Meet our new editor : Sookie!

2022-10-19 03:00:0703:11 34

Hello everyone, I am one of the new bilingual editors for BlockWarming media, Sookie!

BlockWarming’s mission is to bring as much reading materials integrating modern technology and environmentalism to create awareness of their importance. Such as using the blockchain technology to tackle the global warming issue.

As one of the new members, I am planning on carrying out a few projects in collaboration with BlockWarming such as a list of introductory articles sourced from educational institutions, interviews with social enterprises that uses modern technology to tackle global warming, or any individuals that have a story to tell. Fear not if we fail to reach out to you! As we are also working on developing BlockWarming into a site where individuals can upload their own articles too, so stay tuned!

Okay now, you might be curious why am I here working for this media website, so let me tell you guys a bit about myself.

I have studied abroad in a few countries and my main motivation, before, was to understand the locals and the history behind their current believes. However, when I recall to my answers when people ask me what attracts me most about a particular country, ironically, my answer was never something man-made, like a built landmark, but nature. Places like beaches, mountains and so on. For instance, Big Wave Bay, Dragon’s Back and Saikung is awesome, you guys have to check it out if you ever get a chance to visit Hong Kong!

And I think my love for being in the nature was what extended to my concern in environmental protection.

Well also just in my opinion, I think the social responsibilities carried out by the big corporates are pretty corrupted due to the hierarchical procedures, therefore I was very thrilled when I was introduced with the possibility of using the blockchain technology in revolutionising the whole process. If you are not well informed with what blockchain is, you can read my future articles with the #UnqualifiedSookieExplains.

FYI: A podcast version will also be attached along with every post I publish, and vlogs are also being considered!

It was Sookie from BlockWarming speaking, for the Chinese version of my post, you can interchange the language on the top right button on the webpage. Remember to stay tuned for my future posts~ bye!


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