Lesson 8

2019-08-04 14:57:2624:08 905

[00:00.67]Lesson 8
[00:02.49]behavio(u)r n. 行为;运转情况
[00:07.76]Maggie Cheung has an elegant behaviour
[00:10.79]in the movie In the Mood for Love.
[00:20.27]analyze/-yse vt. 分析
[00:23.77]Lucent Company carefully analyzed the telecom market
[00:27.59]and won the biggest share in the bidding
[00:30.89]for the CDMA network equipment supplier to China Unicom.
[00:49.07]legal a. 法律(上)的;合法的
[00:53.13]The general manager of a company usually
[00:56.11]is also the legal person of the company.
[01:04.18]precaution n. 预防,警惕
[01:08.58]A quarter of all burglaries happened to homes
[01:11.89]whose owners failed to take the basic precaution
[01:14.93]of locking their doors and windows.
[01:27.96]observation n. 观察;言论;
[01:34.52]He is a man of keen observation.
[01:41.71]purchase vt./n. 购买
[01:46.47]Inflation reduces the purchasing power
[01:49.35]of people living on fixed incomes.
[01:59.41]artificial a. 人造的;矫揉造作的
[02:04.71]This fruit juice
[02:06.10]absolutely contains no artificial flavouring or colouring.
[02:15.43]rely vi. (on, upon)依靠;信赖
[02:19.93]British weather can never be relied upon--
[02:22.80]it's always changing.
[02:30.65]reliable a. 可靠的
[02:33.62]Communications satellites are more reliable
[02:36.55]in transmitting information than ordinary shortwave radios.
[02:49.70]distinguish vt. 区分;看清;(oneself)使杰出
[02:55.15]A common person usually can't distinguish
[02:58.00]a genuine antique from a fake one.
[03:07.43]arrange v. 安排;布置
[03:12.10]Like many other young people today,
[03:14.76]I won't let my parents arrange a marriage for me.
[03:27.16]schedule n. 时刻表;明细表 vt. 安排
[03:33.09]I never need a television schedule
[03:35.63]because I don't like to decide beforehand what to watch.
[03:47.17]secure a. 安全的;牢固的;无忧虑的
[03:52.91]vt. 得到;使安全;缚牢
[03:57.21]Our missiles and bombers secure us from attack.
[04:07.05]bid n. 企图;投标 vi. 投标
[04:10.67]vt. 出(价);祝;命令
[04:13.65]The company submitted a bid for the contract to clean the hospital.
[04:23.99]preference n. 偏爱;偏爱的事物(或人)
[04:30.24]In computer games,
[04:31.61]I have a preference for The Age of the Empire.
[04:40.32]dismiss vt. 不再考虑;解雇;解散;驳回
[04:46.70]Bryant claims he was unfairly dismissed from his post.
[04:56.20]crime n. 罪,犯罪
[04:59.34]Police prevent and detect crime
[05:02.02]while the courts punish crime.
[05:12.54]guilty a. 内疚的;有罪的
[05:16.89]Whenever I think of how hard my parents are saving for my education
[05:21.80]and how little I've learned, I feel guilty.
[05:25.57] 一想到父母为了我的教育攒钱那么辛苦,
[05:34.32]justify vt. 证明…正当,为…辩护
[05:39.60]The pursuit of good ends does not justify
[05:42.28]the employment of bad means.
[05:50.96]witness n. 目击者,见证人;证据 vt. 目击;证明
[05:59.52]Police have appealed for witnesses to the accident.
[06:08.29]urban a. 城市的
[06:11.26]Traffic noise, pollution, huge concrete buildings-
[06:15.05]how can people survive in the urban jungle?
[06:27.00]violence n. 暴力;猛烈
[06:30.96]Some new research is being done about the effects
[06:34.04]that sex and violence on television might have on viewers.
[06:46.87]reality n. 现实;真实
[06:51.55]It takes time for a dream to become a reality.
[06:59.33]proportion n. 比例;部分;均衡
[07:04.93]The proportion of boys to girls is usually about four to one
[07:09.65]in science and engineering colleges.
[07:17.57]neglect vt. 忽略;疏忽 n. 疏忽
[07:21.42]It's quite common
[07:23.39]that career women neglect their families and their children.
[07:33.51]regardless ad. 不顾后果地,不管怎样
[07:39.11]This book is designed to help you make maximum progress,
[07:43.29]regardless of your current level/
[07:46.39]regardless of what your current level is.
[07:58.52]shift v. 转移;转变 n. 转变;(轮或换)班
[08:04.74]The White House hopes to shift the media's attention away
[08:08.18]from foreign policy issues.
[08:16.71]weird a. 离奇的;怪诞的
[08:20.39]Weird shrieks were heard in the darkness.
[08:27.83]property n. 财产;房产;性质
[08:33.38]Peasants in some areas are extremely poor
[08:36.91]and they don't even know what property means.
[08:47.63]sufficient a. 足够的,充分的
[08:51.87]Many people working and living in the city
[08:54.60]don't have sufficient sleep.
[09:02.52]community n. 社区;团体;群落
[09:07.62]To host the Olympic Games,
[09:10.10]Beijing needs to expand its English-speaking community.
[09:21.48]specific a. 特定的;明确的 n. (pl.)详情
[09:27.02]Instructions for a nation-wide test must be specific.
[09:37.87]infer vt. 推断
[09:40.77]What a reader infers from the writing
[09:43.39]is sometimes more than what the writer actually implies in it.
[09:57.46]reasonable a. 通情达理的;合理的;公道的;过得去的
[10:05.26]I will accept your proposal
[10:07.22]if your budget is reasonable.
[10:14.99]objection n. 反对;反对的理由
[10:19.86]"What do you think of my proposal?"
[10:22.31]"I don't have any objection to it."
[10:29.40]reluctant a. 不情愿的
[10:32.71]In the winter I am reluctant
[10:34.56]to get out of bed every morning.
[10:42.61]persuasion n. 说服;信念
[10:46.68]Parents are encouraged to rely on persuasion
[10:50.61]rather than punishment.
[10:58.14]amount n. 数量;总数 vi. (to)合计;接近
[11:03.87]Nationally, deaths from smoking-related illnesses
[11:08.28]amount to about 30 people each day.
[11:19.43]energetic a. 精力充沛的
[11:22.79]It's really shocking that so many athletes today
[11:25.46]have taken dopes to be more energetic.
[11:37.78]switch v. 转变 n. 开关;转变
[11:41.80]Let's switch the conversation to a lighter subject.
[11:50.43]assess vt. 对…进行估价;评论
[11:55.31]The value of the house was assessed at $400,000,
[12:01.02]$50,000 less than its selling price.
[12:12.48]utility n. 功用,效用;(常pl.)公用事业
[12:18.03]Railroads, bus lines, gas and electric companies
[12:21.44]are public utilities.
[12:31.57]essential a. 必不可少的;本质的 n. (常pl.)要素;必需品
[12:38.69]Food, clothing, shelter and transportation
[12:42.46]are essential to life.
[12:50.36]relax v. 放松;放宽
[12:54.62]You make everybody relaxed.
[13:00.38]pressure n. 压(力);强制
[13:04.00]vt. 对…施加压力,说服
[13:07.96]Not all students work well under pressure.
[13:17.31]graduate n. 毕业生;研究生 a. 研究生的 v. 毕业
[13:25.74]Experience is a school from which one can never graduate.
[13:33.06]sponsor n. 发起者,赞助者 vt. 发起,主办;资助;支持
[13:42.46]The presidency campaign in the United States
[13:45.67]needs lots of sponsors.
[13:53.27]outstanding a. 杰出的;未解决的
[13:58.19]Nobel prizes are international prizes awarded each year
[14:02.30]for outstanding achievements in physics,
[14:05.11]chemistry, medicine, economics, literature and world peace.
[14:24.43]grant n. 拨款 vt. 授予,同意
[14:28.83]The government gave the poor village a grant
[14:31.46]to build a small school.
[14:41.35]foundation n. (pl.)地基;基础;基金会;建立
[14:46.70]Bruce hoped that this job would serve as a firm foundation
[14:50.88]for his chosen career.
[15:00.69]register n. 登记;登记表 vi. 登记,注册
[15:05.02]vt. 登记;指示;表示;注意到;把(邮件)挂号
[15:10.77]Foreign visitors must register with the state officials
[15:14.33]upon entering the country.
[15:23.70]qualification n. 资格,合格证书;限制
[15:29.51]Do you have any teaching qualifications?
[15:36.94]occupation n. 职业;消遣;占领
[15:42.17]The World War II German occupation of France lasted four years.
[15:53.23]mature a. 成熟的;成年人的;
[15:58.04]深思熟虑的;到期的 v. (使)成熟
[16:03.26]Our judgement matures (=becomes mature)
[16:07.25]as we grow older.
[16:15.80]assure vt. 使确信;确保
[16:20.24]Nothing can assure permanent happiness.
[16:28.96]promote vt. 促进;提拔;推销
[16:34.45]We look down upon those
[16:35.86]who are promoted by virtue of flattering their superiors.
[16:46.78]dynamic a. 有活力的;不断变化(或增长)的;动力的
[16:52.28]n. (原)动力;(-s)动力学
[16:53.85]If you are young, attractive and dynamic,
[16:57.93]you don't need to worry about finding a date.
[17:09.97]publication n. 出版;出版物;发表
[17:15.53]The publication of Rich Dad and Poor Dad
[17:19.28]has brought its author Robert Kiyosaki great profit and fame.
[17:32.27]welfare n. 福利;福利救济
[17:36.53]Most of the families in this neighborhood are on welfare.
[17:46.09]evident a. 明显的
[17:49.07]We hold these truths to be self-evident,
[17:52.32]that all men are created equal.
[17:55.14](Thomas Jefferson)
[18:00.98]人皆生而平等。 (托马斯·杰斐逊)
[18:04.08]specialize/-ise vi. (in)专攻
[18:06.86]The more rapidly the economy develops,
[18:09.48]the more our environment is threatened.
[18:12.20]Therefore we need better research centers that specialize in ecology.
[18:28.93]diverse a. 不同的;多种多样的
[18:33.55]There are diverse dialects in the Chinese language.
[18:42.00]transplant vt. 移栽;移植;使迁移 n. 移植
[18:47.77]Tea was transplanted from China to India and Sri Lanka.
[18:57.33]boast vi. (of, about)夸耀 vt. 夸口;以拥有…而自豪 n. 自吹自擂
[19:03.78]Nobody should boast of his learning.
[19:10.64]virus n. 病毒;病毒性疾病
[19:15.66]Many computer viruses spread out quickly by emails,
[19:19.35]and usually they are sent in the form of attachment.
[19:35.30]assume vt. 假定,假设;
[19:40.68]Assuming that you memorize ten words every day,
[19:44.19]it won't take you long to keep all those new words in mind.
[19:56.29]release vt./n. 释放;解除;放开;发布
[20:03.51]The hijackers released three of the hostages.
[20:11.05]symptom n. 症状;征兆
[20:14.77]The symptoms of a cold usually are fever,
[20:17.78]headache, sore throat, cough, and running nose.
[20:30.35]corresponding a. 相应的;一致的
[20:34.69]All rights carry with them corresponding responsibilities.
[20:44.95]stuff n. 原料,材料 vt. 填进,塞满;让…吃饱
[20:52.95]Real life is the stuff of all good novels.
[21:02.76]remote a. 遥远的;关系疏远的;绝少的;孤高的
[21:10.52]In a remote village,
[21:11.93]you will be able to see remote stars clearly in the sky at night.
[21:24.24]discipline n. 纪律;训练;惩罚;学科 vt. 训练;惩罚
[21:30.00]Parents have to discipline their children.
[21:36.75]impression n. 印象;印记
[21:40.84]Vivian Leigh's excellent acting in the motion picture
[21:44.40]Gone with the Wind has made an indelible impression
[21:48.50]on movie fans all over the world.
[22:02.49]recall v. 回忆起;召回;撤销
[22:08.39]Recall the misery of the past
[22:10.58]and contrast it with the happiness of today.
[22:16.41]provided conj. 假如,若是
[22:20.95]The children may swim provided an adult accompanies them.
[22:30.06]range n. 一系列;范围,幅度;距离;(山)脉;靶场
[22:38.87]vi. 变化;(over)论及;漫游 vt. 使排列成行
[22:45.23]The temperature in Kunming usually ranges
[22:48.11]between 15℃ and 25℃ (=from 15℃ to 25℃),
[22:57.59]and that's why it is called "the Spring City".
[23:09.21]salary n. 薪水
[23:12.14]Computer engineers at IBM are people with high salaries.
[23:22.84]opportunity n. 机会
[23:26.03]When an opportunity is neglected,
[23:28.46]it never comes back to you.
[23:34.27]replace vt. 取代;更换;把…放回原处
[23:41.43]You'll have to replace those tyres; they're badly worn.
[23:51.84]successive a. 连续的
[23:54.78]It has rained for ten successive days and as a result,
[23:58.91]many villages were flooded.





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