Drive into the Unknown[福说英语][19-12-11]

2022-08-11 04:40:3014:40 238


Hello, everyone, welcome to English Panorama! This is Ryan, what a great pleasure to see you guys again!


If the answer is yes, let me ask you another question. With the winter vacation around the corner, do you have any travel plans in mind? 如果有的话,你又打算以何种方式进行这次旅行呢?By train? By air? Or, by driving a car?

Ah,driving. I’m gonna confess. 虽然我也深受科目二的折磨,至今没有考到驾照。但是,驾车在行驶在浦上大道上一直是我的梦想之一。在盛夏的傍晚,放下车窗,让风涌入,风声在耳畔回响。车窗外的风景如同快进后的电影镜头般一帧帧呼啸而过,what a fascinating feeling!

The speed, the wind and the traveling landscape are all parts of the glamour of the road trip. A road trip, by its definition, is a long distance journey on the road and usually travelled by automobile.



Along with the invention of automobile, the road trip was first born in Western Europe. However, Northern America is where it grows and prospers. The first successful North American transcontinental trip by automobile took place in 1903 and was piloted by H. Nelson Jackson and Sewall K. Crocker, accompanied by a dog named Bud. The trip was completed using a 1903 Winton Touring Car. The trip took a total of 63 days between San Francisco and New York, costing US$8,000.

作为汽车的诞生地,欧洲也是公路旅行的发祥地。但是,北美才是公路旅行发展并逐渐繁荣的地方。第一次成功的横跨北美大陆的公路旅行发生在1903年。这场旅行的成员们包括H. Nelson Jackson和Sewall K. Crocker,以及他们的狗Bud。旅行持续了63天,冒险家们从旧金山出发,以纽约为终点,花费了大概了8000美元。


(Horatio Jackson Nelson is driving the car.)


New highways in the early 20th century helped propel automobile travel in the United States, primarily cross-country travel. The 1950s saw rapid growth of ownership of automobiles by American families. The automobile, now a trusted mode of transportation, was being widely used for not only commuting, but leisure trips as well.


这里反复提到的automobile,其实就是汽车,也就是car的高级用法。但是,在日常交流中使用automobile来表示汽车其实是非常奇怪的。这就是口语和书面语在英语中的区别了。就像,begin和commence都有开始的意思。在写作文时,用commence替换begin无疑是加分点。但是,在对话中,“Let’s commence the task.”总有一种不自然的刻意感。同理,“Is this your car?”事实上比“Is this your automobile?”使用起来更加舒服。因此,不要滥用高级表达,口语与书面语的区别除了口语的随意性、书面语的严谨性外,还有一些约定俗成的用法,这就需要我们多多学习、熟练掌握啦!


As is stated above, what attracts me the most about the road trip is the diverse experiences that it brings. 公路旅行可以是其乐融融的,亲朋好友们挤在一辆车里,高唱着流行金曲,玩着“I Spy”。 或者,它也可以是一种截然相反的体验。


As the country built on the highway, "travel" is inseparable from the image of "highway" in the context of the United States’ art creation. Americans regard highway as a sacred place. Cars and roads are no longer means of transportation, but also a source of joy, a symbol of speed and loneliness. Escape means the possibility of a new beginning. Because on the road, you can have a new understanding of the land under your feet and your own heart. A road trip, is a pilgrimage, an adventure and a ritual. It tells where people are and where they are heading.



Road movies and road novels originate from Americans’ yearning feelings towards wilderness. Having its root deep inside the great epic The Odyssey, American road movies and novels are the product of the fast development and the transition of modern America in both society and transportation as well as the natural desire for freedom and exploration.


Yearn,是一个动词,意为向往,相当于long for和desire,yearning作为它的形容词,用来形容an intense feeling of longing for something. Yearn特别用来形容一种对失去的事物的渴望。上文的句子也可以改成Road movies and road novels originate from Americans’ yearning for wildness.此处,yearn就不再用作形容词,而是动名词了。


Hollywood has always had a soft spot for road trip movies, and the late 20th century is when the road film blooms and sets the tune for future successors. The Academy-winning classic Thelma & Louise, filmed in 1991, tells a story of a housewife and a waitress, to take a break from their dreary life, going on a road trip which ends up in unforeseen circumstances. The two friends eventually become outlaws, yet free from their restrained old selves at the same time.

好莱坞一直对公路电影情有独钟,而一些经典也在影史下留下了独特的印记。就像在奥斯卡获奖电影《末日狂花》中,一个家庭主妇和一个餐馆女服务生为了从她们压抑而无趣的生活中获得喘息的机会,进行了一趟公路旅行。尽管这趟旅行最终陷入了难以预见的意外中,两位女主角也成为了亡命徒,但她们也解放了在父权社会下原本逆来顺受的自己,变得reckless but powerful.


当今,公路电影已经不再拘泥于好莱坞的传统。Although the vast wilderness in Midwestern America, the cheap roadside motels, the flashing light traveling in the dark and the young, rebellious souls are still the most memorized elements, the features of road trip movies vary from time to time, region to region. 但是,不管地区和时间如何转换,它们的内核是一样的,那就是,通过旅程中的所见所识,对自我进行重新认识,从而反映人物的成长或者社会文化的变迁。 A reflection on the characters' personal growth and the tensions and issues of the cultural identity of a nation or historical period.


人们常常形容:Life is a journey.如果这个形容是真实的话,我希望,my life is a road trip. Driving through different terrains, the ups and the downs, just like different phases of life. And I’m gonna see all the beautiful scenery along the way. Sometimes I share all the excitement and joy with my family and friends as we toast and celebrate. Sometimes I drive alone, absorbed in thoughts,either at full speed or slowing down. 驾驶过人生的起起落落,阅尽千山万水。有时我会和家人朋友们一同前进,分享喜悦与欢愉。有时,我独自前行,静静思索,无论是全速前行还是慢下脚步,我都将一往无前。




就像美国作家杰克.凯鲁亚克在他的公路小说《On the Road》里写道:

“What did it matter? I was a young writer and I wanted to take off. Somewhere along the line I knew there’d be girls, visions, everything. Somewhere along the line the pearl would be handed to me.”

也许某一天你和我也会踏上旅程。And when that day comes, don’t be hesitated. 一场美妙的公路旅行不需要多余的准备,一辆车,一张地图,一个追逐自由的心,世界是一个充满珍宝的广阔舞台。





Memorial Drive



Into Thin Air



So into U



Into your heart

