Part 7 Chapter 3 行为动作_Unit 2 抽象行为

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accomplish [əˈkʌmplɪʃ]
【释】v. 完成,实现(to succeed in doing something, especially something that you have been trying to do for a period of time)
【用】an accomplished fact 既成事实
【例】We tried to arrange a peace talk but nothing was accomplished. 我们试图安排一次和平谈判,但没有实现。
achieve [əˈtʃiːv]
【释】v. 实现,完成(to succeed in doing or having what you planned or intended, usually after a lot of effort)
【用】achieve great success in 在…上取得巨大成功
【例】This country achieved independence from France in 1957. 该国在1957年脱离法国实现独立。
acknowledge [əkˈnɒlɪdʒ]
【释】v. 承认…属实(to accept or admit that something exists, is true, or is real)
【用】 承认…为
【例】The losing football team acknowledged their defeat. 战败的足球队承认了他们的失败。
acquire [əˈkwaɪə(r)]
【释】v. 取得,获得(to get something)
【用】acquire a good knowledge of 学好
【例】John acquired a fortune in the oil business. 约翰做石油生意发了财。
【析】acquire, inquire和require是一组形近词,都有表示“追求”的词根-quire,但它们的意思不同:acquire是“获得,学到”的意思;inquire的意思是“询问,打听”;require的意思是“要求;需要;命令”。
activate [ˈæktɪveɪt]
【释】v. 激活,使活动(to make a piece of equipment or a process start working)
【例】Judy's work was not finished, but it attracted and activated others. 虽然朱迪的工作没有完成,但它却引起了别人的兴趣,同时也激励了他人。
admit [ədˈmɪt]
【释】v. 承认,供认(to agree that something is true)
【用】admit to sth./doing sth. 承认某事/做了某事
【例】“I spent all the money,” she admitted at last. 她最后承认:“我花掉了所有的钱。”
adore [əˈdɔː(r)]
【释】v. 崇拜,爱慕,喜爱(to love someone very much)
【例】That girl absolutely adores her nieces and nephews. 那个女孩非常喜欢她的侄子和侄女们。
affect [əˈfekt]
【释】v. 喜欢;假装(to put on a pretense of)
【例】The Australian man affected a British accent. 这个澳大利亚男人装出一口英国腔。
appeal [əˈpiːl]
【释】v. 呼吁,恳求(to make an urgent request for people to give you something that you need)
【用】appeal (to...) for(向…)请求;appeal do 请求…做
【例】The besieged nation appealed to the neighbour for aid. 被围攻的国家请求邻国的援助。
appear [əˈpɪə(r)]
【释】v. 似乎;出现,显露(to be or come in sight, to show up)
【用】appear to do 似乎;it appears that... 看起来…
【例】Gradually a smile appeared on Sarah's face. 渐渐地,萨拉的脸上露出了微笑。
appoint [əˈpɔɪnt]
【释】v. 约定(时间、地点)(to choose a time or place for something to happen)
【用】appoint...for 为…约定
【例】Why not appoint a day for dinner together? 何不约一天一起吃饭呢?
appreciate [əˈpriːʃieɪt]
【释】v. 感激;赏识(to recognise the good or special qualities of a person, place, or thing)
【例】Van Gogh's paintings weren't appreciated until after his death. 梵高的画直到他死后才得到世人的赏识。
apprehend [ˌæprɪˈhend]
【释】v. 领会,理解(to understand something)
【例】The expert apprehended it at a glance. 专家看了一眼就理解了其中的奥秘。
arouse [əˈraʊz]
【释】v. 激起,唤醒(to cause an emotion or attitude)
【用】arouse...from 将…从…唤醒
【例】Mary's story got my curiosity aroused. 玛丽的故事激起了我的好奇心。
ask for
【释】请求,要求(to speak or write to someone for letting them give you something)
【例】He's always reluctant to ask for anyone's help. 他总是不愿意请别人帮忙。
bear [beə(r)]
【释】v. 忍受,忍耐(to accept or allow oneself to be subjected to especially without giving way)
【用】bear with 忍受,忍耐
【例】You must face the trouble or bear it. 你必须面对这个麻烦,否则就忍受它。
befall [bɪˈfɔːl]
【释】v. 降临,发生(to happen especially as if by fate)
【例】I'm afraid that some evil will befall. 我担心有不好的事会发生。
beg [beɡ]
【释】v. 请求,恳求(to ask for help, an opportunity etc.)
【例】Lily had written a letter begging her husband to come back. 莉莉写了封信,恳求她老公回心转意。
【用】beg...(not) to do 恳求…(不)做;beg (...) for (向…)请求
bound [baʊnd]
【释】v. 成为…的界线,给…划界(to constitute the boundary or limit of)
【例】This park was bounded by busy streets. 这个公园挨着拥挤的街道。
break out
【释】发生,爆发(to develop or emerge with suddenness or force)
【例】The fire broke out yesterday. 昨天发生了一场火灾。
build upon
【例】We need to build upon the ideas we have had so far. 我们要依靠到目前为止我们想到的那些办法。
call off
【例】Why was the meeting called off? 为什么取消了这次会议?
【释】v. 取消(to say something will not be done or taken place)
【用】cancel out 取消,抵消
【例】Vera cancelled her trip to the south as she felt ill. 由于身体不太舒服,薇拉取消了她的南部旅行计划。
cease [siːs]
【释】v. 终止,停止(to stop happening or continuing; to stop doing something)
【用】cease out 绝迹
【例】After just a few weeks, the magazine ceased publication. 就几个星期的时间,这本杂志就停刊了。
【析】cease, expire和terminate都有“停止,终止”的意思。cease意为“停止,终止”,意思与stop相近,常指“停止活动、动作”,如:The music ceased, and the audience broke into applause.(音乐停止了,观众中爆发出掌声。) expire意为“期满,终止”,指“任期届满或护照资格到期等”,如:My passport expires next week.(我的护照下周就到期了。)terminate意为“终止,完结”,意思与finish相近,此时为正式用语,也可指“火车、轮船等停在什么地方”,如:The train from Paris terminates at Waterloo.(从巴黎开出的火车终点站是滑铁卢。)
centre [ˈsentə(r)]
【释】v.(around)(把…)集中于(to give a central focus or basis)
【例】The talk centered around trade relations with China. 这次会谈围绕与中国的贸易关系进行。
centre on
【例】Our thoughts are all centred on the young girl about to be married. 我们都关注这个将要结婚的年轻女孩。
chance upon
【例】We chanced upon them in the shopping mall yesterday. 昨天,我们在购物中心偶遇他们。
check [tʃek]
【释】v. 制止(to stop yourself or someone else from doing something)
【用】check oneself 克制自己
【例】The man checked himself and stood there motionless. 这个男子克制着自己,站在那里一动不动。
cherish [ˈtʃerɪʃ]
【释】v. 爱护,珍爱(to think that something is very important and to wish to keep it)
【例】How can a person cherish possessions more than friends?! 人怎么能不珍惜朋友,而更珍惜财产呢?!
choose [tʃuːz]
【释】v. 决定(to decide to do something)
come about
【例】When Jill woke up, she was in the hospital and she didn't know how that had come about. 吉尔醒来时,她就在医院了,而且她不知道发生了什么事。
come out

【释】问世,出版(if something such as a book or a movie comes out, it becomes available to the public)
【例】This book will come out this week. 这本书这周就将出版。
come upon
【例】Fear came upon her as she waited. 她在等待时突然产生了恐惧感。
commit oneself
【释】使决定(to make a definite decision)
【例】I would advise people to think very carefully about committing themselves to working Sundays. 在决定周日上班这个问题上,我建议大家认真考虑。
compel [kəmˈpel]
【释】v. 强迫(to cause to do or occur by overwhelming pressure)
【用】 do 强迫…做
【例】Duty compelled the soldier to volunteer for the mission. 军人的职责迫使这个士兵自告奋勇去完成这项任务。
complete [kəmˈpliːt]
【释】v. 完成,结束(to finish doing something; to carry out doing something)
【例】Her medical course was completed ahead of time. 她的医学课程提前修完了。
comprehend [ˌkɒmprɪˈhend]
【释】v. 理解,领会(to understand something)
【例】It's impossible for you to comprehend the difficulties of my situation. 你无法理解我的困境。
concentrate [ˈkɒnsntreɪt]
【释】v. 集中,聚集(to bring or direct toward a common centre or objective)
【用】concentrate on 集中于
【例】You’ll be fired if you don't concentrate on your work. 如果你不专心工作,你会被解雇的。
conclude [kənˈkluːd]
【释】v.(使)结束,终止(to end, especially by someone saying or doing something)
【用】conclude with 以…结束
【例】The negotiation was concluded at 8 o’clock. 这次谈判八点结束。
confess [kənˈfes]
【释】v. 承认,供认(to admit that you have done something wrong or illegal)
【用】confess to sth./doing sth. 承认做了(错事、罪行等); 向…坦白
【例】The murderer confessed his crime to the judge. 凶手向法官供认了他的罪行。
constrain [kənˈstreɪn]
【释】v. 强迫(to make someone do something that they do not want to do)
【用】feel constrained to do 不得不做
【例】They constrained us to take instant action. 他们强迫我们立即采取行动。
contract [kənˈtrækt]
【释】v. 约定,订约(to agree to do something or make someone agree to do something by a formal written agreement)
【用】contract to do 签约做
【例】This company has contracted to supply us with raw materials. 这个公司签约为我们提供原材料。
count on/upon
【释】依靠,指望(to depend on someone to do what you want or expect them to do for you)
【例】The whole team was counting on me, but I let them down. 整个团队都指望着我,我却让他们失望了。
curb [kɜːb]
【释】v. 控制;抑制(to control or limit something that is harmful)
【例】You must curb your extravagant tastes. 你必须抑制你的奢侈嗜好。
decide [dɪˈsaɪd]
【释】v. 决定(to make a choice about what you are going to do)
【用】decide on/upon 选定,决定
【例】It was decided at our meeting to limit the examination period to one week. 我们在会上决定将考试期限定为一个星期。
decline [dɪˈklaɪn]
【释】v. 拒绝,谢绝(to say politely that you will not accept something or do something)
【用】decline to do 拒绝做
【例】Ben declined an invitation to a dinner party. 本拒绝了参加晚宴的邀请。
demonstrate [ˈdemənstreɪt]
【释】v. 显示,表露(to show clearly that something is true or that it exists)
【用】demonstrate against 示威反对,抗议
【例】The girl demonstrated her skills as a gymnast. 这个女孩显示了她作为体操运动员的技能。
【析】indicate, demonstrate, appear和display都有“显示”的意思。indicate是“表明,指出,预示”的意思,后面常跟that+从句;demonstrate的意思是“示范,证明”,另外,demonstrate还有一个意思是“示威”;appear的意思是“出现;看来”;display是“展示,陈列”的意思。
deny [dɪˈnaɪ]
【释】v. 拒绝给予,拒绝…的要求(to refuse to give someone something or to prevent someone from having something)
【用】 拒绝把…给
【例】Lily was angry about being denied the opportunity to see her father. 因没得到去看望父亲的机会,莉莉非常生气。
depend [dɪˈpend]
【释】v. 依靠,依赖(to rely on someone or something and be able to trust them)
【用】depend on 依靠,依赖
【例】Their future depends on how well they do in school. 他们的将来取决于他们在学校的表现。
detect [dɪˈtekt]
【释】v. 发现,觉察(to notice something, especially when it is not obvious)
【例】Arnold could detect a certain sadness in the old man's face. 阿诺德察觉到老人脸上有些许忧伤。
determine [dɪˈtɜːmɪn]
【释】v. 决定(to officially decide something)
【用】determine on 决定
【例】It is for the court to determine whether Shirley is guilty. 法庭才能判定雪莉到底有没有罪。
dig out
【释】发现,找出;发掘(to find something that you have not used or seen for a long time)
【例】I dug out some old pictures of my father's. 我找到一些父亲的老照片。
discern [dɪˈsɜːn]
【释】v. 识别,认出,辨别(to notice something after thinking about it carefully)
【例】That kid is too young to discern right and wrong. 那个小孩还太小,不能分辨是非。
discount [ˈdɪskaʊnt]
【释】v. 不重视(to consider that something is not important, possible, or likely)
【例】You’d better discount what Jack said. 你最好忽视杰克说的话。
discover [dɪˈskʌvə(r)]
【释】v. 发现,发觉(to find out something that you did not know before)
【例】Ponce de Leon discovered Florida in his quest for the fountain of youth. 庞塞•德莱昂在他探寻青春之泉的途中发现了佛罗里达州。
display [dɪˈspleɪ]
【释】v. 展览;显示(to put something in a particular place so that people can see it easily)
【用】 把…展示给
【例】Department stores display their goods in the windows. 百货商店把商品放在橱窗里展示。
disregard [ˌdɪsrɪˈɡɑːd]
【释】v. 不理会(to not consider something important or pay any attention to it)
【例】Please disregard my previous message. 请忽略我之前发的消息。
distinguish [dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ]
【释】v. 辨别,区分(to recognise the differences between things)
【用】distinguish between 在(两者间)区分;distinguish...from 将…与…区分开
【例】He learnt to distinguish a great variety of birds, fish, and insects. 他学会了区分各种鸟、鱼和昆虫。
endure [ɪnˈdjʊə(r)]
【释】v. 忍受,忍耐[to undergo (as a hardship) especially without giving in]
【例】Jill endured solitude and torture for months at a time. 吉尔有一次忍受了几个月的孤独和折磨。
engage [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ]
【释】v. 约定,保证(to bind oneself by a promise)
【用】engage to do 保证做
【例】I'm engaged for dinner at seven o’clock. 我答应参加七点的晚宴。
exact [ɪɡˈzækt]
【释】v. 强求 (to get something from someone by threatening them or by using your authority)
【用】exact...from 从…那里强索
【例】My girlfriend exacted a promise from me. 我女友逼我发誓。
excite [ɪkˈsaɪt]
【释】v. 引起,激起(to bring out or give rise to)
【用】 刺激…做; 激起(某人的感情等)
excuse [ɪkˈskjuːz]
【释】v. 原谅,宽恕(to forgive someone for something bad they have done)
【用】excuse sb. for sth./doing sth. 原谅某人做了某事
【例】They excused Ben's rudeness because they knew he was under a severe strain. 他们原谅了本的无礼,因为他们知道本的压力很大。
exhibit [ɪɡˈzɪbɪt]
【释】v. 显示;展出 (to put something interesting in a museum or other public place so that people can go and look at it)
【例】The gallery is exhibiting a new painter's work now. 画廊目前正在展出一个新画家的作品。

fake [feɪk]
【释】v. 假装(to pretend that something has happened when it has not)
【例】I leant against the glass partition and faked a yawn. 我斜靠在玻璃隔板上,假装打了个哈欠。
fall off
【释】减少(to reduce in the amount or level of something)
【例】Our sales have begun to fall off this year. 今年,我们的销售额开始下滑。
fess [fes]
【释】v. 供认,坦白(to admit that something is true or that you have done something wrong)
【用】fess up 坦率地承认
【例】I think you’d better fess up. 我觉得你最好坦白承认。
find [faɪnd]
【释】v. 找到,发现(to discover something or see where it is by searching for it)
【用】find...doing 发现…做
finish [ˈfɪnɪʃ]
【释】v. 完成,终止(to come to an end; to bring to an end)
【用】finish up 彻底完成,结束
fix [fɪks]
【释】v. 使集中(to hold or direct steadily)
【用】fix...with one's eyes 用眼睛盯牢
【例】She fixed her eyes on the road ahead when she was driving. 开车的时候,她的眼睛死死地盯着前方的路。
focus [ˈfəʊkəs]
【释】v.(使)聚焦,(使)集中(to concentrate attention or effort)
【用】focus on/upon 聚焦在
【例】All eyes were focused on the speaker. 所有的目光都聚集在演讲者身上。
force [fɔːs]
【释】v. 强迫,迫使(to make someone do something that they do not want to do)
【用】 do 强迫…做
【例】I forced myself to practise daily. 我强迫自己每天都要练习。
forgive [fəˈɡɪv]
【释】v. 原谅,饶恕,赦免(to decide that you will not be angry with someone who has offended, upset, or harmed you)
【用】forgive sb. for sth./doing sth. 原谅某人做了某事
【例】The husband will never forgive his unfaithful wife. 这位丈夫永远都不会原谅他不忠的妻子。
fulfil [fʊlˈfɪl]
【释】v. 实现,满足,完成(计划等)(to succeed in doing something that you wanted to do, or get something you hoped for)
【用】fulfil oneself 充分发挥自己的能力
【例】All the necessary conditions were fulfilled. 所有的必要条件都满足了。
gain [ɡeɪn]
【释】v. 获得,赢得(to win or get something, especially things are wanted and needed)
【用】gain by doing/gain from 从…中获益
【例】If nothing more, you will gain experience in that job. 至少你可以从那份工作中获得一些经验。
generate [ˈdʒenəreɪt]
【释】v. 引起,导致(to cause something, especially an emotion or situation to come about)
【例】The divarication between the two parties generated a discussion. 两党间的分歧引起了大家的讨论。
get [get]
【释】v. 获得,弄到(to obtain, receive, or be given something)
【用】get...for 为…得到
【例】After two years’ pursuing, the boy finally got her heart. 经过两年苦苦的追求,男孩终于赢得了她的芳心。
give one's word
【例】I give you my word of honour. 我向你保证。
go on
【释】发生(to take place)
【例】Mr. Smith went outside to see what was going on. 史密斯先生出去看发生了什么事情。
grasp [ɡrɑːsp]
【释】v. 抓住;理解,领会(to understand something)
【用】grasp the meaning of 理解或领会…的意思
【例】Mabel found it difficult to grasp the meaning of the whole passage. 玛贝尔感觉很难领会整篇文章的含义。
【析】clasp, grasp, seize和grip都有“紧握,抓牢”的意思。clasp指“用手指或手臂抓紧或抱紧”,常见短语有clasp one's hands/arms around sth., clasp sb./sth. in one's hands/arms;grasp强调“握紧,牢牢抓住”,还可以用来表示“抓住机遇;掌握或领会要旨”;而seize意为“抓住”,指“迅速、有力地抓住”,此外,它还常用来表示“抓住机遇;攻占某地”等,be seized with an illness 则是“得病”的意思;grip在表示“紧握,抓牢”时的用法有grip sth. tightly/firmly,此外,它还可以表示“吸引某人的注意力”,如:The story grips the children.(这个故事把孩子们吸引住了。)
halt [hɔːlt, hɒlt]
【释】v.(使)停止(to bring to a stop; to end something)
【例】The carriage was halted only at the edge of the cliff. 马车刚好停在了悬崖边上。
happen [ˈhæpən]
【释】v. 发生,产生(to take place, usually without being planned)
【用】happen to 降临到或发生在…上
harden [ˈhɑːdn]
【释】v.(使)变硬;冷酷(to make hard or harder)
【用】 使…对…麻木不仁或毫不在乎
【例】Give the cardboard two or three coats of varnish to harden it. 给硬纸板涂两三层漆,让它更坚固一些。
identify [aɪˈdentɪfaɪ]
【释】v. 认出,识别(to recognise someone and be able to say who they are)
【用】 认出…是
【例】He went faint after identifying the dead woman as his wife. 认出死去的女人就是他妻子后,他晕倒了。
ignite [ɪɡˈnaɪt]
【释】v. 激起,引发(to start a war or argument; to start a particular feeling in someone)
【例】The recent fighting in the area could ignite regional passions far beyond the borders. 最近该地区的战斗可能激发边境以外遥远地区的愤怒情绪。
ignore [ɪɡˈnɔː(r)]
【释】v. 不顾,忽视(to not consider something or not let it influence you)
【用】ignore one's advice 忽视某人的的建议
【例】You have been always ignoring me! 你一直都在忽视我!
【析】ignore, neglect和overlook都有“忽略,疏忽”的意思。ignore指的是“故意疏忽”;neglect指的是“无意识地疏忽”;overlook则表示“无视或忽略”,既可以是有意地,也可以是无意识地。
induce [ɪnˈdjuːs]
【释】v. 引发,导致(to cause something, especially a mental or physical change)
【用】 do 促使…做
【例】Alcohol can induce a loosening of the tongue. 酒精能使人信口开河。
inhibit [ɪnˈhɪbɪt]
【释】v. 阻止,妨碍(to prohibit someone or something from doing something that should be natural or easy to do)
【用】inhibit...from doing 阻止…做
【例】The high lending rate is inhibiting industries from investments in new equipment. 高贷款率阻碍了企业投资新设备。
intensify [ɪnˈtensɪfaɪ]
【释】v.(使)增强,(使)加剧(to make intense or more intensive)
【例】The scientists have intensified their search for the new gene by working harder. 科学家更加努力地工作,以加紧寻找新基因。
【析】intensify, amplify, consolidate和reinforce都有“增强,加强”的意思,也曾被放在一起考查过,注意它们的区别:intensify的词义是“加强,加剧”,强调“使…变得剧烈或尖锐”;amplify作“增强”讲时,主要指“增强效果或强度”;consolidate的意思是“巩固,加强”,指“使…坚强或牢固”;reinforce既可以指“通过添加材料等加固某物”,又可以指“加强观点、信念等”。
lean [liːn]
【释】v. 倚靠(to depend on)
【用】lean on 依赖,依靠
【例】Everybody needs someone to lean on in times of trouble. 在遇到困难的时候,任何人都需要有个人可以依靠。
lie on
【例】The hostage's life lies on the negotiations between rebels and the government. 人质的性命取决于造反者与政府之间的谈判。
limit [ˈlɪmɪt]
【释】v. 限制,限定(to reduce or control someone's freedom to do what they want or someone's ability to be effective)n. 限制,限定
【用】set/impose a limit 设限
【例】His wife limits him to smoke three cigarettes a day. 他妻子限制他一天只能抽三支烟。
make out
motivate [ˈməʊtɪveɪt]
【释】v. 驱动,激励(to make someone feel determined to do something or enthusiastic about doing it)
【用】 do 激励…做
【例】Students were motivated to learn more by the encouragement of the teacher. 因为老师的鼓励,学生们受到激励去学更多的知识。
neglect [nɪˈɡlekt]
【释】v. 忽视(to fail to take care of someone when you are responsible for them)
【用】neglect to do 忘了做
【例】No matter how busy you are, you cannot neglect your child. 不管有多忙,都不能忽视你的孩子。
notice [ˈnəʊtɪs]
【释】v. 注意到,察觉到(to become conscious of someone or something by seeing, hearing, or feeling them)
【用】get noticed 引起别人的注意
【例】Dirk noticed a bird sitting on the garage roof. 德克发现一只鸟落在车库顶上。
oblige [əˈblaɪdʒ]
【释】v. 迫使(to make someone to do something because it is a law, a rule, or a duty)
【用】be/feel obliged to do 不得不做
【例】They were obliged to leave their homeland. 他们被迫离开了家乡。
obtain [əbˈteɪn]
【释】v. 获得,得到(to get something you want or need, especially by going through a process that is difficult)
【用】obtain...for 为…得到
【例】Where did you obtain your knowledge of Chinese history? 你从哪学到的中国历史知识?
【析】obtain, acquire, attain和earn都可表示“获得,得到”。obtain是正式用语,常指“通过巨大努力或长时间而获得”;acquire常指“无意识地或通过长期学习而得到知识、技术等”,强调“积累的过程”,如:He spent years acquiring his skills as a surgeon.(他花费了数年时间学到了作为外科医生的技能。) attain多指“通过努力而获得”,常和表示目标、职位等的词连用;earn指“赚得;赢得”,常指“通过劳动或付出代价而获得金钱或荣誉”。
occur [əˈkɜː(r)]
【释】v. 被想起;发生,出现(to happen, especially unexpectedly)
【用】occur to 使…突然想起
【例】The clash between the armies occurred at dawn. 军队间的冲突在黎明拉开序幕。
overlook [ˌəʊvəˈlʊk]
【释】v. 忽略(to fail to notice or do something)
【例】Accidents happen when safety checks are overlooked. 忽略安检就会发生事故。
own [əʊn]
【释】v. 坦白地承认(to admit that something is true)
【用】own up to 就…承认有错
【例】Her boyfriend was reluctant to own up that he was indebted. 她男友不愿承认自己负债。
parade [pəˈreɪd]
【释】v. 炫耀(to publicly show something that you are proud of)
【用】parade through/past/around 展示
【例】The boy was unwelcome because he always paraded his knowledge in class. 大家不喜欢这个男孩,因为他总是在班上炫耀他知识丰富。
pardon [ˈpɑːdn]
【释】v. 饶恕,原谅(to forgive someone for doing or saying something bad or unpleasant)
【用】pardon sb. for sth./doing sth. 原谅某人某事/做了某事
【例】The governor pardoned the convicted criminal. 统治者饶恕了这个罪犯。
pass over
【释】对…不加考虑(to pay no attention to)
【例】Bill was upset about being passed over for the marketing job. 比尔没能获得那份市场营销的工作,为此他感到非常沮丧。
perceive [pəˈsiːv]
【释】v. 感知,察觉(to notice or realise something)
【例】She perceived the truth quickly. 她很快就发现了真相。
pick out
【释】辨认出,分析出(to recognise someone or something from a group)
【例】You can pick out the liars by the nervous voice when they are speaking. 通过说话者紧张的声音,你就能分辨出谁在说谎。
pinpoint [ˈpɪnpɔɪnt]
【释】v. 确定位置,准确定位(to locate or aim with great precision or accuracy)
【例】I could pinpoint his precise location on a map. 我能指出他在地图上的精确位置。
plead [pliːd]
【释】v. 恳求,请求(to ask for something in an urgent or emotional way)
【用】plead for 恳求;plead do 恳求…做
【例】She pleaded with the manager to give her a chance. 她恳请经理再给她一次机会。
pose [pəʊz]
【释】v. 假装(to affect an attitude or character usually to deceive or impress)
【用】pose as 自称或装成
【例】The team posed as drug dealers to trap the ringleaders. 警队装成毒贩以诱捕主谋。
pray [preɪ]
【释】v. 祈祷,请求(to speak to God or a saint, for example, to give thanks or ask for help)
【用】pray for 祈祷,祈求
【例】The little girl prayed that her mother would soon recover. 小女孩祈祷她的母亲能够早日康复。
present [prɪˈzent]
【释】v. 呈现(to show someone or something in a particular way)
【例】Mary's lawyer tried to present her in the most favourable light. 玛丽的律师试图将对她最有利的一面呈现出来。
press [pres]
【释】v. 催促,逼迫(to try in a determined way to make someone do something or tell you something)
【用】press sb. into sth./doing sth. 强迫某人做某事
【例】Our manager is pressing us to make a quick decision. 经理催我们快点做决定。
pressure [ˈpreʃə(r)]
【释】v. 对…施加压力(或影响);迫使(try to make someone do something)
【用】pressure sb. into sth./doing sth. 强迫某人做某事
【例】The children are not pressured to empty their plates. 没有人逼孩子们把盘子里的东西吃干净。
pretend [prɪˈtend]
【释】v. 假装,佯作(to behave in a particular way, in order to make other people believe something that is not true)
【用】pretend to do 假装做
【例】I waved at my friend but he pretended not to see me. 我跟我朋友挥手打招呼,但他却假装没看见我。
prevent [prɪˈvent]
【释】v. 阻止(to stop something from happening; to stop someone from doing something)
【用】prevent...(from) doing 阻止…做;prevent...(from) happening 防止…发生
【例】Cecil said this would prevent companies from creating new jobs. 塞西尔说,这会阻止公司创造新的工作机会。
promise [ˈprɒmɪs]
【释】v. 允诺,约定(to tell someone you will definitely do something)
【用】promise to do 许诺做
provoke [prəˈvəʊk]
【释】v. 引起,激起(to cause a particular reaction or have a particular effect)
【例】The match provoked his spirit of competition. 这次比赛激发了他的竞争精神。
push [pʊʃ]
【释】v. 催逼,逼迫(to encourage or make someone in a determined way to do something they do not want to do)
【用】 do 逼迫…做
【例】There is no point in pushing them unless they are talented and enjoy it. 除非他们有天赋并且喜欢,不然逼他们一点用都没有。
put on
【例】The boy put on a silly face. 男孩假装很愚蠢。
put up with
【例】They had to put up with the behaviour from their sons which they would not have tolerated from anyone else. 他们不得不忍受儿子们的行为,如果这些行为发生在其他人身上,他们是绝对忍受不了的。
recognise [ˈrekəɡnaɪz]
【释】v. 认出,识别(identify someone or something from having encountered them before)
【用】 通过…认出
【例】I recognised your father from the description you had given. 根据你的描述,我认出了你的父亲。
recover [rɪˈkʌvə(r)]
【释】v. 重新获得,重新得到(to get back something that you lost or that someone stole from you)
【例】Though the thieves were caught, many of the items were never recovered. 尽管盗贼被抓到了,但还有很多东西没有找回来。
refuse [rɪˈfjuːz]
【释】v. 拒绝,不接受(to say you will not do something that someone has asked you to do)
【用】refuse to do 拒绝做
【例】Michael refused to answer personal questions. 迈克尔拒绝回答私人问题。
reinforce [ˌriːɪnˈfɔːs]
【释】v. 加强;增援(to strengthen by additional assistance, material, or support)
【例】The rescue effort was reinforced by 12 experienced miners. 12名有经验的矿工增援救援行动。
reject [rɪˈdʒekt]
【释】v. 拒绝,抵制(to not agree to an offer, proposal, or request)
【例】The court rejected the prisoner's appeal for a new trial. 法庭拒绝了犯人要求重审的请求。
【析】reject, decline和refuse都表示“拒绝”。reject表示“拒绝;与某人断绝任何瓜葛”,含有一种否定或是敌对的态度;decline主要用于礼貌地拒绝邀请、帮助或服务等;refuse表示“明确、果断地拒绝”,会有一些不礼貌。
rely [rɪˈlaɪ]
【释】v. 依靠,依赖(to trust someone or something to do something for you)
【用】rely on 依靠,依赖
【例】Most people rely on the law when they have to rely on it. 大多数人只有在不得不依靠法律时才会依靠法律。
remove [rɪˈmuːv]
【释】v. 除去,消除(to get rid of a problem, difficulty, or something that annoys you)
【用】remove...from 将…从…除去
【例】The bill is intended to remove obstacles that may discourage foreign investors. 立法旨在消除不利于引进外资的障碍。
request [rɪˈkwest]
【释】v. 需要;请求,要求(to ask for something, or ask someone to do something, in a polite way)
【用】 do 要求…做
【例】The factory requested a large amount of fuel for its needs. 为满足生产需求,工厂需要大量燃料。
resolve [rɪˈzɒlv]
【释】v. 决心,决定(to make a formal decision, usually after a discussion and a vote at a meeting)
【用】resolve to do 下定决心做
【例】My father has resolved to give up smoking. 我父亲已决定戒烟。
restrain [rɪˈstreɪn]
【释】v. 限制(to physically control the movements of a person or an animal)
【用】restrain sb./sth. from sth./doing sth. 限制某人/某物做某事
【例】The doctor tries to restrain and calm down the patient. 医生试图控制病人,让他冷静下来。
result [rɪˈzʌlt]
【释】n. 结果 v. 导致,结果是(to be caused directly by something that has happened previously)
【用】result from 由…导致;result in 导致
【析】result作名词“结果”讲时,与consequence和outcome是同义词,其中outcome多用单数形式,强调的是“一系列事件所造成的个别或唯一后果”,如:the outcome of the election(选举的结果);consequence一般表示“因一系列事件引起的合乎情理及逻辑的结果”,如:a direct consequence of overpopulation(人口过剩的直接后果);result是最常用的,它既可以表示近期的结果也可以表示远期的,一般指“一个全面性的结果”,如:the result of driving too fast(超速驾车的结果)。
retrieve [rɪˈtriːv]
【释】v. 重新得到(to get something back, especially something that is not easy to find)
【例】The government had made great rescue efforts to retrieve the bodies of the victims. 政府全力展开援救工作,搜寻遇难者的尸体。
root out
【释】发现;根除(to find something bad or illegal and get rid of it)
【例】The schoolmaster vowed to root out cheating. 校长宣誓要根除作弊。
rouse [raʊz]
【释】v. 鼓舞,使振奋(to make someone become active, especially when they are tired, lazy, or unwilling to do something)
【用】rouse...from 使…活跃起来
【例】Eddy did more to rouse the crowd than anybody else. 在鼓舞群众方面,埃迪的贡献比谁都大。
rule [ruːl]
【释】v. (作出)裁决(或裁定)(to make and announce a decision, usually about a legal matter)
【用】rule out 排除,取消;rule against 否决
【例】The procedure was ruled out as unparliamentary. 程序因违反议会法而被取消。
scare off
【释】吓跑 (to make someone feel so frightened or worried that they do not do something they had planned to do)
【例】The high price is scaring off potential buyers. 高价吓跑了潜在顾客。
sense [sens]
【释】v. 觉得,意识到(to know about something through a natural ability or feeling, without being told)
【例】Sonia probably sensed that I wasn't telling the whole story. 索尼娅可能意识到我没有告诉她整件事情。
set about
【释】开始,着手(to start doing something with vigour or determination)
【例】The new owner of that house set about renovating the sitting room and bathroom. 那栋房子的新主人开始翻修客厅和浴室。
settle [ˈsetl]
【释】v. 定居;决定(to decide something definitely)
【用】settle down 定居
【例】It was settled that Claud would leave before dark. 已经决定了,克劳德在黄昏前离开。
set to
【释】开始认真干(to begin doing something vigorously)
【例】My cousin set to render the vases spotless with bleach and scouring pads. 我堂妹打算用漂白剂和百洁布把花瓶洗干净。
show [ʃəʊ]
【释】v. 显示;展出(to give information; to put something in an exhibit or competition)
【用】 把…展示给
【例】The famous painter showed Alice's most recent paintings. 著名画家展示了艾丽斯最近的大多数画作。
showcase [ˈʃəʊkeɪs]
【释】v. 展示(to show someone or something in a way that attracts attention and emphasises their good qualities)
【例】The boy wanted to showcase his ability in the speech contest. 这个男孩想在演讲比赛中展示他的才能。
shrink [ʃrɪŋk]
【释】v.(使)收缩(to become smaller in size or to make something smaller in size)
【例】The shirt shrank after being washed. 这件衬衫洗后缩水了。
simulate [ˈsɪmjuleɪt]
【释】v. 假装(to pretend to feel or think something)
【例】John lifted his hands in a gesture meant to simulate amazement. 约翰举起双手做出假装惊讶的姿势。
slacken [ˈslækən]
【释】v. 放松,放慢(to become slower or less active, or make something become slower or less active)
【用】 使…放慢或变迟缓
【例】Steve's horse stumbled and injured, and it was obliged to slacken its pace. 史蒂夫的马绊倒受伤了,不得不放慢脚步。
slight [slaɪt]
【释】v. 轻视,藐视(to be rude to someone by not showing them respect)
【例】The manager slighted no one. 经理不轻视任何人。
spare [speə(r)]
【释】v. 饶恕(to not harm or kill someone or something)
【用】spare one's life 饶恕某人的性命
【例】The gunman killed the men but spared the children. 持枪男子杀了那些男人,但放过了孩子。
sponge on/off
【释】依赖(to ask for money and other things from friends or relatives and make no effort to give anything back or offering to pay)
【例】Louis has been sponging on/off us for many years. 多年来,路易斯一直依赖我们。
spot [spɒt]
【释】v. 发现,辨认出(to see, notice, or recognise someone or something that is difficult to detect)
【用】spot...doing 发现…做;spot one's potential 发现某人的潜力
【例】The robber was spotted by the victim. 抢匪被受害者认了出来。
spotlight [ˈspɒtlaɪt]
【释】v. 集中注意力于(to direct attention to)
【例】The budget crisis also spotlighted a weakening American economy. 预算危机还吸引了人们对逐渐衰退的美国经济的关注。
spur [spɜː(r)]
【释】v. 刺激,激励(to encourage someone to do something; to cause something to happen)
【用】spur...on/to 激励,刺激
【例】It is the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats. 钱诱使这些渔民冒险开着他们不堪一击的小船远洋航行。
stall [stɔːl]
【释】v.(使)停止 (to bring to a standstill)
【用】stall on/over 停止
【例】Talks have stalled and both sides are preparing for war. 谈判停滞,双方准备开战。
steel [stiːl]
【释】v. 使坚强(to fill with resolution or determination)
【用】steel...(for/against) 使…坚强起来(去应付)
【例】Tom steeled his heart against his sorrow. 汤姆强忍悲伤。
stimulate [ˈstɪmjuleɪt]
【释】v. 刺激;激励(to encourage something to happen, develop, or improve)
【用】stimulate...into/to 使…兴奋起来,激励
【例】A crisis finally stimulated the govern-ment into action in reforming trade unions. 危机最终刺激政府采取行动改革工会。
stir [stɜː(r)]
【释】v. 激起,引起(to make someone feel enthusiastic about something)
【用】 激起(…的感情等);激励…做
【例】The professor's pep talk stirred the students. 教授鼓舞人心的讲话激励了学生们。
strengthen [ˈstreŋθn]
【释】v. 加强,巩固(to make stronger)
【例】Cycling strengthens all the muscles of the body. 骑自行车可以锻炼全身的肌肉。

subtract [səbˈtrækt]
【释】v. 减(去)(to take a number or amount from another number or amount)
【用】subtract...from 从…里减去
【例】If you subtract 4 from 9, you get 5. 9减去4等于5。
surface [ˈsɜːfɪs]
【释】v. 浮现,显露(to become known or obvious after being hidden)
【例】The old problem will surface again. 老问题又会出现。
take place
【例】The war took place seven years ago. 这场战争发生在七年前。
think out
【释】仔细考虑;发现,解决(to find out or resolve something)
【例】Think it out properly before you draw a conclusion. 在得出结论前,先想清楚。
tolerate [ˈtɒləreɪt]
【释】v. 容忍,忍受(to accept someone or something that is annoying, unpleasant etc. without complaining)
【例】I can't tolerate your behaviour any more. 我再也无法忍受你的行为了。
【析】tolerate和undergo都有“忍受”的意思,其侧重点有所不同。tolerate强调“默认…的存在,强制自己忍受”,如:The company does not tolerate its employees smoking in offices.(公司不能容忍员工在办公室里吸烟。) undergo强调“忍受的过程”,含有“经历过,忍受过”的意思,如:The country has undergone massive changes recently.(该国最近经历了一系列巨大的变革。)
treasure [ˈtreʒə(r)]
【释】v. 珍爱,珍视(to take great care of something because it is very valuable or important)
【用】treasure...up in 将…珍藏在
【例】My grandmother treasured that piano until the day she died. 直到去世,我奶奶都很珍爱那台钢琴。
turn down
【例】I thanked him for the offer but turned it down. 我感谢他的邀请,但拒绝了。
turn up
【释】找到,发现(to find out something)
【例】The explorers turned up a secret passageway. 探险家发现了一条秘密通道。
understand [ˌʌndəˈstænd]
【释】v. 理解,懂(to know what someone or something means)
【用】make oneself understood 让别人明白,清楚地表达
veto [ˈviːtəʊ]
【释】v. 否决,禁止(to not agree to an offer, proposal, or request)
【例】The President vetoed the economic package passed by the Congress. 总统否决了国会通过的经济一揽子计划。
weather [ˈweðə(r)]
【释】v. 经受住(to bear up against and come safely through)
【例】The company succeeded in weathering the financial crisis. 公司成功度过了金融危机。
withstand [wɪðˈstænd, wɪθˈstænd]
【释】v. 经受住,忍受住(to stand up against)
【例】Explorers have to withstand hardships. 探险者要经受得住艰难困苦。
abort [əˈbɔːt]
【释】v. 中止(计划)(to stop something before it is finished)
【例】When the decision to abort the mission was made, there was great confusion. 当作出中止任务的决定后,人们都感到非常困惑。
ape [eɪp]
【释】v. 模仿(to copy someone, especially the way they behave or speak)
【例】They howled with laughter at the way he aped the receptionist's dumb-broad voice. 当他模仿前台接待员低哑的嗓音时,大家哄堂而笑。
beef up
【例】The hotel plans to beef up security. 酒店计划加强安全措施。
brush aside
【释】不理(to refuse to accept that something is important or true)
【例】The defendant brushed aside accusations that he had lied. 被告不理会称他说谎的指控。
come to pass
【例】What Alice had expected has now come to pass. 艾丽斯之前设想的都实现了。
conduce [kənˈdjuːs]
【释】v. 导致(to help to bring about a particular situation or outcome)
【用】conduce to/towards sth./doing sth. 导致
【例】The quiet conduces to thinking about the darkening future. 安静的气氛导致人们想到暗淡的未来。
crop up
【释】突然出现或发生(to appear or happen suddenly or unexpectedly)
【例】Problems will crop up before you are ready. 问题会在你毫无准备时突然发生。
discontinue [ˌdɪskənˈtɪnjuː]
【释】v. 停止;中断(to stop doing something that you were doing regularly)
【例】The board of directors have decided to discontinue the production of washing machines. 董事会决定停止生产洗衣机。
downsize [ˈdaʊnsaɪz]
【释】v.(公司等)削减员工(to make a company or organisation smaller by reducing the number of workers)
【例】Firms would claim that they downsize for economic reasons. 公司会宣称它们是因经济原因而裁员的。
entreat [ɪnˈtriːt]
【释】v. 恳求,乞求(to keep asking someone to do something)
【例】The criminal entreated the jury for mercy. 罪犯恳请陪审团宽恕。
ferret out
【例】It took me three days to ferret out the solution to the mystery. 我花了三天时间找出了解决这一神秘问题的办法。
hem in
【释】限制,约束(to enclose someone or something and prevent them from moving or leaving)
【例】The enemies are hemmed in by our troops. 我们的部队制约了敌军。
lead to
【释】导致,通向(to begin a process that causes something to happen)
【例】Excessive spending can lead to terrible bankruptcy. 过度花费可导致可怕的破产。
mimic [ˈmɪmɪk]
【释】v. 模仿 (to copy someone's voice, behaviour, or appearance, especially in order to make people laugh or to make someone feel annoyed)
【例】The actor mimicked some well-known people to amuse the audience. 演员模仿了一些名人来娱乐观众。
opt [ɒpt]
【释】v. 选择;决定(to make a choice or decision from a range of possibilities)
【用】opt for 选择;opt to do 选择做
【例】After recent setbacks in the market, most people are now opting for low-risk investments. 最近在市场上遭受了挫败后,很多人选择了低风险的投资。
procure [prəˈkjʊə(r)]
【释】v. 取得,获得(to get something, especially with effort or difficulty)
【用】procure...for 为…取得或获得;procure...from 从…那里获得
【例】Dean was able to procure Rembrandt's etching from the art dealer. 迪安可以从艺术品经销商那里得到伦勃朗的蚀刻版画。
regain [rɪˈɡeɪn]
【释】v. 收回,重新夺得 (to get back something you lost, especially an ability or a mental state)
【例】After losing the second set, Tim regained his confidence and won the third set. 在输掉第二盘后,蒂姆重拾信心,赢了第三盘。
sham [ʃæm]
【释】v. 伪装,假冒(to act intentionally so as to give a false impression)
【例】The little boy shammed sleeping. 那个小男孩假装睡觉。
sniff out
【释】发觉,发现(to discover something)
【例】The little girl left the house after she sniffed out the coming danger. 小女孩觉察到了迫近的危险,悄悄地离开了房间。
stumble on/upon
【例】The urge to wider voyages caused men to stumble upon North America. 为了开辟更广阔的航线,人们偶然发现了北美洲。
zero in on
【例】The police zeroed in on the suspicious man. 警方把注意力集中到嫌疑人身上。
actuate [ˈæktʃueɪt]
【释】v. 开动;激励(to put into mechanical action or motion; to move to action)
【例】The desire for conquest actuated the explorers of the sixteenth century. 渴望征服的想法激励了16世纪的开拓者。
avow [əˈvaʊ]
【释】v. 承认;公开宣称(to publicly claim or promise something)
【例】His father avowed that he had voted Labour in every election. 他父亲公开宣称,每年都投票给工党。
bring about
【释】导致,引起(to make something happen, especially to cause changes in a situation)
【例】The attack brought about a slaughter of the unarmed villagers. 袭击引起了对手无寸铁的村民们的屠杀。
buttress [ˈbʌtrəs]
【释】v. 加固,支持(to support, to strengthen)
【用】buttress...up 支持,加强
【例】As always, his argument is buttressed by facts and quotations. 一如往常,他的论点靠事实和引文支撑。
circumscribe [ˈsɜːkəmskraɪb]

【释】v. 限制(to limit something such as power, rights, or opportunities)
【例】Our life was extremely circumscribed, with long hours of study and few of play. 我们的生活受到极大的限制,因为我们花很长时间学习却不玩耍。
coerce [kəʊˈɜːs]
【释】v. 强制,迫使(to make someone do something by using force or threats)
【用】coerce sb. into sth./doing sth. 强迫某人做某事
【例】The government sent troops to coerce the strikers into compliance. 政府派遣部队强迫罢工者服从命令。
condone [kənˈdəʊn]
【释】v. 宽恕;容忍[to overlook, forgive, or disregard (an offense) without protest or censure]
【例】Child labour is still condoned in some countries. 在一些国家,童工仍然是被允许的。
consummate [ˈkɒnsəmeɪt]
【释】v. 完成(to finish something, especially a business deal or agreement)
【例】There have been several close calls, but no one has been able to consummate a deal. 期间有几次曾有达成协议的苗头,但是最终没能完成交易。
countermand [ˌkaʊntəˈmɑːnd]
【释】v. 撤回(命令)(to cancel a command)
【例】The commander countermanded the air strikes. 指挥官下令取消空袭。
effectuate [ɪˈfektʃueɪt]
【释】v. 实行,完成(to make something that you have planned happen)
【例】Now we can begin to effectuate the cure. 现在我们可以开始着手治疗了。
emulate [ˈemjuleɪt]
【释】v. 效仿,模仿(to try to be like someone or something else, usually because you admire them)
【例】Sons are traditionally expected to emulate their fathers. 通常会期望儿子们能够效仿他们的父亲。
exterminate [ɪkˈstɜːmɪneɪt]
【释】v. 灭绝,消除(to get rid of completely usually by killing off)
【例】We had to exterminate rats to prevent the spread of plague. 我们要消灭老鼠,以杜绝瘟疫泛滥。
feign [feɪn]
【释】v. 假装,冒充(to give a false appearance of)
【例】Duane feigned death to escape the manhunt. 杜安装死以逃脱追捕。
fortify [ˈfɔːtɪfaɪ]
【释】v. 增强;筑防御工事于[to strengthen and secure (as a town) by forts or batteries]
【用】fortify...(against) 防卫…(以抵御)
【例】Our soldiers were working day and night to fortify the airbase. 我们的士兵们夜以继日地奋战,以加固空军基地。
idolise [ˈaɪdəlaɪz]
【释】v. 极度喜爱或仰慕,崇拜(to think that someone is perfect)
【例】My sister had idolised Madonna from the start. 我妹妹从最初就非常崇拜麦当娜。
impel [ɪmˈpel]
【释】v. 驱使,推进(if a feeling or idea impels you to do something, you feel as if you are forced to do it)
【用】 驱使…做
【例】The man was impelled by the courage and competitiveness to take risks. 受勇气和好胜心的驱使,那个男人决定冒险。
【析】impel, impulse和propel都有“推动”的意思,但侧重点不同,区别如下:impel暗示一种内在的激励,同时还表示“在愿望和动机中更强的驱动力”,常用搭配是impel sb. to do sth.;impulse常用作名词,强调“刺激或推动的力量”,而不是“这种作用的结果或影响”;propel是一般用语,指“用任何方式推进,通常是来自机械力或各种力量”。
implore [ɪmˈplɔː(r)]
【释】v. 哀求,恳求,乞求(to ask someone to do something in a very emotional way)
【用】 do 请求…做
【例】“Don't leave me!” the old man implored. 老人恳求道:“别离开我!”
incite [ɪnˈsaɪt]
【释】v. 激发,鼓动,煽动(to encourage people to be violent or commit crimes by making them angry or excited)
【用】 鼓动…做
【例】His rude announcement was accused of inciting racial hatred. 他粗鲁的声明被指控煽动了种族仇恨。
pare [peə(r)]
【释】v. 削减,缩减(to reduce the total number or amount of something)
【用】pare...down 大量削减
【例】The candidates were pared from 660 to 160. 候选人从660人减少到160人。
revoke [rɪˈvəʊk]
【释】v. 撤销,取消(to officially say that something is no longer legal, for example a law or document)
【例】The company decides to revoke stock awards from employees. 公司决定取消对雇员的股票奖励。
spurn [spɜːn]
【释】v. 唾弃,摈弃,一脚踢开(to reject or refuse someone or something, especially in a proud way)
【例】Mark would be spurned out of doors with a kick. 马克会被踢出门。
Don't be disappointed. Even if you have lost all, tomorrow is still in your hand.
——奥斯卡·王尔德(Oscar Wilde)


















