Academic Research and Project Design

2022-04-28 17:37:5907:02 1792
所属专辑:TEM 4之 Talk



            Academic Research and Project Design


In this lecture, we are going to talk about something concerning research and design. Why should we have this stuff in our writing class?

You become curious and raise a question in relation to the focus of this lesson.

Well, an easy way to interpret the relationship between these two things is: curiosity is a spring of creation. The Interest is a power source for motivation.Research learning can greatly satisfy your needs in these two aspects. And designing for scientific research gives you a starting point from which you can take off.

When doing research, the first important thing is to choose a good topic."Good" is a rather vague expression in this case. Alternatively, we mean that you must choose a meaningful topic from a lot of possibilities and write something about it.

Most of our research can be defined as a problem study of something.

Put it another way, we want to identify some big problems in our research and try to find out possible solutions to them.

Reasoning in this way, you may soon understand why in your research design you need to say a few words about your research questions.By a rather loose definition, a research question can be regarded as the most important and specific problem you want to answer in your study.

A good plan means a lot of things for a successful research project.

According to our teaching and research experiences, when you are in the first stage of academic writing, you need to consider the following factors in your designing:

categorization, hierarchy and the perspective.

These three factors are interdependent and correlated with each other.If you change a factor, you need to make further adjustments to other factors as well.

Above are some important factors we identify in a research design task.

Below are some strategies you may turn to whenever you need them.

Choose something meaningful and interesting so that you would like to write something about it.

Select something practical and economical so that you can deal with it easily and comfortably.

Choose something familiar so that you do not need to kill yourself while still doing a good job.

Choosing a meaningful topic is necessary but not enough.

You must also try to find some more and relevant issues into a good piece of writing.We usually do this by setting up a variety of associations.And associations are things that are naturally or logically related to a general idea or topic you want to look at in your research paper.

Do not stay at the surface level of the discussion.You need to go deeper in your discussion by narrowing down the scope of your discussion or investigation.

A far too common mistake committed by novice researchers is that they tend to thrust everything they happen to come upon into the project.

A good researcher must learn how to select and give up.

What we discuss above are some fundamental principles and basic strategies for you to do a research project of your own.

Move on with us, and you will get more tips and incentives for writing a nice research paper.

Thanks for your attention. 


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