
2023-08-23 17:33:0207:31 2.4万




As ad agency creative director, Ken Segall played a key role in Apple’s resurrection, helping to create the critical marketing campaign “Think Different.” In this module, Segall explores some of Steve Jobs’ lessons about how to build a successful and lasting brand.




Clearly working with Steve Jobs was absolutely an amazing experience because it’s such a roller coaster for one thing. Whenever I would leave a meeting with Steve it was a very conscious thought, probably for several years, which was, “damn he’s smart.”


Think simple


My experience with Steve over the years was that simplicity was just a theme that carried through not just in the products, but in the advertising, in the processes that work inside Apple. He was just always helping people connect better to Apple because simplicity is such a basic part of human behavior.


Be authentic


The Think Different campaign was born of Steve’s desire to have a new agency. That’s where it started. Apple was 90 days from bankruptcy. He didn’t tell us that at the time, but he said things were bleak and if we don’t fix things quick there isn’t going to be an Apple anymore. He was very aware of that. So the mission, we wanted to recapture the spirit of Apple that had created Macintosh. I mean Apple didn’t have to think about, you know, what are we, who do we appeal to. It’s, Apple is for people who love the creative spirit.


You talk about authenticity, I mean some companies just make up lines, they just try to create a personality for themselves, let’s try to sort of hoodwink the people into believing this is what we are now. Steve did not want to do that. It’s like, what are we really? What do we really believe in? And to me “Think Different” was so cool because you could have literally hung that sign up in the garage when Steve and Steve Wozniak created the Apple II, “Think Different’. Now normal human beings can actually have a computer in their home, which was unheard of at the time.


Accrue likability


He said, “People have to like a brand. You want people to have some feeling for you so that when you have a problem they’re not so quick to sell you out and move onto someone else.”

Steve had this theory about the brand bank every time a company does something good you build up this balance in the brand bank. You know if you have a great product or a great ad campaign or you’ve done something magnanimous in the world or whatever it’s like, boy I really like these guys and next time I’m going to buy a product I’ll probably look at them first, but when you do bad things, when you have a crisis or you’re chip isn’t doing math correctly you are making a withdrawal from your brand bank and you want to have a good balance in your brand bank to be able to survive blips, which are entirely unpredictable.


I mean look at the iPhone 4 scandal, the Antennae Gate people were ripping Apple left and right, all the critics who would jump out at the chance to show that Apple made this terrible mistake, but Apple had a great balance in their brand bank. Steve stood up and gave the best defense he could and said, “we’ll give out free cases and free bumpers for your iPhone and it’s not a big deal and all phones have this issue” and we want our customers to love us, and the problem kind of went away, that’s the value of the brand bank and Apple has one of the highest balances of any company on earth.


I do miss that about Steve, I have to say. He had a really unique way of describing things, he was an interesting man. He was super smart he could be likable and funny and all that stuff, but he had a way of explaining things. Brilliant things back from the beginning about computers being a bicycle for the mind and stuff like that. He always had a way of expressing himself that was pretty creative.






Think simple.

·  Jobs built a company based on the principle of simplicity – the theme carried through in the products themselves, the surrounding advertising, and the processes at work inside Apple.


•   乔布斯以简洁为原则,打造了苹果公司。不论是产品本身,还是围绕产品的广告策略,乃至公司内部的工作流程,都贯彻执行了这一原则。

Be authentic.

·  The “Think Different” campaign was born of Jobs’ desire to save Apple, which was on the verge of bankruptcy. Jobs wanted to recapture the spirit of the company that created the Macintosh and appealed to “people who love the creative spirit.”


•   “非同凡想”这一营销计划,源自乔布斯拯救苹果公司的尝试,当时,苹果已经处在破产的边缘。乔布斯想要找回当年公司在创造Mac电脑时的那种精神,那就是吸引 “那些热爱创新精神的人们”。

Accrue likability.

·  Jobs had a theory about the “brand bank”: every time a company does something good, the company builds up a balance in the brand bank. Over time, the company’s good reputation saves it when bad things inevitably occur.


•   乔布斯提出了一个关于“品牌银行”的理论:每当公司做了一些正确的事情,你就像是在银行里增加了存款。随着时间的推移,当糟糕的事情不可避免地发生时,之前储蓄下来的好名声就能帮助你拯救你的公司。

本节目英文版音频和视频均由美国Big Think Edge 独家授权,中文版由喜马拉雅制作播出。感谢收听,我们下集节目再见!




第一:化繁为简的思考。思考要回到最初的原点,切除不必要的思绪 第二:真诚的态度。 我做人真诚了吗?真心诚意 第三:储蓄公司的好形象





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