[详解] 英语四级单词磨耳朵(101-120)|每天打卡,跟我背单词

2019-02-19 00:00:0342:01 9.9万


101.cattle:/ˈkætl/ n. 牛【A herd of cattle in a field. 田里的一群牛。 // The cattle are looking for food. 那牛在觅食。】

102.reporter:/rɪˈpɔːrtər/ n. 记者;通讯员【a news reporter 新闻记者 // Our sports reporter was on the sidelines. 我们的体育记者在场边。// That reporter is a member of the press pool at the White House.  那位记者是白宫新闻界的一员。】

103.highlight:/ˈhaɪlaɪt/ v. 突出;使引起注意,强调【Your résumé should highlight your skills and achievements. 你的简历应该突出你的技能和成绩。】;将(文本的某部分)用彩笔做标记;将(计算机屏幕的某区域)增强亮度;使醒目【Use the cursor to highlight the name of the document you want to print. 使用光标高亮显示要打印的文档的名称。// I've highlighted the important passages in yellow. 我用黄色标出了重要段落。】;n. 最好(或最精彩、最激动人心)的部分【That weekend in Venice was definitely the highlight of our trip. 在威尼斯的那个周末绝对是我们旅行中最激动人心的部分。// At 11.30 we'll be showing highlights from the third round of the FA Cup. 11点30分,我们将展示足总杯第三轮的精彩表演。】

104.race:/reɪs/ n. 赛跑,速度竞赛【He will be the youngest runner in the race. 他将是比赛中最年轻的赛跑运动员。// He started the race like a shot out of a cannon. 他像出膛的炮弹一样开始了比赛。// They had a row about who was going to row in which position for the boat race. 他们为谁将在划船比赛的哪个位置划而争吵不休。】;民族;人种;种族【The school welcomes children of all races. 这所学校欢迎所有种族的孩子。// a person of mixed race 混血儿 // The law forbids discrimination on the grounds of race or religion. 法律禁止基于种族或宗教的歧视。】;竞争;角逐【More and more drug companies are joining the race to beat cancer. 越来越多的制药公司加入到战胜癌症的竞争中来。// Mr Bird has now officially joined the race for the White House. 伯德先生现已正式加入白宫竞选。// He is no longer in the race for academic awards. 他不再参加学术奖的角逐。】;human race 人,人类;v. (和…)比赛;参加比赛【She'll be racing against some of the world's top athletes. 她将与一些世界顶尖运动员比赛。// Stevens will not be racing in the final due to a knee injury. 由于膝盖受伤,史蒂文斯将不会参加决赛。】;使比赛;让…参加速度比赛<一般指某物或某动物>【to race horses 赛马 // to race pigeon 赛鸽子// He will be racing a Ferrari in this year's Formula One championships. 他将在今年的一级方程式锦标赛上驾驶法拉利参赛。】;(使)快速移动,快速运转【I had to race home for my bag. 我得跑回家拿我的包。// She was raced to hospital. 她被迅速送往医院。// He raced up the stairs. 他飞快地冲上楼去。】;(心、头脑、思想等 因为害怕、兴奋等)急速跳动,快速转动【My heart was racing and my knees shook uncontrollably. 我的心跳加速,膝盖无法控制地颤抖。// My mind was racing, trying to think where I had seen him before. 我的脑子在飞快地想,我以前在哪里见过他。】

105.accuse:/əˈkjuːz/ v. 指控;控告;控诉;谴责【I don't want to accuse you of anything, but my wallet is missing. 我不想指责你什么,但我的钱包丢了。 // Don't accuse her of lying if you don't have proof. 如果你没有证据,不要指责她撒谎。// He was accused of murder. 他被指控谋杀。// The professor stands accused of (=has been accused of) stealing his student's ideas and publishing them. 这位教授被控窃取学生的构思并将其发表。】<注意:You accuse someone of doing something: They accused him of cheating. 我们不能说 accuse someone to do something>

106.hunger:/ˈhʌŋɡər/ n. 饥饿;饥荒【Thousands of people are dying from hunger every day. 每天都有成千上万的人死于饥饿。】;饥饿感;食欲;胃口【Try to satisfy your hunger by eating some fruit. 试着吃些水果来缓解你的饥饿感。】;(对某事物的)渴望,渴求【her hunger for knowledge 她对知识的渴望 // a hunger for success 对成功的渴望】

107.owl:/aʊl/ n.猫头鹰;夜猫子(喜欢熬夜的人)= night owl【There's an owl up in the tree.  树上有一只猫头鹰。】

108.lump:/lʌmp/ n.(通常指无固定形状的)块,团【sugar lump 糖块 // a lump of sugar 一块方糖// Sometimes a cube of sugar is referred to as a lump. So two lumps, please, no milk. 有时,一块四四方方的白糖被称为方糖。所以,请放两块方糖,不要牛奶。 // Melt a lump of butter in your frying-pan. 在煎锅里融化一块黄油。】;(尤指因疾病或伤害而出现的)肿块,隆起【She found a lump in her chest. 她发现胸部有个肿块。// I suggest she not worry about the operation. It's only a tiny lump. 我建议她不要担心手术。这只是一个小肿块。】;笨重的人,愚蠢的大块头【He’s a big fat lump. 他是个胖乎乎的大块头。】;v.把…归并一起(或合起来考虑)【You can't lump all Asian languages together. 你不能把所有的亚洲语言混为一谈。】

109. insignificant:/ˌɪnsɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt/ adj.微不足道的;无足轻重的【You realize that your problems are insignificant in comparison. 你意识到相比之下你的问题是微不足道的。// You make me feel insignificant. 你让我觉得自己无足轻重。】

110. reverse:/rɪˈvɜːs/ v. 颠倒;彻底转变;使完全相反;撤销,废除(决定、法律等)【The decision was reversed on appeal. 经上诉,这项裁决被撤销了。// They called on the company to reverse its decision. 他们呼吁该公司撤销其决定。 // More changes are required to reverse the trend towards centralised power. 为了扭转权力集中的趋势,需要进行更多的改革。】; (使)倒退行驶;倒车【Bob reversed into a parking space. 鲍勃倒车进入停车位。// I reversed the car into a side road. 我把车倒进了一条小路。】;交换(位置或功能)【Our roles as child and guardian had now been reversed. 我们作为孩子和监护人的角色现在被颠倒了。】;使反转;使次序颠倒【Writing is reversed in a mirror. 镜子里的字是反的。// You should reverse the order of these pages. 你该把这几页的顺序颠倒过来。】;承认错误;放弃(立场)【He has reversed himself on a dozen issues. 他已经不再坚持自己在一系列问题上的立场。】;n. 倒挡,倒车档【To park here you need to put your car in reverse. 你需要倒车才能停进这里。】;损失;失败;倒退【Losing the Senate vote was a serious reverse for the president. 参议院投票失败对总统来说是一次惨败。】; 后面;背面;反面【reverse side 反面,背面 // The British ten-pence coin has a lion on the reverse. 英国十便士硬币的反面有一只狮子。】

111.decent:/ˈdiːsənt/ adj. 像样的;相当不错的;尚好的【a decent salary 一份相当不错的薪水 // Don't you have a decent jacket? 你没有件像样的夹克吗?// They made a decent amount of money. 他们赚了一大笔钱。// How do I make a decent hamburger? 我要怎么做出一个像样的汉堡?】;得体的;合宜的;适当的;体面的;(人或行为举止) 正派的;公平的;合乎礼节的【The majority of residents here are decent citizens. 这里的大多数居民都是体面的公民。// At bottom he is really a decent fellow.  说到底,他真是个正派人。// ordinary, decent, hard-working people 勤劳、正派的普通人】;穿好了衣服的;适宜于见人的【Are you decent? Can I come in? 你穿好衣服了吗?我能进来吗?】

112. sympathy:/ˈsɪmpəθi/ n. 同情,同情心,理解【I have a lot of sympathy for her; she had to bring up the children on her own. 我很同情她;她得自己抚养孩子。// I have absolutely no sympathy for students who get caught cheating in exams. 我绝对不同情那些考试作弊被抓的学生。// Our sympathies are with the families of the victims. 我们同情受害者家属。// I don't need your sympathy. There's nothing you can do. 我不需要你的同情。你无能为力的。】;赞同;支持【Her sympathies lie firmly with the Conservative Party. 她坚定地支持保守党。// Sullivan expressed sympathy for the striking federal workers. 苏利文对罢工的联邦工人表示支持。】

113.photograph:/ˈfəʊtəɡrɑːf/ n. 照片;相片【three people in photograph 照片中的三个人 // a photograph taken at a tennis court 在网球场拍摄的照片 // a black and white photograph 黑白照片 // Do you want this photograph back or can I keep it? 你想要回这张照片吗,或者我能留下它吗?// I find it hard to believe that this is a real photograph. 我很难相信这是一张真实的照片。// The photographer is taking a photograph. 摄影师正在拍照。】;v. 摄影,照相【Kate agreed to let me photograph her. 凯特同意让我给她拍照。】

114. court:/kɔːrt/ n. 法院;法庭;审判庭【Supreme Court 最高法院 // International Criminal Court 国际刑事法院 // The witness backed up her story in court. 证人在法庭上支持了她的说法 // The court awarded custody of the child to the mother. 法院将孩子的监护权判给了母亲。 // I received a summons to appear in court on June 15th. 我收到了6月15日出庭的传票。// He appeared in court and was ordered held without bail. 他出庭受审,并被下令不得保释。】;(网球、篮球等运动的)球场,赛场【A photograph taken at a tennis court. 在网球场拍摄的照片 // The tennis court is red clay. 这网球场是红土的(球场)。】;王宫;宫殿;宫廷【the royal courts of Europe 欧洲皇家宫廷】

115.schedule:/ˈʃedjuːl/,/ˈskedʒʊl/ n. 工作计划;日程安排;计划表;进度表【I have a busy schedule today. 我今天日程排很满。// There was a mix-up in the schedule. 这个日程安排有点混乱。// Most projects are on a shoestring budget and a tight schedule. 大多数项目的预算都很小,日程也很紧。<on a shoestring 小本经营 ; 以极少的钱> // Her punishing work schedule meant she had little time for her family . 她繁重的工作日程意味着她几乎没有时间陪伴家人。<punishing 艰难持久的 ; 令人筋疲力尽的>】;on schedule 按预定时间,按计划【The plane came right on schedule. 飞机准时到达。// The majority of holiday flights depart and arrive on schedule. 大多数假日航班都会准时起飞和抵达。】;ahead of schedule 先于预定时间 / behind schedule 落后于预定时间 【I have renewed my membership ahead of schedule. 我已经提前续订了会员资格。// The new bridge has been finished two years ahead of schedule. 新桥提前两年落成。】;(价格、收费或条款等的)一览表,明细表,清单【a schedule of postal charges 邮费明细表,邮资价目表】;v. 安排;为…安排时间;预定【I need to schedule a physical. 我需要安排一次体检。// I need to schedule an appointment with a doctor. 我需要预约个医生。// I'd like to schedule an appointment. 我想预约一下。// I can schedule her party for 6 PM. 我可以把她的聚会安排在下午6点。// We will not cancel your holiday less than eight weeks before the scheduled departure date. 我们不会在预定出发日期前八周取消您的假期。】

116. satisfaction:/ˌsætisˈfækʃən/ n.满足,满意【She got great satisfaction from helping people to learn. 她从帮助人们学习中得到极大的满足。// ‘I've passed all my exams, ’ he announced with satisfaction. “我已经通过了所有的考试,”他满意地宣布。// Finance officials expressed satisfaction with the recovery of the dollar. 财政官员对美元的复苏表示满意。】;(对投诉或问题的)妥善处理;赔偿,补偿【I got no satisfaction from the customer complaints department. 我没有得到客户投诉部的妥善处理。】;(对需求或欲望的)满足 【the satisfaction of basic human needs 满足人的基本需要】

117.bench:/bentʃ/ n. (通常木制的)长凳,长椅【The bench is metal. 那张长凳是金属的。// dogs on the bench 长凳上的狗】;用于使用工具或设备工作的长而重的桌子;工作台【a carpenter's bench 木匠的工作台】;v. 把(场上队员)换下;罚(场上队员)下场;不让(队员)上场【Anderson has been benched until his injury has healed. 安德森在伤势痊愈前一直得坐冷板凳。】

118.removal:/rɪˈmuːvəl/ n. 移动;调动;去除【the removal of rubbish垃圾的清除】;除去;消除;清除【stain removal 去除污渍 // removal of many toxins from the blood 清除血液中的许多毒素】;免职;解职【events leading to the removal of the president from office 导致总统下台的一些事件】;搬迁;迁移【The removal men have been in and out all day. 搬家工人整天进进出出。】

119.solve:/sɒlv/,/sɑːlv/ v. 解决;处理【Hopefully, we'll solve this case that way. 希望我们能这样处理这个案子。// How can we solve the problem? 我们如何解决这个问题?// You should be able to solve this. 你应该能够解决这个问题。】;解答;破解【I need to figure out how to solve this puzzle. 我需要想办法破解这个难题。// Detectives want tips from the public to solve this homicide. 警探们希望公众提供线索来破获这起凶杀案。// He's trying to solve a math problem. 他正在试着解一道数学题。】

120.expert:/ˈekspɜːrt/ n. 专家;行家;能手【infectious-diseases expert 传染病专家 // I think we need an expert to advise us on this complex situation。 我认为我们需要一位专家就这一复杂情况向我们提供建议。// He's an expert in economics. 他是一位经济学专家。// I'm by no means an expert in this. 我决不是这方面的专家。】<注意,要说某人是某个专题或问题的专家,要用expert on,如:He's an expert on the Cold War. 但是不能说:He's an expert of the Cold War.  要说 某人是某个研究领域或活动的专家,要用expert in, 如:She's an expert in family law. 但是不能说:She's an expert of family law.>;adj. 熟练的;专家的;内行的;经验(或知识)丰富的【The police are expert at handling situations like this in strict confidence. 警方在处理这样的情况时非常善于保密。// We need some expert help. 我们需要一些内行的帮助。】










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