
2016-11-09 18:56:2102:05 590

Good morning from oxbridgeenglish today we shall begin our phrasel verb series episode 1

A phrasal verb is a combination of words that takes on unique meaning. Because they have little to do with the words they are made of, they can be confusing to those learning English. The majority of phrasal verbs are slang and occur most frequently in spoken English, so meanings can usually be determined by the conversation,

1. “Call off”: to stop–“call off the search”–and used when phoning in to work. “I called off today because I’m sick.”

2. “Look up”: search for. “I’ll go online and look up ‘phrasal verbs’.” “Look me up the next time you’re in town.”

3. “Get away with”: escape blame/punishment. “He sure got away with that”, or “the crook got away with 50 dollars”.

4. “Pull through”: used in discussing health–“The surgery was rough,  he pulled through”, or “the victim of the chicken attack pulled through with no lingering injuries”.

