
2019-11-16 04:20:2210:04 148

Jonathan: Hi everyone! Welcome back to EnglishClass101.com! Jonathan here.
Dede: And I’m Dede! This is Upper Intermediate Season 1, and we’re already at lesson 3 – The Hunt for a Good American Apartment.
Jonathan: In this lesson we’ll hear a conversation outside on the street after a day of apartment hunting. You'll learn to talk about positives and negatives, also known as pros and cons.
Dede: This conversation takes place between Dave and Sheila. They’re looking for a place to live and just spent all day seeing several apartments they’re considering.
Jonathan: Since Dave and Sheila are friends, they’ll be speaking very casually.
Dede: Let's listen to the conversation!
Lesson conversation
DAVE: I think being roommates was a great idea. I think we make a pretty good apartment-hunting team!
SHEILA: Ha ha, me too! What did you think of that last apartment?
DAVE: It was so nice! It was big, and it's in a really upscale neighborhood.
SHEILA: Yeah, it was, but on the other hand, it was a bit out of our price range, don't you think?
DAVE: Sadly, yes. The other one we saw was affordable...but it's in kind of a run-down neighborhood!
SHEILA: On the plus side, though, it was right next to the Metro.
DAVE: That's true; it certainly has convenience going for it. It wouldn't take me more than fifteen minutes to get to work.
SHEILA: Yeah, I hate commuting, and it would definitely cut down on my time too.
DAVE: I'm just worried that a place like that might have lead pipes or bed bugs.
SHEILA: Oh come on, don't be so paranoid; it wasn't so bad!
Dede: Geez, apartment hunting sounds kind of stressful…
Jonathan: It certainly can be – a lot of the times it’s fun though. Sadly a lot of the best places are the ones you can’t afford.
Dede: Yeah, and the ones you can afford are in a bad location, too small, in an old building, or have some other negative point.
Jonathan: (laughs) But when you find a good one, it’s really exciting.
Dede: I bet it is! It must be a real relief.
Jonathan: Alright, are you ready for some vocab?
Dede: I’m ready!
Jonathan: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Dede: The first word we shall see is...
Jonathan: upscale [natural native speed]
Dede: high-end, nice, trendy, and expensive
Jonathan: upscale [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jonathan: upscale [natural native speed]
Dede: Next we have...
Jonathan: price range [natural native speed]
Dede: the range of prices that you are willing to spend for something, usually expensive things
Jonathan: price range [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jonathan: price range [natural native speed]
Dede: Next is...
Jonathan: affordable [natural native speed]
Dede: not too expensive
Jonathan: affordable [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jonathan: affordable [natural native speed]
Dede: Next we have...
Jonathan: run-down [natural native speed]
Dede: old and not well maintained, falling apart
Jonathan: run-down [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jonathan: run-down [natural native speed]
Dede: Next is...
Jonathan: The Metro [natural native speed]
Dede: the Washington, D.C. light rail system consisting of both subway and above ground tracks.
Jonathan: The Metro [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jonathan: The Metro [natural native speed]
Dede: Next we have...
Jonathan: cut down [natural native speed]
Dede: to reduce
Jonathan: cut down [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jonathan: cut down [natural native speed]
Dede: Next is...
Jonathan: lead [natural native speed]
Dede: a metal that old pipes were made of, lead pipes are no longer used because they can cause health problems
Jonathan: lead [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jonathan: lead [natural native speed]
Dede: Next we have...
Jonathan: to worry [natural native speed]
Dede: to feel concerned about something
Jonathan: worry [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jonathan: worry [natural native speed]
Dede: Next is...
Jonathan: bed-bug [natural native speed]
Dede: a small insect that can live in beds or furniture and that bites humans at night
Jonathan: bed-bug [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jonathan: bed-bug [natural native speed]
Dede: Next we have...
Jonathan: paranoid [natural native speed]
Dede: irrationally afraid (usually from invented threats)
Jonathan: paranoid [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jonathan: paranoid [natural native speed]
Jonathan: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Jonathan: The first phrase we have is…
Dede: “It was a bit out of our price range.”
Jonathan: We can say something is “out of our price range” when it is more expensive than we are willing to pay for it. So if you are looking for a $600 computer but the salesman shows you a $1,000 model, you could say…
Dede: Hmm, “Sorry, that’s a bit out of my price range.”
Jonathan: Right! What’s the next phrase?
Dede: Dave says “I’m just worried that…”
Jonathan: “I’m just worried that…” is a soft way of saying that you are unsure that something is a good idea and that you want to be careful with it.
Dede: Right. In the conversation, Dave used it like this: I’m just worried that a place like that might have lead pipes or bed bugs.
Jonathan: That’s how he shows his concern about the affordable apartment. Okay, now let’s get onto the Grammar Point.
Lesson focus
Dede: The focus of this lesson is expressing pros and cons when making decisions.
Jonathan: Sheila and Dave are talking about two different apartments they saw while they were apartment hunting today.
Dede: Dave says “It was so nice! It was big and it's in a really upscale neighborhood.”
Jonathan: And then Sheila replies “Yeah it was, but on the other hand it was a bit out of our price range, don't you think?”
Dede: What does Sheila mean by “on the other hand”
Jonathan: Good question. “On the other hand” is a great phrase to use when we are talking about the pros and cons of something. When do you think we use it?
Dede: Well, I guess that Sheila used it when she made a negative statement after Dave had made a positive statement
Jonathan: Absolutely right. We usually use “on the other hand” when we want to express two opposite opinions on the same topic.
Dede: Ahh I see. So I could say “You are very funny, but on the other hand not very good looking.”
Jonathan: Haha, I suppose so! And I could say that “You are smart, but on the other hand not very nice.”
Dede: (laughs)… What are some other phrases we can use like that?
Jonathan: Well, “On the other hand” can be used by yourself or when talking with someone else the way Sheila used it. We can use “Maybe, but I think that…” or “That’s true, but…” when we want to express a different opinion than someone we are talking to. Why don’t you make a pro statement about something?
Dede: Hmmm… Jay-Z is a very talented rapper.
Jonathan: That’s true, but I think that his lyrics aren’t very good.
Dede: Ah, I see!
Jonathan: Do you want to try making a con statement now?
Dede: Sure… “Broccoli tastes really gross.”
Jonathan: Maybe, but I think that it’s really healthy for you.
Dede: Well, that’s true!
Jonathan: Using these kinds of phrases, we can express both pros and cons when we are talking with someone else.
Dede: Great! But what about when we are talking ourselves?
Jonathan: Well, like we said, we can always use “On the other hand”, but there are a lot of other phrases we can use too.
Dede: Sheila also says “On the plus side”, is that one of them?
Jonathan: Exactly! We can say “On the plus side” followed by a good aspect, and then “but on the negative side” followed by a bad aspect. Why don’t you demonstrate for our listeners?
Dede: Oh, Ok… let’s see… On the plus side, learning English will help me with my job and is fun, but on the negative side, it takes a lot of work and practice.
Jonathan: Perfect! Learning is fun and useful, but on the other hand, it can be very difficult. That was a great usage and I agree with you 100%.
Dede: Thanks!
Jonathan: Well, folks, that’s all for this lesson.
Dede: Check out the Lesson Notes for even more phrases and examples.
Jonathan: See you next lesson!
Dede: Bye for now!









