Movie Review: Parasite 寄生虫

2022-10-27 09:47:3002:18 66
所属专辑:Movie Reviews
Korean Director Bong Joon Ho delivers an enticing look at the growing disparity between the wealthy and the poor and the lengths to which people will go to survive.

Scorsese has De Niro and DiCaprio, Joon Ho has Kang-ho Song, who has appeared in most of Joon Ho’s films for the last twenty years. In this film, Kang-ho Song plays the father of a very poor family, struggling to make ends meet. Together with his wife (Hye-jin Jiang), daughter (So-dam Park) and son (Woo-sik Choi) they fold pizza boxes for a living.

Then one day, their son lands a job as an English tutor to a young girl in a wealthy family. After forging credentials to secure his job, he manages to find other opportunities for his family to work alongside him, doing other jobs for the wealthy family. They do so by finding weaknesses in each of the wealthy family members and exploiting them for all they’re worth.

It is captivating viewing as the more the wealthy and the poor families learn about each other, the more that they reveal their disgust and disdain for each other. It’s so very well crafted and every detail so cleverly well laid out with amazing performances all around.

Of course, there is more to this movie than I have mentioned. There are twists that you don’t see coming and an ending that is so well done that I just can’t go into without spoiling so I won’t.

Joon-Ho leaves no stone unturned as he builds towards an amazing final act that really hits home and makes this his finest film to date.

This is a must-see film that deserves to be in the running for best film of the year but probably won’t be because it is not an English language film. Seek out this film and I promise you won’t be disappointed. Bong Joon-ho’s finest film so far really delivers a punch that won’t leave you anytime soon.





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