The Beauty of the World and of Imagination

2019-09-27 08:00:0704:25 5.8万

Before visiting the recent "Everlasting Beauty of Dunhuang" exhibit at the Tsinghua University Museum of Art, I had expected to see art that resembled the formalized figures normally attributed to Byzantine or Buddhist religious paintings. I was amazed at the vividness of life depicted from 1500 years ago. We sometimes forget that people from the middle ages didn't stand around ramrod straight with halos around their heads.


Father-daughter artists Chang Shuhong and Chang Shana both devoted their lives to preserving the artworks in the Mogao caves in Dunhuang. They sketched the murals and studied their styles, preserving precious work that was otherwise quickly decaying.


I was especially inspired by a portion of a 5-meter-long mural titled "500 Thieves become Buddhists," from the time of the Western Wei dynasty (535-557 AD). This portion shows people running, jumping and enjoying themselves in the mountains. It's a fantastic depiction of the joy of life.


The style is totally unexpected — very original and beautiful. The closest art I can compare it to is from the early twentieth-century French painter Henri Matisse's famous Blue cutouts that inspired so many Apple ads. I don't think Matisse could have seen the Mogao murals, but the connection shows the enduring cultural connections throughout Eurasia.

这种原始美丽的绘画风格让我始料未及。我能想到的最接近的风格就是20世纪法国画家Henri Matisse著名的《蓝色裸体3号》。很多苹果手机的广告都由此获得灵感。我不认为Matisse曾见过莫高窟壁画,但两者之间的联系体现出横跨欧亚大陆的持久的文化联系。

The entire mural does not depict joy. Some scenes show religious contemplation, which is, perhaps, another kind of joy. Other sections show war and torture. 


But it's the mountain scene that draws me. I worry about the future of a world becoming more and more urban. People need to spend time hiking in the mountains, seeing the natural world.  


Fortunately, China is building trails to give people more access to nature. Many cities are building greenways, often hundreds of kilometers long, that will be a godsend for city-dwellers looking for a good walk. For example, Beijing has built a greenway along the Wenyu river, which flows in a semicircle around the city. Shanghai, Chengdu and many other cities are making similar green, healthy investments.


Also, the State Forestry and Grassland Administration announced that it aims to build a nationwide system of scenic trails by 2050. I hope they hurry up so I'll be young enough to enjoy them.


My wife, my dog, and I try to go hiking in the mountains at least one day each weekend. There are some great places within a one-hour drive of central Beijing. Our favorite, is the magnificent Baihujian scenic area, west-north-west of the city.


However, the areas open for mountain hiking are fairly limited. We'd like to go to a different place each week. So, it's a little frustrating to see the huge areas of green on the map, indicating parks, in the mountainous areas to the north and west. In many places, there are no trails and no good access.  


On one access road near Huairou, someone is building a private hotel that blocks the road, thus denying the general public access to the mountain park.


In some places in the US, volunteers build and maintain the hiking trails. Perhaps, that could be done here to create better access to the mountains.

I don't want to end on a negative note. China is making great strides to create opportunities for people to commune with nature. Selfishly, I'd like people to stay home so I can have the trails to myself, but it's good to see people on these trails. They are important for people's physical, psychological and spiritual well-being.


