2016年6月期 第19集(06.28)今日话题:trains

2016-06-28 08:07:0724:17 80
20160628Morning Voice Fighting! MV487天]《 Trains


Q. Do you like to travel by train?

A. Yes, I quite like it. I can relax and look out the window, read, use your laptop on the train - it's all quite comfortable. On the bus it's more difficult to do those things because there is less space. The only problem with trains in my country is that they are often delayed or late. That can ruin your journey.

l relax and look out the window, read, use your laptop on the train 经常踢足球 放松并看着窗外,在火车上用电脑【探索词搭-心灵,眼睛,手脚】

l all quite comfortable非常舒服感受词搭】

l more difficult更加困难【感受词搭

l there is less space 空间更少【探索词搭-环境】

l often delayed or late 经常被耽搁或迟到【感受词搭

l ruin your journey破坏您的旅行欲望词搭】


Q. Where do you usually go by train?

AIt's usually on long trips across the country if I want to visit friends or I have an appointment somewhere. For short journeys around where I live or to work it's much easier to drive or take the bus. As I said before, you can do things such as read on the train so it's good for long journeys.

l visit friends or I have an appointment somewhere 拜访朋友或在其他地方有约会时场景词搭】

l around where I live 在我的住处周围地点词搭】

l much easier 更容易感受词搭】

l be good for long journeys 有利于长途旅行感受词搭】




l there is less space 空间更少【探索词搭-环境】

Do you like taking a bus or a taxi?

