How to Love Yourself (11 ACTUAL ways) 11种爱自己的方法

2020-03-21 17:26:1107:59 125

Audio is from Practical Psychology.

So how do you actually practice


luckily I've compiled a list of a few

things you can actually do to start

practicing self-love number one

mindfulness one of the most loving

things you can do for yourself is

appreciate the present moment if you

don't know what mindfulness it's

directing your attention to the current

thing that you aren't actually doing if

you're doing laundry stop thinking about

when you're going to go to the grocery

store start focusing on actually doing

the laundry if you're hanging out with

friends stop thinking about what you

said ten minutes ago and trying to

figure out if those weird or not instead

actually focus on hanging with your


number two imagine how you might feel if

someone else was feeling the way that

you are so refer to our thought

experiment above take one of your

friends and then put them in the exact

situation that you are in now how would

they feel what they feel down excited

upset and if so what would you do about

it would you help them out or celebrate

with them find a way to cheer them up

do the same behaviors for yourself

number three is to challenge your

negative beliefs a lot of times our

thoughts become belief cycles that then

dictate our behavior to give you an

example of how this might work let's say

you score bad on your very first

skee-ball game which then causes you to

believe that you're not good at

skee-ball which then causes you to never

play skee-ball again and that causes you

to miss out on the great fun of an

addicting carnival game instead look

deep down into why you might have that

belief I mean all in all everyone is bad

at something when they first try right

challenging old beliefs about yourself

can be difficult but it's very helpful

in understanding who you really are and

having a more realistic understanding of

why you are number four think long term

in your behaviors you're not really

loving yourself when you just lay on the

couch and binge Netflix even though you

have goals that you want to achieve this

comes down to also loving your future


I suggest try to reward your future self

by putting in the work now however also

don't exhaust your current self by

working too hard keep a good balance of

living for your current self and your

future self while also creating a good

and Noble version of your past to self

number five is to protect yourself let's

say that you love someone like a lot

you're head over heels for them however

let's say that you also know this person

has some bad qualities that they aren't

willing to work out in fact whenever you

call them out on it they get very upset

and irritated this

means that they are not mature enough to

look at their behaviors objectively and

actually want to work on themselves

which means they won't want to work on

the two of you together instead don't

date this person no matter how bad you

want to because you will be protecting

yourself from the damage that they would

be doing if they were with you imagine

if you let your friend date a horrible a

clingy self-righteous politically

ignorant woman who never let you see

your friend again if you were a good

friend you'd call them out on it when

you love yourself you need to call

yourself out on it number six

stop complaining the goal here is to

stop complaining and fix the problem for

example I could complain about me

needing to go to the coffee shop every

morning to get my coffee or I could just

buy a coffee maker and make it at home

whatever you complain you are screaming

I'm a person who doesn't better myself

I just live however life happens and I

put up with it if your friend complained

to you about the clothes that you wear

every day you wouldn't put up with their

complaining so don't put up with your

complaining either number seven eat

healthy and exercise taking care of your

body is taking care of yourself taking

care of yourself is literally loving

yourself it's as simple as that just

going to the gym for ten minutes of

cardio and skipping sugary vending

machine foods is a great start seriously

I wasn't really gonna rants about this

but imagine if you fed your child what

you eat every day they would not be

healthy vending machine pop-tarts carb

loaded drinks greasy burgers and never

letting them get out of the playpen to

run around and have fun love yourself

like you would love your toddler feed

them healthy food so that they can grow

and give them plenty of exercise do the

same for yourself number eight decay

toxic relationships when I finish that

sentence you probably thought of someone

in your life who is toxic but you quote

love them so you keep them in your life

instead love yourself enough to slowly

let them fade away notice I didn't say

confront them and yell at their face the

best course of action is usually just to

let them fade out of your life very

slowly if you live with them try to find

a way to move out and if you work wit

them try to request a different

Department number nine celebrate your

wins even if they're small

we all have wins but rarely do we

celebrate them for example quite a while

ago I hit 1 million subscribers but I

never really celebrated it I was excited

I mean it but I didn't do anything about

it I never held a party I never

even told anyone when your friend does

something exciting you congratulate them

so do the same for yourself go buy some

books go to a theme park get your nails

done treat yourself to a nice dinner

even watch a movie do something that you

enjoy and be a little selfish for a bit

you're rewarding yourself for your

behavior it's okay to do every now and

then imagine if you ran a business and

you never paid your employees if you

don't reward your own wins that is

basically what you're doing number 10

live your life for yourself not anybody

else if you live your life predicated on

what others want you were doing yourself

a big disservice imagine if your friend

was a painter however their parents

wanted them to be in the insurance

business just like they are you saw your

friend painstakingly walk into their

office every day until one day they

almost did the unthinkable

if you loved them you tell them that

they don't have to live a life for their

parents that they could be a painter and

do what they loved well treat yourself

the same way if you want to do something

even if you're scared go ahead and do it

this doesn't mean to not care for others

or to not heed others advice but don't

do something just because it's not

normal or you feel that it's expected of

you number eleven use a three step

process that I've basically kind of

modified from improvement pills video on

self-love number one find someone that

you really like it's best if you love

them number two find out the reason that

you love them what specific personality

trait or behavior is it that makes you

love them

number three incorporate that trait into

your life until that trait becomes your

past and then you have that trait too if

you want to learn more about this

three-step process I just rather you

hear it from rich himself there's a link

in the description or just click the

card at the end in conclusion to love

yourself you need to start treating

yourself like someone that you actually

love lastly I put a lot of thought into

this video and I know that it will help

a ton of people so if you need to

rewatch it go right ahead thank you guys

so much for watching and I hope that you

learned something from this I'd like to

end this video with a quote if you made

a list of people that you trusted would

you put your name down

Theodore here I want to share with you a

project that I just completed and I'm

launching this week because of

Valentine's Day my most successful

course on dating the psychology of

Attraction has just been upgraded to

version 2 what does that mean it means

now all students get free access to the

book I've spent a ton of time and money

creating and filling this book with tons


helpful stuff with the help and feedback

of our community and if you want it you

can enroll in psychology of Attraction

2.0 before midnight on Valentine's Day

and I'll ship it right to your house

plus you'll get instant access to the

full course containing over 50 lectures

on topics like reading body language

overcoming approach anxiety and a

step-by-step framework for asking a girl

out you'll also get lifetime access to

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thousands of students have already

enrolled and you can't sue all you have

to do is click this link and you can

learn more about my flagship

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and as always this course this book this

membership all come with a hundred

percent 30-day money-back guarantee so

that it's a completely risk-free

no-brainer if you join and you realize

it's not for you or that you don't learn

anything or whatever the reason all you

have to do is ask for a refund and

you'll get it plus I'll let you keep the

book for free think about it I wouldn't

still be in business if this product

this framework my teaching didn't work

if it didn't actually help guys get

girls to like them if it didn't teach

the fundamental communication skills and

confidence tactics that actually help a

guy like you stretch out of his comfort

zone and grow into the man he was meant

to be now I leave it to you it's your

decision thank you for watching and if

you're interested click here to get

started you


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