Were there weekends in the past?古人也过周末吗?

2019-08-19 20:07:2915:39 491

    We have lots of fun on weekends. Did people in ancient China also enjoy them? Sadly, ancient Chinese people did not use the weekly calendar, so they did not have weekends. But they could still relax after work.

    During the Han Dynasty officials took one day off every five days. During the Tang Dynasty officials worked for ten days and rested for one day. What did they do on that day? The answer is surprising. They bathed and washed their hair!

  Ancient Chinese hadlong hair. They also wore heavy clothes.they needed to clean themselves oftenso they wouldn’t get sick. Bathing was also a way to show politeness Confucius always took a shower before meeting people.

   But boiling water tooka long time. And there were no hair dryers. People waited a long time for theirhair to dry. That’s why they needed to take a day off.

  There were many public holidays in ancient times, such as Apring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival. During the Song Dynasty, officials rested for over 100 days, every year! People spentthe holidays with family and friends. They ate a good meal and went hiking.

word bank

1. weekend - Saturday and Sunday

  weekdays- Monday to Friday

2. ancient adj 古代的

3. enjoy v enjoy the weekend;

   enjoy the holiday;

   enjoy oneself

4. sadly adv 可悲的

5. calendar n 日历

6. relax v 放松

7. during prep 在…期间

eg during the summer/winter holiday

during the weekend

8. Dynasty 朝代

Ming Dynasty

Han Dynasty

Tang Dynasty

9. official n 官员

10. take …off 放一天假

eg take one day off

    take a week off

   take a month off

11. wear v 穿 (衣服,鞋子)

eg. wear clothes/shoes


eg. wear glasses/a hat/a necklace

12. need to do sth 需要做某事

eg . You need to clean your own bedroom.

I need to change my bad habit.

13. Bathing was also a way to show politeness.

    bathing 动名词作主语

   Swimming is a good activity in summer.

   Reading daily is a good habit.

14. politeness n 礼貌

     polite adj 有礼貌的

    -ness 名词后缀

    eg. happy-happiness



15. Confucious n 孔子

16. But boiling water took a long time.

     boiling 动名词 boiling water 做句子主语

     boil v 煮;烧 boil egg;boil water

17. hair dryer 吹风机

    - er 使用的工具

     eg. heater 暖气;lighter 打火机

18. public holiday 公共假期

eg. National Day 国庆节

      May Holiday 五一劳动节

      Mid-Autumn 中秋节

      Dragon Boat festival端午节

      Spring festival 春节

19. hiking 远足;爬山


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