Inquiring Class Arrangement询问课程

2020-03-17 10:51:5802:14 55
所属专辑:Take away English
这位学生就是在选课前向老师询问课程的详细情况的。有些课程是需要一定的基础的,比如声乐、乐器以及绘画等,但在这段中。丙烯喷漆画( acrylic paints)似乎不需要绘画基本功。可对于那些有绘画基础的学生来说,也有可学之处:它旨在锻炼学生对绘画的感觉:比如说构图( composition)、颜色( color)以及设计( design)等等。

L: Art Department, Lucy Wilson's speaking.

F: Hello, Professor Wilson, my name is Frank.

F: I'm thinking about taking your course in acrylic painting, and I'm calling to find out moreabout it.

L: Have you ever worked with acrylic paints?

F: I've done very little painting before.

F: I'm a chemistry major, but I enjoy drawing.

F: And the course description says that any student can sign up.

F: I assume that means that experience in painting isn't necessary.

L: Yes. that's right.

L: We'l be using acrylic paints instead of oils because they are easier to handle and dry more quickly.

L: Also, beginning students can get a good feel for what they can do with textures by working with acrylic paints.

F: My roommate is also a chemistry major.

F: But he has painted quite a bit.

F: If he signed up for the course, would he find it too easy?

L: No, he could work on using techniques he already knows and applying them to principles of
composition, color and design.

L: Theres something for everyone in this course.

F: One more question. Do we need to bring our own brushes and paints to class?

L: Yes, but you can buy them at the bookstore.

L: I'll provide drawing board and some other supplies that are necessary.

L: I hope you decide to join us.

F: It sounds interesting. I'll definitely register today.

L: Fine. See you next Monday afternoon.

L: Don't forget your brushes and paints.




简介:你怯懦地祈助的 别人的著作救不了你 你不是别人,此刻你正身处 自己的脚步编织起的迷宫的中心之地 耶稣或者苏格拉底 所经历的磨难救不了你 就连日暮时分在花园里圆寂的 佛法无边的悉达多也于你无益 你手写的文字,口出的言辞 都像尘埃一般一文不值 命运之神没有怜悯之心 上帝的长夜没有尽期 你的肉体只是时光,不停流逝的时光 你不过是每一个孤独的瞬息