
2019-02-22 00:00:0442:03 6.8万



161.Christian:/ˈkrɪstʃən/ adj.基督教的;信奉基督教的【the Christian church 基督教会 // a Christian minister 基督教牧师】;有基督教徒品行的;慈善的;仁慈的;友爱的 = christian(首字母小写)【That wasn't a very christian thing to do! 那不是一件基督徒该干的事!】;n.基督徒

162.sew:/səʊ/ v. 缝;做针线活;缝制;缝补;缝上【I learned to sew at school. 我在学校学过缝纫。// Can you sew a patch on my jeans? 你能在我的牛仔裤上缝个补丁吗?// She sewed the two sides together. 她把两边缝在一起。 】 

163.limitation:/ˌlɪmɪˈteɪʃən/ n. 限制;控制【Any limitation to the king's power could be permanent. 对国王权力的任何限制都可能是永久性的。// a nuclear limitation treaty 核限制条约】;limitations 局限,局限性【Despite the limitations of the survey, it did suggest some general trends. 尽管这项调查存在局限性,但它确实表明了一些总体趋势。// It's a good little car, but it has its limitations. 这是一辆很好的小汽车,但也有它的局限性。】;起限制作用的规则(或事实、条件)【Disability is a physical limitation on your life. 残疾在身体方面限制了你的生活。// The new law imposes limitations on campaign contributions. 新法律对竞选捐款加以限制。】

164. vigor:/ˈvɪɡər/(美式拼写为 vigour)n. 体力;精力;活力【He began working with renewed vigour. 他精力充沛地投人工作。】

165. shortcoming:/ˈʃɔːrtˌkʌmɪŋ/ n. 缺点;短处【Peter was painfully aware of his own shortcomings. 彼得痛苦地意识到自己的缺点。// the shortcomings of our local government system 我国地方政府制度的缺陷 // The report suggested that there were severe shortcomings in police tactics. 报告指出,警方的战术存在严重缺陷。】

166.interaction:/ˌɪntərˈækʃən/  n. 交流,交往;相互作用,相互影响【Price is determined through the interaction of demand and supply. 价格在供需的相互作用中形成。// the complex interaction between mind and body 复杂的身心相互作用 // the degree of interaction between teacher and student 师生互动程度】

167.narrow:/ˈnærəʊ/ adj. 狭窄的;窄小的【a long narrow road 一条狭长的路 // The stairs were very narrow. 楼梯很窄。】;狭隘的;目光短浅的;有局限性的【You've got a very narrow view of life. 你对生活的看法很狭隘。// Some teachers have a narrow vision of what art is. 有些教师对艺术的理解很狭隘。】;(种类或数目)有限的;范围小的【The company offered only a narrow range of financial services. 该公司提供的金融服务范围很有限。】;勉强的;差距微小的;刚刚好的【We won a narrow victory. 我们险胜。// She was elected by a narrow majority. 她以微弱多数当选。】;v. 使窄小;变窄;缩小【He narrowed his eyes and gazed at the horizon. 他眯起眼睛,凝视着地平线。// The track divided into two and narrowed. 铁轨一分为二,变窄了。// The choice of goods available is narrowing. 可供选择的商品越来越少。// The gap between the two teams has narrowed to three points. 两队之间的差距缩小到三分了。// We need to try and narrow the health divide between rich and poor. 我们需要设法缩小穷人和富人之间的健康差距。】

168.straight:/streɪt/ adv. 笔直地;平正地;成直线【The book is on the table straight in front of you. 书就在你正前方的桌子上。// She was looking straight at me. 她正直直地盯着我看。// Terry was so tired he couldn't walk straight. 特里太累了,走路歪歪斜斜的。// He was sitting with his legs stretched straight out in front of him. 他坐着,两腿伸直在面前。】;正(地);直(地);平正地【Sit up straight, don't slouch.坐直,不要没精打采。<slouch /slaʊtʃ/ 没精打采地站(或坐、走);低头垂肩地站(或坐、走)>】;直接;径直;立即【I went straight up to bed. 我直接上床睡觉了。// Go straight home and tell your mother. 立即回家,告诉你妈妈。// I've got a meeting straight after lunch. 午饭后我马上要开会。// I think I should get straight to the point. 我想我应该开门见山地说。】;连续不断地;一连【He's been without sleep now for three days straight. 他已经连续三天没睡觉了。】;坦率地;直截了当地【I just told him straight that I wouldn't do it. 我直截了当地告诉他我不会这么做。// She came straight out with it and said she was leaving. 她直截了当地说她要走了。】;adj. 直的;笔直的【Try to keep your legs straight. 尽量保持双腿伸直。】;平正的;正的;直的;与…平行的【Is my tie straight? 我的领带有没有歪?】;坦诚的;直率的【I'd like a straight answer please. 请给我一个坦诚的回答。// I think it's time for some straight talk now. 我想现在该直言不讳了。// I wish you'd just be straight with me. 我希望你能对我坦诚相待。】;连续的;不间断的【The team now has an amazing record of 43 straight wins. 这支球队现在有43连胜的惊人记录。】;整洁;整齐;井井有条【It took me two hours to get the house straight. 我花了两个小时才把房子整理好。】;清楚的;简单明了的【It's a straight choice - either you leave him or you stay. 你的选择很简单——要么离开他,要么留下。// Let's get this straight - you're travelling to Frankfurt on Monday and Brussels on Tuesday, is that correct? 我们把这个弄清楚——你周一要去法兰克福,周二去布鲁塞尔,对吗?】;不欠钱的;两清的【If you give me £10, then we're straight. 你给我10磅,我们就两清了。】

169.burst:/bɜːrst/ v. (使)爆裂,(使)迸裂;胀开【The pipes had burst and the house was under two feet of water. 水管爆裂了,房子在两英尺深的水下。】;猛冲;突然出现【Jo burst into the room. 乔冲进房间。】;(心中)充满;心情迫切【I knew they were bursting with curiosity but I said nothing. 我知道他们充满了好奇,但我什么也没说。// Tom was bursting to tell everyone the news. 汤姆迫不及待地想把消息告诉每个人。】;n. 突发;猝发;爆破【a burst in the water pipe 水管的爆裂】;(尤指短期的)突然增加;迸发【a burst of speed 突然加速 // a burst of laughter 突然的一阵大笑】

170.lens:/lenz/ n. 透镜;镜片【a standard 50 mm lens 标准50 mm镜头 // the lens of the microscope 显微镜的透镜】 

171.saucer:/ˈsɔː.sər/ n. 茶碟,茶托【a cup and saucer 茶杯和茶托 // She gave the cat a saucer of milk (= a small amount of milk on a saucer). 她给了猫一小碟牛奶。】

172.float:/fləʊt/ v.漂浮【I wasn't sure if the raft would float. 我不确定木筏是否能浮起来。// She spent the afternoon floating on her back in the pool. 她整个下午都仰卧在游泳池里。】;(使)漂流;(使)浮动;(使)飘动;(使)飘移【I looked up at the clouds floating in the sky. 我抬头看着天空中飘浮的云彩。// Leaves floated gently down from the trees. 树叶轻轻地从树上飘落下来。// The sound of her voice came floating down from an upstairs window. 她的声音从楼上的窗户飘下来。】;优雅地移动,飘然移动【Rachel floated around the bedroom in a lace nightgown. Rachel穿着蕾丝睡衣轻盈地在卧室里走动。】;提出,提请考虑(计划或想法)【We first floated the idea back in 1992. 我们第一次提出这个想法是在1992年。】;(使)(货币)实现汇率自由浮动【Russia decided to float the rouble on the foreign exchange market. 俄罗斯决定使卢布在外汇市场上实现汇率自由浮动。】;n.彩车,花车【We stood and watched the Carnival floats drive past. 我们站在那里看着嘉年华彩车驶过。】

173.propose:/prəˈpəʊz/ v. 提议;提出;建议【In his speech he proposed that the UN should set up an emergency centre for the environment. 他在演讲中建议联合国设立一个环境应急中心。// The report also proposes expanding the airport. 报告还建议扩建机场。// He proposed a compromise to me. 他向我提出了妥协。】<在日常英语中,比起propose,人们更常用 put forward plans, ideas等等,如:The idea was first put forward by a German scientist.>;提名;提出…供表决【The resolution was proposed by the chairman of the International Committee. 该决议是由国际委员会主席提出的。// Mr Leesom proposed Mrs Banks for the position of Treasurer (=he suggested formally that she should be the treasurer).  李先生提名班克斯夫人担任司库】;计划(做某事),打算(做某事)【How does he propose to deal with the situation? 他打算如何处理这种情况?// We still don't know how the company proposes raising the money. 我们仍然不知道该公司打算如何筹集资金。】;求婚【Shaun proposed to me only six months after we met. 肖恩在我们见面六个月后向我求婚。】<注意,在日常英语中,你建议某人做某事 you propose that someone does something,如:I propose that Ms Green is appointed. ,在正式的英语中,你建议某人做某事 you propose that someone do something,这里用的是动词原形,如:I propose that Ms Green be appointed. 注意,我们不能说:I propose Ms Green to be appointed. 另外,即便是我们谈论过去发生的事,也可以用动词原形,如:I proposed that Ms Green be appointed.  还有,当你建议某人应该做某事的时候,You propose that someone should do something,如:He proposed that we should have another meeting.>

174.mature:/məˈtʃʊə/ adj.(儿童或年轻人) 明白事理的;成熟的;像成人似的【Laura is very mature for her age. 就她的年龄而言,Laura非常成熟。// We’re mature enough to disagree on this issue but still respect each other. 我们已经足够成熟,可以在这个问题上有分歧,但仍然相互尊重。】;(人、树木、鸟或动物) 成熟的;发育完全的【Mature apple trees are typically 20 feet tall. 成熟的苹果树通常有20英尺高。// The human brain isn't fully mature until about age 25. 人类的大脑直到25岁左右才完全成熟。】;v.变成熟,成熟;长成【As the fish matures, its colours and patternings change. 随着这种鱼的成熟,它的颜色和图案会发生变化。// She has matured into a fine writer. 她已成长为一位优秀的作家。// He has matured a lot since he left home. 自从他离开家以来,他已经成熟了很多。】;酿成,制成,发酵成熟【The olives are pulped, then left to mature. 橄榄被制浆,然后让它发酵成熟。】;酝酿成熟,完善【It took several years for her ideas to mature. 她的想法经过几年才酝酿成熟。】

175.sort:/sɔːrt/ n. 种类;类别;品种【What sort of shampoo do you use? 你用哪种洗发水?// I like all sorts of food – I'm not fussy. 我喜欢各种各样的食物——我不挑食。<fussy /ˈfʌsi/ 挑剔的>// On expeditions of this sort, you have to be prepared for trouble. 在这样的探险中,你必须为困难做好准备。<expedition /ˌekspəˈdɪʃn/ 远征;探险> // He wondered if Rosa was in some sort of trouble. 他想知道Rosa是否遇到了什么麻烦。<some sort of something >;某一种(或某一类)人【Iain's never even looked at another woman. He's not the sort. 伊恩甚至看都没看别的女人。他不是那种人。】;v. 整理;把…分类【The eggs are sorted according to size. 鸡蛋是按大小分类的。// All the names on the list have been sorted into alphabetical order. 名单上的所有名字都按字母顺序排列。】;妥善处理;安排妥当<主要用于口语>【Right, I'll leave this for Roger and Terry to sort, then. 好的,那么我把这个留给Roger和Terry来整理。】

176.attack:/əˈtæk/ n. 袭击;攻击【There have been several attacks on foreigners recently. 最近发生了几起针对外国人的袭击事件。】;(在战争中使用武器的)进攻,攻击【The attack began at dawn. 黎明时开始进攻。// Once again we came under attack from enemy fighter planes. 我们再次遭到敌人战斗机的攻击。// Rebel forces launched (=started) an attack late Sunday night. 叛军星期天晚间发动了一次袭击。】;(口头和书面的)抨击,非难【The magazine recently published a vicious personal attack on the novelist. 该杂志最近发表了对这位小说家的恶意人身攻击。// The company has come under fierce attack for its decision to close the factory. 该公司因关闭工厂的决定而受到猛烈抨击。】;(疾病、化学品等)侵袭;侵害;侵蚀【I had a bad attack of flu at Christmas. 我在圣诞节患了严重的流感。// He died after suffering a severe asthma attack. 他死于严重的哮喘发作。<asthma /ˈæzmə/ 气喘;哮喘> // My rose bushes are being attacked by aphids. 我的蔷薇花丛正在遭受蚜虫的侵害。<aphid /ˈeɪfɪd / 蚜虫>】;(情感的)一阵突发(如:突然感到极度恐惧或担忧,无法正常思考或处理事情)【Her heart began to pound frantically, as if she were having a panic attack. 她的心脏开始疯狂地跳动,好像她得了恐慌症。<frantically /ˈfræntɪklɪ/ adv. 疯狂地、疯狂似地>】

177.identical:/aɪˈdentɪkəl/ adj. 完全同样的;完全相同的;相同的【four identical houses 四栋一模一样的房子 // Nutritionally, infant formulas are almost identical to breast milk. 在营养方面,婴儿配方奶粉几乎与母乳相同。// The ingredients are identical with those of competing products. 这些成分与竞品相同。<ingredient /ɪnˈɡriːdiənt/ 成分>// The sisters were identical in appearance and character. 这对姐妹在外貌和性格上都是一样的。】

178.script:/skrɪpt/ n. 剧本;电影剧本;广播(或讲话等)稿【They write all their own scripts. 他们自己写剧本。】;字迹;笔迹【The invitation was written in beautiful italic script. 邀请信是用漂亮的斜体字写的。】

179.ought:/ɔ:t/ ought to (表示做某事有必要、值得或有利)应该,应当【What sort of crimes ought the police to concentrate on? 警察应该专注于什么样的犯罪? // You were out enjoying yourself when you ought to have been studying. 你本该学习的时候却在外面玩得很开心。】;(表示劝告或建议)应该【You really ought to quit smoking. 你真的应该戒烟。】;(表示期望某事发生)该,应该【We ought to get together some time soon. 我们不久应该聚一聚。】;(表示可能发生的或真实的事情)应该【He left two hours ago, so he ought to be there by now. 他两小时前离开了,所以现在应该到了。// They ought to win – they've trained hard enough. 他们应该赢——他们训练得够辛苦了。】

180.acute:/əˈkjuːt/ adj. 十分严重的【The housing shortage is more acute than first thought. 住房短缺比最初想象的更为严重。】;(病痛)急性的;剧烈的;(感官等)敏锐的,灵敏的;机敏的,有洞察力的【acute pain 剧烈疼痛 // acute embarrassment 极度尴尬 // acute anxiety 急性焦虑症,急性焦虑 // acute arthritis 急性关节炎 <arthritis /ɑːrˈθraɪtɪs/ 关节炎> // Young children have a particularly acute sense of smell. 幼儿的嗅觉特别敏锐。// an acute analysis of Middle Eastern politics 对中东政治的敏锐分析 // He is an acute observer of the social scene. 他是个敏锐的社会现状观察者。】




Identical 极为相似的 Mature成熟的








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