
2020-03-23 09:52:0303:21 81

What if your kids are geniuses and they can beat you on every single aspect of your life? Sounds like a disaster or a blessing, I don’t know but I do know this lovely couple in the show “Outmatched”have plenty of experiences. 家长们通常都希望自己的孩子聪明伶俐,可要是自己的孩子都是天才,而且在生活的各个方面都碾压自己,作为父母又会怎么应对呢?新开播的情景喜剧 “Outmatched“ 也许能告诉我们答案。A son that studies quantum physics at age of 15, a daughter who’s capable of speaking 8 languages and their little brother who can beat any chess masters around. 这样的神仙组合不是所有的父母都能搞得定的。于是一幕幕搞笑,温情的家庭场景轮番上演。学到big words 的同时,也能开怀大笑呢。


在英文中,常用out加动词过去分词组成的形容词来表示被超越或被打败的意思。For example, outrun, outnumbered, outgunned, outsmart, 所以咱们这些平常人才会经常问自己“Which aspect was I out today?”.


Seeing is believing! 咱们来看看在文末的预告片中都有哪些有趣有用的表达法吧。

Words & Phrases

1. Star  最受欢迎的 / 最喜欢的人

"She's our star."

2. Weirdo  怪人

"I don't want them to grow into super weirdos."

3. Trashy 很差劲儿

"That doesn't sound normal, it sounds trashy."

4. Swim Trunks 男士泳裤

"All the kids are actually ready. I even got Mark to wear swim trunks, I mean he called them "Water Khakis", but whatever, he's wearing."

5. Show some respect   放尊重点

6. Conceive 怀孕 / 受孕

"Show some respect, two of you were conceived at the boardwalk."

