

Scene 1

Justin: "Hey, Mrs. Solis." 
Gabrielle: "I'm sorry. Do I know you?" 
Justin: "Yeah, I'm Justin. John's roommate? I've been waiting forever for you to show up." 
Gabrielle: "Really, why?" 
Justin: "I want to do you a favor." 
Gabrielle: "What kind of favor?" 
Justin: "Well, John says that you can't exactly afford a gardener right now, and I told him I'd be happy to do it. For free." 
Gabrielle: "You want to mow my lawn for free?" 
Justin: "Mow your lawn, water your flowers, trim your bushes. I could do everything John did for you."

Gabrielle: "That's very generous of you, but I don't think so." 
Justin: "Why?" 
Gabrielle: "Because my husband is home quite a lot these days. If any bush needs trimming, he takes care of it." 
Justin: "Well, this is a very beautiful yard. I'm sure it could use a little extra attention." 
Gabrielle: "I'm flattered, but no, thank you."

(She starts to walk past, and he grabs her arm, holding on.) 
Justin: "Mrs. Solis, please." 
Gabrielle: "Did I mention why my husband's home a lot? He's under house arrest." 
Justin: "Oh?" 
Gabrielle: "He has a lot of anger toward the government right now and he's just dying to find someone to take it out on."

Scene 2

Gabrielle: "Justin, what are you doing up here?" 
Justin: "Uh, I finished the hedges. Is there anything else Mr. Solis wants done?" 
Gabrielle: "I don't know. He's not here. He had a meeting with his lawyer." 
Justin: "So, I guess that means we're all alone." 
Gabrielle: "No, that means I'm all alone. You're leaving." 
Justin: "I'm not in a hurry. C'mon, maybe we could hang out for a little while." 
Gabrielle: "I don't think so."
Justin: "C'mon, if you just got to know me, you'd see I can be lots of fun. All my friends say so." 
Gabrielle: "Well, I'm not interested in becoming one of your friends. Get out of my bedroom." 
Justin: "C'mon, Mrs. Solis, be nice."
(He grabs her and leans in for a kiss. She slaps him.) 
Justin: "You shouldn't have done that." 
Gabrielle: "Do you know how easy it would be for me to call my husband and tell him what you just tried to do?" 
Justin: "Not as easy as it'd be for me to tell him what happened between you and John. I'm sorry, Mrs. Solis, but you're gonna have to be nice to me, at least once."

Scene 3

Justin: "Mrs. Solis!" 

Gabrielle: "Hello, Justin." 
Justin: "What are you doing here?" 
Gabrielle: "I am here to talk to your roommate." 
Justin: "John? I didn't think you guys talked anymore." 
Gabrielle: "Well, now we have something to talk about. You." 
Justin: "Me?" 
Gabrielle: "Yes, I'm gonna tell him how you're trying to blackmail me into sleeping with you. I wonder how he'll react." 
Justin: "Mrs. Solis --" 
Gabrielle: "Think he'll get violent?" 
Justin: "You can't talk to John about that." 
Gabrielle: "Oh, I can, and I will, you little worthless piece of crap." 

Justin: "Listen, Mrs. Solis. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't want to blackmail you." 
Gabrielle: "Then why did you?" 
Justin: "I really needed to sleep with you." 
Gabrielle: "Why?" 
Justin: "Because. I think I might be gay." 
Gabrielle: "Oh."

Gabrielle: "So, have you been acting on these feelings?"

Justin: "I got a buddy. We get together, mess around, but it's no big deal. Just lately, I've been starting to, like, care about him and I don't know how to handle it.

Gabrielle: "Wow."

Justin: "Yeah, and I thought if I sleep with somebody like you, I'll know for sure and I can stop freaking out about this." 
Gabrielle: "Yeah, but why me? You're a good looking kid. Why don't you test drive someone your own age?"

Justin: "Girls talk. If I start something with somebody and it doesn't...work out, everybody at school will find out, and I figured I could trust you because you have husband and all." 
Gabrielle: "Well, I guess that makes sense in a weird sort of way."

Justin: "You know, my buddy and I, we've been messing around for quite a while and, this whole time, I just kept telling myself, it didn't really mean anything. Guess I just been kidding' myself, huh?" 
Gabrielle: "We're all in denial about something. But you're finally facing the truth and I think that's sort of brave." 

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