Examination I

2020-02-20 09:55:4909:45 473
Dr MeDonald : Good afternoon Mr Underwood . I'm Dr McDonald and I'm going to carry out an examination of your teeth and mouth . Do you feel you have any specific problems with your teeth or mouth ?

Mr Underwood : Good afternoon ,Dr McDonald . I'm not getting pain from my teeth but I haven't had a check-up for a long time and I'm a bit nervous .

Dr McDonald : I understand how you feel and I'll take care not to cause you any discomfort . By the way , how long ago was your last visit to a dentist ?
Mr Underwood : I think my last visit was about two and a half years ago but I'm not entirely sure .

Dr McDonald : Usually how often do you see a dentist ?

Mr Underwood : As I said , I'm nervous of dentists and I also have a busy schedule , so I don't see a dentist regularly . I usually have a check-up if I think I've left it for too long or I believe I have some problems with my teeth .

Dr McDonald :I see .As you've never been here before ,I just need you to answer a few questions related to your health . The questions are printed on this sheet of paper and I'd be grateful if you could go through the questions and answer them . Then we can proceed to the examination .
( duringthe oral examination )

Dr McDonald : Mr Underwood , you're going to feel me using an instrument on your teeth as I have to check whether there are any cavities in your teeth and the condition of the existing fillings and crowns . Then I'm going to check the condition of your gums and it might feel a little bit uncomfortable as I have to examine around and in between your teeth .

Dr McDonald : I've finished the examination and I'd like to take a set of x-ray films to check for any problems in between your teeth and underneath the gums .

