What is Self Love 如何定义爱自己

2020-03-21 17:13:3007:17 80

Resources from Practical Psychology

loving yourself has many benefits from

an increase of self-esteem to a boost of

confidence the act of self-love is

greatly responsible for many positive

benefits of your psyche and your

identity however there seems to be one

problem when it comes to loving

ourselves we don't really know how to do

it so first off what is self-love

simply put self-love is treating

yourself similar to the way that you

treat someone else that you love and I

think to understand this we must also

understand what is love well in the

English language love is twofold

it's a feeling but it can also mean in

action you feel love as in the feeling

for your cat but you also show love as

in the action for your cat whenever you

feed them the feeling does not require

the action however the action usually

invokes the emotion of love so almost

everyone knows what love actually feels

like but maybe you don't know what

actions that I'm referring to when I

speak of being loving the actions that

we correlate with love are things like

taking care of someone else's needs like

a parent feeding their child being

thoughtful in your behavior to help

someone out like a boyfriend buying

flowers to cheer up his girlfriend

sacrificing your own wants for someone

else's needs like maybe a friend

skipping a movie date to visit a

friend's funeral and we also think of

them as inside our in-group in other

words we will fight for them like if

your brother stands up for you in front

of your parents now there are also

excuses that we commonly misrepresent as

love but they're not actually love for

example number one would be tolerating

bad behavior because are you truly a

loving parent if you let your kid be bad

just because you don't want to punish

them and also it's not love when you

sacrifice your own needs for someone

else's needs this is usually called

warship it's not necessarily love and

lastly we have an intense or burning

sexual desire this also is not love it's

sexual desire this also is not love it's

called lust and if you're still confused

don't worry after I get done explaining

a little bit about how an ego works I'm

gonna give you 11 actual ways to love

yourself so when it comes to loving

yourself all you have to do is treat

yourself like you treat a friend that

you love would you let your friend eat

12 hot cakes in a row you definitely

warn them of the dangers of eating so

much right would you like

friend watch Netflix be sad all day or

would you go over and try to cheer them

up try to get them out of the house

would you let your friend lie to you

would you let your friend go through a

nasty breakup alone what about letting

them get back with their nasty ex would

you let them say negative things about

themselves and would you let your friend

hurt themselves hopefully if you're a

good friend you wouldn't let them do any

of these things and hopefully if you

love yourself you also wouldn't let

yourself do any of these things why is

it then sometimes so difficult to treat

ourselves the same way that we treat our

friends that we love the difference

between you and your friend in these

type of thought experiments is notably

one thing ego your friend doesn't have

an ego or at least you don't comprehend

it when you're making decisions about

your behaviors towards them you do have

an ego though your ego usually prevents

you from acting on yourself in the same

way that you'd act on a friend let me

use myself as an example my name is

Theodore everything that I've done in the past

those are my behaviors they are

basically a summary of Who I am

now everything that I think about myself

those are my thoughts they are who I

think I am now the difference between

these two who I am and who I think I am

is just ego see ego likes to add titles

fancy names special privileges and

juiced-up copy written adjectives to

make your actions seem more important

than they actually are and for good

reason too but I'll talk about those in

another video so here's something called

the do think dichotomy I do create

YouTube videos that's a behavior however

I think I'm successful on YouTube that

is part of my ego I do have a four year

relationship with my girlfriend a

behavior I think I'm a loving caring person ego

I do take friends on many vacations and

I think I'm a generous likable guy now

because of our ego we can't clearly see

what we actually do now but you can

usually very clearly see what our

friends do and because of this we don't

treat ourselves the same way that we

treat our friends so why am I getting

into this because a part of self-love

includes understanding how your identity

forms now the goal in self-improvement

is usually to get rid of your ego and

see yourself objectively for who you are

in other words to see the true behaviors

that you've done in the

in short the identity of who you are is

who you were in the past so if you want

to change who you think you are all you

got to do is change what you've done in

the past you might be sitting back in

your chair and going but Theodore you

can't change the past you're right you

can't change the past but you can create

it by altering the present so all in all

if you want to change who you are you

change what you are doing you give your

future self proof that you are a certain

type of person by acting a specific type

of way and you do that today does that

make sense so back to self love if you

want to love yourself you have to change

your present behavior until that present

behavior becomes past tense then

whatever that self-love action behavior

was it eventually turns into past tense

then you turn into someone who can say I

have a history of loving myself which

also is synonymous with I love myself

overall you start to love yourself when

the good traits that you would name

yourself with outweigh the bad traits

that you would name yourself with you

might think that you're lazy boring and

not fun to be around well you just have

to perform some behaviors that turn lazy

into productive boring into adventurous

and not fun into fun it all starts with

your behavioral change

Theodore here I want to share with you a

project that I just completed and I'm

launching this week because of

Valentine's Day my most successful

course on dating the psychology of

Attraction has just been upgraded to

version 2 what does that mean it means

now all students get free access to the

book I've spent a ton of time and money

creating and filling this book with tons

of helpful stuff with the help and

feedback of our community and if you

want it you can enroll in psychology of

Attraction 2.0 before midnight on

Valentine's Day and I'll ship it right

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access to the full course containing

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anxiety and a step-by-step framework for

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that it's a completely risk-free

no-brainer if you join and you realize

it's not for you or that you don't learn

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you'll get it plus I'll let you keep the

book for free think about it I wouldn't

still be in business if this product

this framework my teaching didn't work

if it didn't actually help guys get

girls to like them if it didn't teach

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confidence tactics that actually help a

guy like you stretch out of his comfort

zone and grow into the man he was meant

to be now I leave it to you it's your

decision thank you for watching and if

you're interested click here to get

started you


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