20161013“movie talk”-88

2016-11-13 12:25:4817:39 41

"Movie Talk?" 

New Vocabulary:      

Movie Buff / Film Aficionado - Like movies, fan

Silver screen - movies

Movie nut - crazy about movies (know everything)

Comedy - 

Science Fiction  - 

Fantasy -

Action - 

Genre - 

Romance -

Mexican Drug Cartel  -

Systematically  -

Revenge -

Super Hot -

Shop Keeper -

Blockbuster -

Corny -

Stellar -

Subtitles -

Actor/ Actress -

Pre-Dialogue question: 

1. What kind of movies do you like?

2. How often do you watch movies?

3. Where do you watch movies?


Travis: Hey dude, I've never asked you, are you a movie buff like a film aficionado?

David: Yeah, I'm a fan of the silver screen but I'm not a movie nut.

Travis: Ok, I think I am "in between" because I know a lot about movies!

David: So, what kind of movies do you like best?

Travis: Definitely comedies, I love to laugh.  I also like Science Fiction and Fantasy a lot too!  How 'bout you?

David: Yeah, I like those plus Action films.

Travis: So what's yer favorite movie?

David: Mission Impossible, ...you?

Travis: The movie that touched me the most was a mixed Genre (action, comedy, romance) called "Desperado".

David: I have never seen it, tell me about it.

Travis: It is about this sexy male singer(Antonio Banderas) whose wife is murdered by the Mexican Drug Cartel, he then systematically kills the entire Cartel for revenge while falling in love with a SUPER HOT shop keeper (Salma Hayek).

David: Wow, I really like Antonio and Salma, sounds great!

Travis: Yeah, you can download it on Frostwire?

David: Okay, was it a blockbuster?

Travis: No, the ending is kinda corny.

David: That sucks!

Travis: Yeah...but the rest of the movie is stellar!

David: Cool, I will check it out tonight.

Travis: How often do you watch movies?

David: At the theater only a couple times a year, but on my computer a few times a week, you?

Travis: About the same, but I also buy some DVD's for when I have Chinese guests who need subtitles.


1. What is your favorite movie?

2. Who is your favorite actor/ actress?






