
2019-09-10 10:21:0412:26 1120



I’m Bill. Thank you for your interest in our course!  

Honestly, I really don’t like talking about myself ... but, it is important.  It’s important that you understand where I’m coming from, why I co-created this course, and why this course is so unique.


I’ve been fortunate to have a wide range of life and work experience to bring to bear on the issues covered in this course, and the larger book project. I’ll briefly highlight those experiences most applicable:   


- Let’s jump right in and start with Community Ladders – a social enterprise and non-profit I founded nearly a decade ago in response to the U.S. financial crisis. We provide one-on-one holistic financial planning and coaching services.  This means that we cover all aspects of people’s financial lives, from debt management to career changes, to budgeting and investments, and everything in between.  This has led to thousands of hours of client interactions, and a rich practical experience of trying different approaches to see which interventions work, and which don’t.  

- Along the way, we were motivated by some fundamental questions, like “Why do very smart people often seem to make rather stupid choices when it comes to finances?” Spoiler alert! – It’s BECAUSE SMART PEOPLE ARE ANIMALS TOO! Another inspiring question: “How do we ensure personal responsibility and accountability for keeping one’s financial goals. In other words, how do we keep people on track?” And of course, the fundamental question from day 1, “How to provide people with sustainable and very practical solutions to their financial problems.” These and other questions were at the heart of the development of Community Ladders’ approach to truly holistic financial planning.    

Beyond Community Ladders, there have been quite a few experiences that have helped shape this course and the larger book project:  

- I did my Undergraduate degree at the University of Notre Dame (a triple major in Accounting, Computer Applications, and Environmental Science) – so, from the start, I’ve been multi-disciplinary (and it truly takes a multidisciplinary approach to address problems in personal finance).   

- I have a Master’s degree in Conservation Biology.  Throughout the course you will see an emphasis on human evolutionary biology and the biological urges that underpin the reasons why we find money and finances so challenging. Studying animal and plant evolution and adaptation in graduate school helped frame my understanding of human behavior.

- While pursuing that Master’s, and later in my PhD coursework, I studied Ecological Economics – a systems approach to economics that, among other things, challenges the assumption in classical economics that people behave rationally.  

- I’ve spent six years living and working abroad, in Africa, China, and the former Soviet Union. I’ve worked for the US Peace Corps and the US State Department, and have worked with, and evaluated, international development projects in multiple countries. I believe I have gained a genuine appreciation for cultural differences in approaches to, and feelings about, finance. This is why I would not take on this course and other projects without a Chinese partner. I want to stress that this course is original and developed from scratch specifically so that we could tailor it to a Chinese audience and its unique needs. I really want to emphasize this important point - we are not just translating and repacking an existing course – we are developing it from scratch specifically for the Chinese audience.  

- A final note on my international experience – my work with international development projects informed the way Community Ladders works with its clients – we emphasize intervention and accountability instead of “instruction” or “education” alone.


Whew – enough about me!

So, the question you are probably asking yourself,  “Why should I take this course?  

First, let me tell you that I don’t have any particular interest in putting out the same content as other people, even with my own spin. Rather, when in discussions about doing this course, I wanted to ensure that it was truly unique, and that it speaks to the fundamental issues of people’s relationship to money.  At the same time, it was vital that it contained practical solutions for participants to make concrete process. And in this, I believe we’ve succeeded.

The most critical piece was collaborating with Jiejun Chen, an eminent mental health therapist and a true scholar.  She’s been great to work with!

It’s actually kind of funny – when I first started Community Ladders, I wanted to avoid anything that even resembled psychology and emotions, and instead laser focus only on providing practical solutions to people’s clearly defined financial problems. What I’ve learned over the last decade though – a decade that encompasses thousands of hours of clients intimately sharing their hopes, dreams, and fears – is that human biology, and therefore human psychology, is fundamental to helping people achieve more satisfying lives – financial and otherwise.  When it comes to personal finance, humans are constantly engaged in self-defeating behavior. Sometimes it’s dark and dangerous, sometimes it’s simply going to great lengths to avoid addressing issues, and other times it can be almost comically absurd. But, all of these are human behaviors, prompted in large part due to our underlying biology. As humans we are often irrational, but thankfully we are also predictably irrational.  Understanding this – our basic instincts and urges, and equipping ourselves with practical ways to combat these tendencies, are fundamental to making real and lasting changes for a better life.



So, with that, I want to very briefly highlight the benefits of this unique course:

- It addresses the root causes of anxiety and unhappiness with money.

- It combines the research in the scientific fields of neurobiology, evolutionary biology, psychology, and behavioral economics to explain human behavior regarding finances. It gives you an understanding of the urges and pressures we experience that cause us to make poor, and often irrational, choices.

- It brings a decade of holistic financial planning experience to bear on these issues, and we give access to the observations, practical solutions, and anecdotes distilled from thousands of hours of very intimate financial conversations with clients.

- It also brings Jiejun Chen’s long experience in mental health counseling. Money and financial issues are often prominent, or at least proximate, causes of anxiety and mental stress.


Lastly, a note on investing -

A lot of courses focus on investing. I understand, and appreciate, that this is an important topic. But investing - by itself - will NOT make or break you, it won’t solve your problems, nor will it  improve your fundamental relationship with money. In my work at Community Ladders, almost everyone came in with the same central questions about how to invest for retirement and what to do in the stock market. By design, investing would be the very last section of holistic planning that we would cover during our two hour intake sessions. The truth is you will NEVER feel like you have enough money if you don’t get the fundamental psychology of money and finance correct - for you personally. I certainly do work with people on investing, and indeed the psychology of investing. It’s simply that there are other things relating to your relationship with money that have a higher initial priority.


And so, I welcome you to this course, and appreciate you taking this journey together with us.







我本科就读于圣母大学(University of Notre Dame)(会计、计算机应用和环境科学三门专业),所以从一开始,我就是多学科的(解决个人财务问题确实需要多学科的方法)。



我在国外、非洲、中国和前生活和工作了六年。我曾为美国和平队(US Peace Corps)和美国国务院(US State Department)工作,在多个国家参与并评估国际发展项目。我相信我已经真正体会到了对待金融的方式和感受上的文化差异。这就是为什么没有中国合作伙伴,我不会选择这门课和其他项目。我想强调的是,这门课程是原创的,是从零开始专门开发的,这样我们就可以为中国观众量身定做,满足他们的独特需求。我真的想强调这一点——我们不只是翻译和重新包装现有的课程——我们是从零开始,专门为中国观众开发的。

-关于我的国际经验的最后说明- -我在国际发展项目中所做的工作指导了社区梯子与其客户合作的方式- -我们强调干预和问责,而不仅仅是“指导”或“教育”。我受够了!




这其实很有趣——当我第一次开始社区梯子的时候,我想避免任何类似于心理学和情感的东西,而是专注于为人们明确定义的财务问题提供切实可行的解决方案。在过去的十年里,我学到的是——这十年里有成千上万个小时的客户亲密地分享他们的希望、梦想和恐惧——人类生物学,以及因此而产生的人类心理学,是帮助人们实现更满意生活的基础——无论是在经济上还是其他方面。当涉及到个人理财时,人们经常会做出弄巧成拙的行为。有时它是黑暗和危险的,有时它只是竭尽全力避免解决问题,而有时它几乎是滑稽可笑的。但是,所有这些都是人类的行为,在很大程度上是由于我们潜在的生物学。作为人类,我们通常是非理性的,但幸运的是,我们也是可预见的非理性。认识到这一点- -我们的基本本能和冲动,并使我们自己具备对付这些倾向的实际方法,是为更好的生活作出真正和持久的改变的根本。








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亲 有图吗 我咋没看到讲义呢




















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