
2016-09-10 16:38:1817:45 70

Tonights's Topic 9-10pm: 


New Vocabulary:      

Vital - very important  非常重要

conversations�� - talking with others 聊天

 first words to help you meet someone第一句话帮你认识陌生人

 - you say something nice to make them feel good about themselves 夸奖

Elevator - 电梯

Directions - 指引

Approach - go up to and talk with 走到他面对面给他聊天

Pre-Reading question: 

1. Why is it difficult to start conversations with foreigners you don't know?


General conversation is the most vital part of learning English.  In fact, if you just have thirty 10 minute small talk conversations with different foreigners you will improve your English to almost 80% of a native English speaker level.  

The question is "How do you start up conversations with foreigners?" First, you need to learn how to "break the ice"

Step One: Smile at the foreigner - if they smile back at you...continue to step three...if not, leave them alone

There are 4 kinds of Ice-Breakers:

Comment: Wow, What a beautiful day! So many people outside today!

Looks like it might rain!

Ask a Question:

Step 2: Pick an Ice-Breaker from above and say it after they respond say something else. Then after they respond a second time go to step three.

Step 3: Extend your hand to shake hands, say "by the way, my name is _________! What is your name?

                                    Tonight's Questions:

Vital - very important  非常重要

Directions - 指引

Pre-Reading question: 

1. Why is it difficult to start conversations with foreigners you don't know?



