
2019-05-27 08:14:1724:33 1.8万


that's it I only ate turkey just eat

turkey every day with gravy that's the

problem is people want to know what the

secret is the secret is you can't do it

in a month it takes eight months and or

a year or a lifetime to of consistency

working out every single day and eating

properly and truly feeding yourself not

starving yourself but giving yourself

proper nutrition to heal you have to

burn off all the crap you've put in your

body and then you have to replace it

with really good food and fuel I'm so


everything hurts transforming yourself

is really not hard it just you just it

requires consistency and dedication and

you have to be willing to sacrifice the

things that you want you have to trade

things that are fun like alcohol


you know meals at restaurants things

like that for you know long arduous

periods of time exercising and

physically exhausting and grueling work

I was capable of doing and I think

anybody could do it if they wanted to

but time is gonna go by just as fast

whether you're doing it or not so who do

you want to be eight months from now you

want to be in good shape then get on it

today having Fitness does enhance your

life it makes you feel better I think

it's like very effective in terms of

mentally making you tougher and stronger

and feeling better about yourself

the most fun I've ever had doing

something active I probably can't

mention on this my son was the result of

it you only live in that impeccable

shape for maybe 24 hours no seriously

it's like several months built up to

like the it's like a it's like an orchid

that blooms and dies on the same day you

know it's like care and concern watering

and the perfect amount of sunshine for

six months and then it just and you take

a selfie the trainer was like if you're

gonna do beer and EPPICard limited to 12

beers and make sure you do it after



what was it hard to actually get the

muscle ball calm it was the eating was

probably most difficult part it was it

wasn't the fun kind of a ting either it

was copious amounts of chicken breast

and various animal proteins and

what-have-you is that real yeah I

wouldn't spend six months in the gym it

was I read the comic books notice the

character was 700 kilograms so that's

certainly a little bit of are you doing

push-ups before you went on air to you

know some dumbbell things and everyone's

standing around the connect the workout

was probably more difficult than actual

filming it was my body doesn't sit

naturally of that that white unis that

was consuming many many calories and

protein you know being the main one and

working out six seven days a week my


you said I've spent six months getting

into shape for this no I don't mind he's

built like a brick shithouse look at you

so I muscled and everything

and he came he showed up at about 162

and we needed to get him to about 185

190 lifted every day protein every few

hours we work hard to beat as well as

we're eating chicken broccoli all day

nothing else

what has sweets this rubbish it was

horrible it's unnecessary and I don't

know why anybody does it for a living

getting into a gymnast is something I'm

not comfortable with the tool you guys

so I was very concerned I don't think it

was quite alarming the amount of

exercise that was demanded you know an

athleticism and discipline and structure

wasn't not my own it's all punches would

go through all the time you know like

you know an elbow and knee and a Joel

Torres meniscus took a few weeks off I

told the ligament of my right hand told

ya they broke my foot and the crap my

ribs like then we're still fighting

I'm an actor

I can explain this so for about three

months we trained in Boston and it was a

couple hours a day and it was brutal

the tricky part was eating sounds awful

nice but it's not just like

cheeseburgers you mean you have to eat

like these just bland naked pieces of

chicken and rice and it's it's not that


you just sit pretty uncomfortable you

want to look up the gun big so every

time they yelled cut and run offset and

that they brought some weights on the

set for me so every time we had a break

in filming it would run off and just our

lifting weights but as a result you know

you're working out pretty much the

entire day or for multiple days so by

the end of the sequence I was exhausted

Chris Evans manboobs really yeah what do

they like face to face um hurt very very

real and I couldn't quite help myself

during the scene I this first time I saw

him in his first time I was that close

so I just kind of touched them gently

you're high I can't really blame you I

guess yeah maybe they're really

impressive yeah

some of its good

there's boxes in my storage fat suits

skinny suits normal suits and and right

now in this shape I don't have any suits

my journey is that I began working at a

gym behind the counter

there's the skinny guy and making fun of

all the guys working out because I could

see no point in what they were doing so

I was by no means dad and I think people

kind of know that I was just a tall

skinny guy who had to kind of get into


The Wolverine diet is strict it's about

4,000 calories a day maybe four and a

half as I'm bulking up and then it gets

drops tears I'm leaning up drops down to

about three three and a half thousand

calories not the fun calories this is

the chicken fish maybe steak always

protein six times a day

protein steamed vegetables and

occasionally some brown rice for some

adapter protein shakes and just like

that no alcohol no sugar pretty not very

much nothing the fun here oh and I have

this fight and I have my shirt off in

this thing so it's a key sort of moment

physically I had to be in peak condition

for that and I went on a water

dehydration diet so that I can be as

ripped and cut as possible so for 24 30

hours you don't drink any liquids so I

had a massive headache I trained really

hard at morning in which you start

cramping up and then we were doing this

five with I had the real claws on he had

the sword is this safe to say this is

the furthest you've pushed yourself

physically yeah every time he has to do

one of these

the work involved which people don't see

is how hard he works on just getting the

body right for it I mean it just such

strict diet Miller he's lifting away

there yeah basically trying for three

hours a day and eat a lot of protein a

lot of food I actually got the diet from


the rock Johnson has made a moment every

day what I do is I eat for eight hours

and I fast for sixteen so from about

10:00 in the morning till 6:00 for this

I eat way too much and then nothing

after that


trainer before we started the film

wanted to pack on about 10 pounds on and

muscle-up be able to lift people over

your head and throw them around and

fight blood-sucking vampires it's a

tough thing when you work 1415 hour a

day and you have to get up 4:30 or 5:00

in the morning and go lift weights for

two hours and then go to work all day I

can clear my schedule for almost eight

or nine months and just work primarily

on getting ready for the role six days a

week he was in the gym always up at 4:00

in the morning doing this weights he

have a trainer sucked to it religiously

and it always made me laugh because on

70s he was allowed to go and drink and

eat as much as he wanted

he had the one day off during the week

where he could do that he was up at like

3:00 in the morning working out and

eating cardboard and it was there any

praising what a great diet the hardware

didn't sell anything to you know drywall

is also also author yeah the high

protein thank you yeah exactly and I'll

just enjoy the squats

how can you feel like a million bucks

when you're in shape when you're always

exhausted like you're when you're always

working out you never feel what it's

like to be you know fully strong I just

always feel like oh god my chest feels

like somebody like drove a truck over it

when you gain like seven or eight nine

pounds of muscle you look gigantic right

so there's no way you're gaining 40

pounds muscle you'd be a third yeah not

without like just pure dragon blood

being yet humped in my veins every case

there's no CGI or anything a six-pack or

anything like that

I wish someone's gotta invent that do

you stay in shape then for anything no

or is it per yeah I fits for the jock I

just wrapped Deadpool so I still got it

no I had worked out like crazy for that

bit but you know what's the literally

like five days wooden this five days

left of shooting I just stopped


100% the training has been generous

coveri just like super method city of

discovery super medellin he could fly I

like I could do all sorts of things in

the gym which I never thought possible

he started out I think his deadlift was

about 245 pounds after a period of time

he pulled for 35

and it all came from hard work and

discipline and paying attention to his

diet and to his sleep into his recovery

and ultimately I think Henry Cavill is

Superman it's not easy for anyone but

that doesn't mean that it was painful

obviously there are times where he was

cursing me under his breath sometimes to

my face but it's expected having it be

difficult I think makes the end result

worthwhile he's opened my eyes to seeing

past what I spoke with my limits and the

ability to crush in the gym but just

enough I can't walk out properly and I

feel horrible and feel a little snake

but I still want to come back Henry's

work to get his body in shape also just

evolved into getting me his say his mind

and spirit into shape it's not the kind

of training which just makes you look

pretty it's the kind of training which

first and foremost is useful you're

perceived boundaries and on your actual

boundaries you can push way beyond those

and I wouldn't necessarily recommend

doing it all the time but as long as you

have someone who's very knowledgeable

guiding you then you can do what Henry

did was just a ridiculous amount of hard


ichael literally a ridiculous amount and

it was five months of just you know

getting up at the crack of dawn training

like a maniac and you know really I

think using those moments of extreme

pain and agony to sort of see like this

is my Superman probably felt like when

he was a child trying to keep assimilate

to Earth's atmosphere


I workout twice a day six days a week

when I'm training for a shoot like today

or for True Blood or Magic Mike or any

other project that I have so it's a lot

if you want to put on empty weight eat

empty food I always say I eat to build

so you know I work out really hard in

the gym and I eat a lot of protein in

order to provide me with the building

blocks to maximize that training so

there's no sugar no carbs no alcohol so

you have to cut out a lot of that that

fun delicious stuff that the most people

really like I've spent the past 25 years

that's two-thirds in my life searching

out the best trainers on the planet the

best methods on the planet I did this

completely naturally no steroids no

human growth hormones I was not born

genetically to put on muscle I was

cursed with long limbs but somehow I

found a way to do it it got into

powerlifting you got into the

traditional Olympic lifts my diet is is

very strict but not strict in a way that

that it's not fun I'm a carnivore so I

get to eat as much meat as I can pretty

much put down I'm not somebody that's

against fat I'm against sugar

I think sugar when you're training is

the number one killer you gotta get rid

of the sugar get rid of the get rid of

the bread I didn't have it easy and I







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