Lucy小姐姐 | 教你出口成“花”

2019-07-25 06:03:0004:35 2万

I have been feeling so excited about spring, I cannot wait to see leaves on the tree, grass everywhere, flowers everywhere, and in the spirit of spring. I've decided to make a flower idioms video for you.


Right, idiom number one is to come up or out smelling of roses. If somebody comes up smelling of roses, it means they emerge from   a situation with their reputation undamaged. So it's to have people believe that you are good and honest after a situation that could have made you look bad and dishonest. For example, the scandal could have ruined her reputation, but she came up smelling of roses.

第一个 “过来闻玫瑰”。如果我们说一个人comes up smelling of roses, 意思就是说,尽管他经历了一些不好的事情,但名誉没有受损,人们依然相信这个人是善良诚实的。尽管有些事情可能让他看起来比较狡诈。举个例子,“这个丑闻差点让她名声扫地,但幸好她的声誉没有收到影响”。

Number two, to go to seed. This is slightly negative, be careful who you say this to. If somebody goes to seed, it means their quality or appearance has declined. A flower is really, really beautiful, and then it goes to seed, and it doesn't look so good. It might mean that they look older or worse than they did. For example, after having children, he started to go to seed. He didn't look so good anymore. That's a really nasty phrase. Let's move on to something more positive.

第二个“变成种子”,这个短语意思比较负面。所以用的时候要把握分寸。如果我们说一个人go to seed,就是说他的品质或者外貌在变差。大家想,花朵是非常非常美的,可一旦变成了种子,就不怎么好看了吧。所以这个短语就是说一个人变老了,长残了。举个例子  “有了孩子之后”,他都沧桑了,没有以前帅了。这种话说出来就很惹人烦哦。我们还是看一点积极正面的。

Okay, number three. As fresh as a daisy. If you are as fresh as a daisy, it means you are healthy and full of energy. For example, I thought I'd have a hangover, but I've woken up as fresh as a daisy.

第三个,跟雏菊一样清新。如果我们说一个人 as fresh as a daisy. 就是夸他非常健康,精力充沛。举个例子,我以为宿醉后肯定完蛋了,没想到早晨起来精神挺好的。

Number four. A late bloomer. A late bloomer is somebody who develops later on in life, either physically or mentally. So it could mean  that they hit puberty at a later age, or it could mean that they got a job, settled down, got married, had children at a much later age than is considered normal. For example, Colonel Sanders, the founder of KFC, was a later bloomer. He founded KFC at 65. And then he became a multi-millionaire.(claps)Congratulations, late bloomer.

第四个,很晚才开花。A late bloomer 用来形容一个人大器晚成,生理上或者心智上比较晚熟,我们可以用这个短语说一个人青春期来得比较晚,也可以用来说一个人成家立业,结婚生子,都比大多数人晚一些。举个例子,肯德基爷爷哈兰德·桑德斯大器晚成。65岁才创立了肯德基。然后就一夜暴富啦。(鼓掌)大器晚成者后来居上呦。

Number five. No bed of roses. If something is no bed of roses, it means it's difficult, it's not easy. For example, gaining a UK citizenship is  no bed of roses. It's very, very difficult.

第五个,没有玫瑰床。如果说什么东西no bed of roses, 就是说这件事很艰难,不容易。举个例子,英国公民身份可不容易拿。特别特别难。

We also have number six. Pushing up the daisies. This is a slightly morbid one. If you are pushing up the daisies, it means you're dead. You're underground, and you're helping the daisies to bloom. For example, my late uncle Malcolm is pushing up the daisies. It's very sad.

第六个,推着雏菊。这个短语比较沉重,如果说一个人pushing up the daisies,就说明他挂了,入土了。就...化作春泥更护花了。举个例子,马尔科姆叔叔已经去世了,真是令人难过。

Number seven, we have oops a daisy. And this isn't really an idiom, it's more of an exclamation. It's an expression used to indicate surprise. It's like...silly me. Oh no. Oops a daisy. We can just shorten it down to oops. It is quite frequently used with children.  So, for example, when Will says to me, Lucy, you left the front door unlocked again. I might say oops a daisy, silly me.

第七个,哎呦,一朵雏菊。这个其实不算短语。更像是一种感叹。用来表达惊讶之情。就像是我好蠢啊。天啊,不是吧。Oops a daisy. 有时候也直接缩成,oops。小孩子比较常用这个啦。举个例子,威尔跟我说,“露西,你又忘记锁门了”。我可能会说,“啊,天啊,我蠢死啦”。

The next one is a shrinking violet. A shrinking violet is somebody who is very very very shy. Somebody who doesn't like to express their views and their opinions. For example, I am no shrinking violet when it comes to expressing my opinions.

下一个,收缩的紫罗兰。a shrinking violet 指那种特别特别害羞的人,完全不敢表达自己想法的人。举个例子,各抒己见的时候,我可是从来不害羞的。

And the next one. This is a really good one. I use this a lot. To nip something in the bud. This means to stop something at an early stage. For example, if you see yourself developing a bad habit, try and nip it in the bud before it becomes ingrained in your brain. I try to do this, but I'm not always successful.


And the last one, the final floral idiom is to smell the roses. This means to appreciate what is often ignored. We sometimes say to stop and smell the roses or to wake up and smell the roses and in general it means to take time out of your busy schedule to stop and appreciate what is often ignored. Like nature and the beauty of life. So I might say, every morning I like to stop and smell the roses and take dog on a walk. There are no roses on the walk, but I just like to take a moment and enjoy the beauty that is around me.


Right, that's it for today's lesson. I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you learned something.







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