
Finance hampers dating game

Millennials have a lot of things to complain about when it comes to their financial circumstances. Crushing student debt loan, the rising cost of living and the lack of well-paying jobs have made millennials into the most broke generation in contemporary history. 

But new research showing that almost a third of millennials think dating is too expensive reveals Generation Me isn't just short on money - but commitment. A survey by Match.com's Singles in America found that about 30% of adults between the ages of 22 to 37 feel their financial instability is hampering their dating game. 

And 21% of the millennials think they don't even deserve love until they've reached a certain level of income, according to the study, which analyzed the dating habits of more than 5,000 US adults. Match.com also found that 22% of singles say a potential partner's financial situation has held them back from pursuing a relationship with them.

Disney sued for food policy

In response to a lawsuit against its "no outside food and beverage" policy, Shanghai Disneyland said on Monday that the rule is "consistent with many other theme parks across China" and "guests are welcome to enjoy their own food and beverages outside the park". The suit was brought by a law school student in Shanghai after she was told by park security to either throw away the snacks she had brought in her backpack or finish them. 

In order to get into the park, she discarded the snacks, which were worth 46.3 yuan. She called for the park's ban to be overturned and for the park to compensate her loss. The case was heard on April 23 and the verdict is pending. This is not the first time Shanghai Disneyland got sued over the policy. In June 2018, a lawyer from Suzhou, Jiangsu province, tried to take the theme park to court by accusing it of violating consumer rights. But the court turned down his appeal.

PKU re-admits two students 

Peking University, one of the best universities in China, announced on Sunday it will re-admit two impoverished students from Henan province after it initially decided to replace the two with those who had better grades. The university admitted malpractice in student enrollment in the national college entrance exam, or gaokao, it said in a statement. 

In an attempt to narrow the gap between urban and rural schools, in 2012, the central government ordered top Chinese universities to set aside special quotas to accept more students from disadvantaged areas, mainly by lowering entry test scores. Peking University is supposed to enroll eight impoverished students from Henan province this year. 

However, the university decided not to enroll the students in the seventh and eighth places because their grades, 542 and 536, respectively, were much lower than the other six students, with the student in sixth place scoring 667 in the college entrance exam. 

$1M to find security flaws

Apple is giving away $1 million to a hacker who can break the tech giant's security protections over an iPhone remotely. It is a significant increase in reward from the $200,000 "bounty program" Apple has run since 2016 to incentivize hackers to work with the company, rather than target it and its users. 

With security breaches increasingly on the rise, Apple CEO Tim Cook has called privacy a "human right," and made it clear that Apple is serious about not collecting personal information and keeping its 2 billion customers around the globe safe from hackers. Apple isn't alone on offering rewards to hackers, although other companies have offered far less. Rival company Google announced in July it was offering $30,000 to people who could find flaws in its Chrome browser, CNET reports.





每日必听~先盲听几遍再一句一句听 听不懂再去看文稿 总有不认识的单词 再去查了记下来 认真听一篇听力阅读单词都练到了!还能听新闻~超爱ChinaDaily的!比心


542 and 536,被读作 452 and 436,这差距有点大了吧。。。

泊客360全景任江华 回复 @鹿筱慢


鹿筱慢 回复 @听友184760979


鹿筱慢 回复 @1818218cets



数字读错了,542读成four five two, 536读成four three six

泊客360全景任江华 回复 @1505911jlow




