
2019-11-16 03:55:3412:16 68

Braden: In this lesson, you’ll learn about Transportation companies and Canceling.
Barbara: This conversation takes place in the morning, just before the meeting.
Braden: And it’s between Sarah and the Chairman.
Barbara: Sarah is the chairman’s aid, so she’s able to talk to him easily outside of the meeting.
Lesson conversation
Sarah: Mister chairman. May I have a word?
Chairman: Sure Sarah. How may I help you?
Sarah: Well sir, if I may, I think we may have a problem.
Chairman: What's happened?
Sarah: I received a phone call from our keynote speaker, Daniel Giesbrect, and he informed me he won't be attending.
Chairman: He can't have forgotten?
Sarah: No, sir. His father died.
Chairman: Oh dear. That must have been hard on him.
Sarah: Yeah, I know.
Chairman: So, we need to find a new keynote speaker, is that what you're telling me?
Sarah: Yes. And another thing, Baxter Jeffries also won't be coming. He said he had scheduling difficulties.
Chairman: Wow. We might not find new delegates fast enough since the seminar is only two weeks away.
Sarah: Yes, sir.
Chairman: At least we haven't printed the meeting schedules yet. What do you think about Jeffery Nye as keynote speaker?
Sarah: That could work, sir, but don't you think we should bring it up before the committee?
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Sarah: Mister chairman. May I have a word?
Chairman: Sure Sarah. How may I help you?
Sarah: Well sir, if I may, I think we may have a problem.
Chairman: What's happened?
Sarah: I received a phone call from our keynote speaker, Daniel Giesbrect, and he informed me he won't be attending.
Chairman: He can't have forgotten?
Sarah: No, sir. His father died.
Chairman: Oh dear. That must have been hard on him.
Sarah: Yeah, I know.
Chairman: So, we need to find a new keynote speaker, is that what you're telling me?
Sarah: Yes. And another thing, Baxter Jeffries also won't be coming. He said he had scheduling difficulties.
Chairman: Wow. We might not find new delegates fast enough since the seminar is only two weeks away.
Sarah: Yes, sir.
Chairman: At least we haven't printed the meeting schedules yet. What do you think about Jeffery Nye as keynote speaker?
Sarah: That could work, sir, but don't you think we should bring it up before the committee?
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Sarah: Mister chairman. May I have a word?
Braden: Mister chairman. May I have a word?
Chairman: Sure Sarah. How may I help you?
Braden: Sure Sarah. How may I help you?
Sarah: Well sir, if I may, I think we may have a problem.
Braden: Well sir, if I may, I think we may have a problem.
Chairman: What's happened?
Braden: What's happened?
Sarah: I received a phone call from our keynote speaker, Daniel Giesbrect, and he informed me he won't be attending.
Braden: I received a phone call from our keynote speaker, Daniel Giesbrect, and he informed me he won't be attending.
Chairman: He can't have forgotten?
Braden: He can't have forgotten?
Sarah: No, sir. His father died.
Braden: No, sir. His father died.
Chairman: Oh dear. That must have been hard on him.
Braden: Oh dear. That must have been hard on him.
Sarah: Yeah, I know.
Braden: Yeah, I know.
Chairman: So, we need to find a new keynote speaker, is that what you're telling me?
Braden: So, we need to find a new keynote speaker, is that what you're telling me?
Sarah: Yes. And another thing, Baxter Jeffries also won't be coming. He said he had scheduling difficulties.
Braden: Yes. And another thing, Baxter Jeffries also won't be coming. He said he had scheduling difficulties.
Chairman: Wow. We might not find new delegates fast enough since the seminar is only two weeks away.
Braden: Wow. We might not find new delegates fast enough since the seminar is only two weeks away.
Sarah: Yes, sir.
Braden: Yes, sir.
Chairman: At least we haven't printed the meeting schedules yet. What do you think about Jeffery Nye as keynote speaker?
Braden: At least we haven't printed the meeting schedules yet. What do you think about Jeffery Nye as keynote speaker?
Sarah: That could work, sir, but don't you think we should bring it up before the committee?
Braden: That could work, sir, but don't you think we should bring it up before the committee?
Braden: So, we wanted to talk a little bit about Canceling
Barbara: One of the most important things for maintaining trust among your coworkers is to fulfill your agreements. This is especially true for meetings and engagements you have agreed to participate in.
Braden: In the dialog, circumstances changed in many different areas which required a change of plans.
Barbara: In American business, the appropriate action here is to renegotiate the agreement. For example, one of the delegate's parents died.
Braden: According to correct business practice, some would say common sense, the delegate called and informed Sarah of the change in his circumstances.
Barbara: He renegotiated the agreement by canceling his participation in the seminar.
Braden: Beyond that, Sarah and the chairman were also renegotiating the agreements of who would be the keynote speaker.
Barbara: The circumstances had not changed sufficiently to justify canceling the keynote speech, however a renegotiation of who would give the keynote speech was necessary. This renegotiation will continue with the committee later on.
Braden: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Vocabulary and Phrases
Braden: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
: The first word we shall see is:
Barbara: problem [natural native speed]
Braden: an obstacle, a source of distress, a negative issue
Barbara: problem [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Barbara: problem [natural native speed]
: Next:
Barbara: informed [natural native speed]
Braden: having knowledge of a particular subject
Barbara: informed [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Barbara: informed [natural native speed]
: Next:
Barbara: attend [natural native speed]
Braden: to be present at something
Barbara: attend [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Barbara: attend [natural native speed]
: Next:
Barbara: telling [natural native speed]
Braden: communicate information
Barbara: telling [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Barbara: telling [natural native speed]
: Next:
Barbara: printed [natural native speed]
Braden: past participle of “print”
Barbara: printed [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Barbara: printed [natural native speed]
: Next:
Barbara: schedule [natural native speed]
Braden: plan for an activity or event or day; agenda
Barbara: schedule [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Barbara: schedule [natural native speed]
: Next:
Barbara: scheduled [natural native speed]
Braden: describing something that has been planned
Barbara: scheduled [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Barbara: scheduled [natural native speed]
: Next:
Barbara: excellent [natural native speed]
Braden: that which excels the others; extremely good
Barbara: excellent [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Barbara: excellent [natural native speed]
: Next:
Barbara: committee [natural native speed]
Braden: a formal group of elected people that focuses on investigating and taking action on a particular issue or range of issues
Barbara: committee [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Barbara: committee [natural native speed]
Braden: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Barbara: The first word/phrase we’ll look at is....
Barbara: In the dialogue, we heard phrases that demonstrated Getting the Chairperson's Attention
Braden: When you are in a meeting, there are certain procedures that should be followed but that are unnecessary outside of the meeting.
Barbara: For example, someone might be the chairman of your group but not be the chairman of anything else within the company.
Braden: So to get his or her attention within the meeting you’d say something like, “Mister chairman.” or, “Madam Chairman.” If you remember from a previous lesson, sometimes the word “madam” can have a negative connotation.
Barbara: However, in the context of a business meeting the correct term is madam chairman. You could say, “Ms. Chairman” however, this sounds awkward and forced. If you are concerned about how the term “madam chairman” might be received, ask the chairman before the meeting what their preferred title is.
Braden: You could start this conversation by using the phrase, “May I have a word?” This phrase is used when you would like to speak to the chairman (or anyone, really) separate from the group. Could you break this down?
Barbara: (slowly)
Braden: And one time fast?
Barbara: (fast)
Braden: Our next phrase is "If I may, I think..." Sarah used this phrase when she began to express her concerns to the chairman. She was bringing bad news, and she didn’t want to be blamed for it.
Barbara: That’s right. She said, “Well sir, if I may, I think we may have a problem.”
Braden: One of the interesting things here is that she used the word “may” twice in the same sentence. However, it was used with a different meaning each time.
Barbara: The first time, within the phrase “if I may,” she was asking for permission to say what she was going to say. The second time, she used it to indicate a strong possibility.
Braden: To avoid repeating the word Sarah could have said, “I think we might have a problem.” because the word “might” also expressed probability. However, “might” is for low possibility and “may” is for hight probability. You could say that “might” is less than 50% probability and “may” is more than 50% probability.
Braden: Could you break this down?
Barbara: (slowly)
Braden: And one time fast?
Barbara: (fast)
Braden: Let’s take a look at the grammar point.
Lesson focus
Braden: So ---, what’s the focus of this lesson?
Barbara: The Focus of this lesson is modal verbs of probability
Braden: In the dialogue, we heard the phrase
Barbara: I think we may have a problem.
Braden: In this lesson, we’ll cover examples and uses of modal verbs of probability.
Barbara: Modal verbs of probability are used to express an opinion of the speaker based on information that the speaker has.
Braden: For example, “He must be at work, it's 10 o'clock.”
Barbara: In this case, the speaker is 100 % sure that the person is at work based on the speaker's knowledge that the person in question usually works during the day.
Braden: Let’s take a look at MUST. Use "must" plus the verb when you are 100% (or almost 100%) sure that something is the case.
Barbara: Some example sentences are “They must be in Spain by now.” and “That must have been hard on him.”
Braden: Next let’s look at MIGHT &MAY. Use "might" or "may" to express an opinion that you think has a good possibility of being true.
Barbara: Some example sentences are “We might not find new delegates fast enough.” and “Jack might have gone to France.”
Braden: Next we have, COULD. Use "could" to express a possibility which is one of many. This form is not as strong as "might" or "may." It is just one of a number of possibilities.
Barbara: Some example sentences would be, “That could work, sir, but don’t you think we should bring it up before the committee?” and “Peter could have arrived late.”
Braden: Use "can't" to express an opinion that you are 100% sure is NOT true.
Barbara: Sample sentences for that would be ”You can't be serious!” and “They can't have worked until late.”
Braden: Be aware that the past form remains "can't have done."
Barbara: Let’s review these modals in a question-answer format.
Braden: Suppose Dustin is sixteen years old and it’s ten o'clock in the morning. If I were to ask you “Where is Dustin?” what kind of a sentence would you build using a modal?
Barbara: One of the many possible answers is “Dustin is in class.” That’s because it’s ten AM
Braden: One more question. Suppose you’re getting married soon and you ask your mother, “Where do you think I should live?” How would she respond?
Barbara: One of the many possible responses is “You could live in Seattle!”





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