争论。
placid [ˈplæsɪd]
【释】a. 安静的,平静的(calm and without a lot of action or movement)
【例】You can see fish under the placid water of the lake. 你可以透过平静的湖水看到很多鱼。
preeminent [priˈemɪnənt]
【释】a. 卓越的,杰出的(better or more important than everyone or everything else in a particular activity or subject)
【例】Edwin is a preeminent figure in making economic policies. 埃德温在制订经济政策方面是个杰出的人物。
requisite [ˈrekwɪzɪt]
【释】a. 必备的(necessary for a particular purpose)
【例】Decision is a requisite quality to a boss. 对于一名老板来说,决心是必不可少的。
ripple [ˈrɪpl]
【释】v. 起涟漪(moving gently in small waves)
【例】A slight wind rippled the lake's surface. 一阵微风使湖面上荡起阵阵涟漪。
rumple [ˈrʌmpl]
【释】v. 弄皱,弄乱(to wrinkle or form into folds or creases)
【例】Roger rumpled up the paper and tossed it in the garbage can. 罗杰把纸揉作一团扔进了垃圾桶。
sedate [sɪˈdeɪt]
【释】a. 安静的(quiet or slow, and not likely to shock people or attract attention)
【例】The couple walked at a sedate pace. 那对情侣安静地走着。
sublime [səˈblaɪm]
【释】a. 伟大的,崇高的(lofty, grand, or exalted in thought, expression, or manner)
【例】Kate's husband is a man of sublime taste. 凯特的丈夫有着高尚的品位。
tranquil [ˈtræŋkwɪl]
【释】a. 宁静的(calm or with no sound)

【例】He grew up in a tranquil village. 他在一个宁静的小村庄中长大。
unexceptionable [ˌʌnɪkˈsepʃənəbl]
【释】a. 无可挑剔的,无懈可击的(satisfactory and not deserving any criticism, but often also without any special qualities)
【例】Lucy's work is unexceptionable. 露西的工作是无可挑剔的。
unsurpassed [ˌʌnsəˈpɑːst]
【释】a. 无与伦比的,卓绝的(better than everything or everyone else in a particular way)
【例】Twenty miles north you’ll find a coastline unsurpassed in its beauty. 往北走20英里,你会看到一条绝美的海岸线。
veritable [ˈverɪtəbl]
【释】a. 真正的,名副其实的(being in fact the thing named and not false, unreal, or imaginary)
【例】The salesman is a veritable fox. 这名销售人员确实很狡猾。
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.
——亨利·戴维·梭罗(Henry David Thoreau)


















