【英语充电宝】侃大珊 - 5 个能立刻提升情商的商务英语单词

2020-04-06 15:52:2102:19 109

 5 个能立刻提升情商的商务英语单词 

1) 用 Certainly代替 Okay或者No problem,不仅更职业化,并且感觉更加积极

- Shall we go over the report one more time? 我们再看一遍报告吧?

- Certainly. 当然好。


2) 用 Modify 代替change 表示这个改动很小, 不用担心

- We need to modify the contract before we sign it again. (我们签字之前需要修改一下合同)


3)用 Complication 代替problem 能更加安抚人心

- There has been a complication with your order, but not to worry, we will fix it for you right away. 您的订单出了一点状况,但是不用担心,我们会立刻处理好的。


4 用 Sensational 代替awesome 表达你的心情

- Would you like some coffee? 你想来点儿咖啡吗?

- Oh yes, that would be sensational! 好啊,那太帮了。


5)当我们希望同事或者领导能给出更详细的介绍和解释时,用 Elaborate 代替what do you mean? 更加礼貌和职业

- Could you elaborate on that? 您能否再详细的介绍一下呢?

- Certainly. 当然可以!

