Lesson 25 Sweet Porridge

2019-10-11 20:20:0904:35 155
Sweet Porridge

A little girl and her mother once lived in an old, old house.

They were so poor that sometimes they had no wood for a fire.

Sometimes they had no supper and went to bed hungry.

One cold day the little girl went far into the woods.

She wanted to find some wood for a fire.

She had no coat, and she was very cold.

She was crying because she was so cold and hungry.

"I wish that my mother and I could have some sweet porridge for supper," she said.

"How good it would be!"

The little girl found some wood.

Just as she was ready to go home, she saw a queer little old woman.

The woman had a little black pot.

"Why are you crying, my dear?" asked the woman. "Are you lost?"

"No," said the girl. I am hungry.

My mother and I are very poor, and we have had nothing to eat all day long.

Oh, dear! I wish we could have some sweet porridge for supper!

"I will help you," said the woman.

"Take this little black pot.

When you want some porridge, you must put the pot on the fire and say 'Little pot, boil.'

Soon it will be full of porridge.

When the little black pot is full, you must say 'Little pot, stop.'"

"Oh, thank you!" said the girl.

She took the pot and ran home.

Then she put the pot on the fire, and said, "Little pot, boil."

The little pot began to boil, and soon it was full of sweet porridge.

"Little pot, stop," said the girl.

At once it stopped. The porridge was done.

The girl and her mother ate all the porridge they wanted.

The next day the little girl went to get some more wood for the fire.

She was gone a long time.

"She will be very hungry when she comes home," said her mother.

"I will make some hot porridge."

So she put the pot on the fire and said, "Little pot, boil."

The pot began to boil, and soon it was full of hot, sweet porridge.

The mother wanted the little pot to stop boiling, but she did not know what to say.

The little pot went on boiling and boiling. It would not stop.

At last the hot porridge ran over upon the kitchen floor.

It ran across the kitchen floor and out into the street.

How frightened the people were! They ran this way and that way.

"What shall we do?" they cried. "The street is full of hot porridge."

No one could make the little pot stop boiling.

At last the little girl came back.

She saw the hot porridge coming out of the kitchen door.

"Little pot, stop!" she called.

And the little pot stopped boiling.

But the street was full of porridge for many, many days.

The people had to eat their way across the street.


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1.Word Power English Lesson






传奇之作《The Music Lesson》




