Notre Dame Dome

2019-12-29 23:44:3201:41 4130

 In Paris, a grim Christmas message about Notre Dame Cathedral. After that devastating fire in April, the rector acknowledging the 850 year old structure visited by millions each year may not survive. Here's ABC's Lama Hassan. Tonight, new questions about whether Paris' beloved Notre Dam Cathedral will ever be fully restored. That devastating fire in April, ripping through the historic church, sending its famous spire plummeting through the cathedral roof. For for the first time in over 200 years, Christmas midnight mass move from Notre Dame to a nearby church. The churches rector, now revealing the structure is still so fragile, there's only a 50% chance it might be saved. Today, it is not out of danger, he says, it will be out of danger, when we take out the remaining scaffolding. There is still a risk. 50000 tubes of scaffolding installed for a planned renovation before the fire is now threatening the cathedrals Gothic vaults. We saw the extent of the damage first hand back in May. The French general put in charge of rebuilding, showing David the architecture that had kept the cathedral intact. There is no question that these arches built in the 12th century save the cathedral. Yes. Tom. The plan is to remove all the scaffolding to assess the damage before beginning the reconstruction in 2021. If the church survives, it might be safe enough for tourists in 2024, but a full restoration will take even longer. Tom. Lama Hassan, with that major headliner to Paris tonight, Lama, thank you.

