我是英文绘本大王+Kate+《The Three Little Pigs》

2022-04-27 04:07:5406:01 708

《三只小猪》the three little pigs是一个著名的英国童话,讲述了三只小猪在长大后,学好了本领,各自盖了不同的房子,却遭遇大灰狼的故事。这个故事构思简洁,主题鲜明,告诉我们不能追求华而不实的东西,要为长远打算,否则就会有不好的后果。这个故事教育孩子做人要勤劳肯干、聪明机智、乐于助人。

The three little pigs are brothers

They are going into the forest

They want to build three houses.

let's build our houses here;

says the first little pig, Percy

"Yes"; says the second little pig, Peter.

'That's a good idea; says the third little pig, Patrick

The first little pig, Percy,

gets some straw and he starts to build a house of straw.

He sings, Hum de hum, dum de dum, hee de dum. dee de hum,'

when he works,

The second little pig, Peter, gets some wood

and he starts to build a house of wood.

He sings, 'Hum de hum, dum de dum, hee de dum, dee de hum,'

when he works.

The second little pig, Peter, gets some wood and he starts to build a house of wood

He sings, 'Hum de hum, dum de dum, hee de dum, dee de hum,'

when he works.

The third little pig. Patrick, is very clever.

He gets some bricks and he starts to build a house of bricks.

He sings. Hum de hum. dum de dum, hee de dum, dee de hum.'

when he works

Now all the houses are ready

The three little pigs make a fence and they paint it red.

But a big bad wolf lives in the forest.

Everyday the wolf watches the pigs.

He is hungry and he wants to eat them.

He looks at the house of straw and he says,

'I can smell a little pig I want to eat him for my dinner.

The big bad wolf jumps over the red fence

He goes fo the house of straw and he knocks on the door.

Can I come in, little pig? I'm not very big!'

he says.

But Percy sees it is a big bad wolf.

He says. Go away! You can't come in

You're a big bad wolf, you horrible thing '

But the wolf blows and blows and the house falls down.

'Help!' shouts Percy.

He runs to his brother Peter's house.

Now the wolf is very hungry,

He wants his dinner

He runs to the house of wood and he knocks on the door.

'Can I come in. little pigs? I'm not very big!'

he says

But Percy and Peter say,

'Go away! You can t come in. You're the big bad wolf, you horrible thing'

But the wolf blows and blows and the house falls down.

'Help!' shout Percy and Peter.

They run to their brother Patrick's house

Now the wolf runs to the house of bricks.

The three little pigs are in the house.

He knocks on the door

'Can I come in, little pigs? I'm not very big!'

he says

Percy, Peter and Patrick say,

'Go away! You can't come in You're the big, bad wolf., you horrible thing.'

The wolf blows and blows, and he blows and blows again,

but the house doesn't fall down .

It's a house of bricks and it's very strong.

The wolf sits down and thinks

'I can wait,' he says

The three little pigs, Percy, Peter and Patrick, are in the house. They are hungry.

The wolf is wailing, We can't go out. We can't get dinner,' says Percy

'What can we do?' asks Peter.

Don't be sad "It's OK,' says the clever pig, Patrick. 'I've got an idea. Let's make a fire.'

The three little pigs make a big fire.

The lhree little pigs are in the house There is a lot of smoke from the fire.

Oh no1 We can't go out' What can we do?' says Peter

It's OK says Patrick listen and watch

He goes to the door and he shouts, 'The wolf is waiting He isn't very clever He can come down the chimney and eat us'

The wolf is listening That's a good idea; he thinks

I'm a clever wolf.' thinks the big bad wolf 1 don't want to wait here I want to eat the pigs'

He goes down the chimney

The three little pigs hear the wolf in the chimney. They wait..... there is a big CRASH! The big bad wolf falls into the fire"

Oh dear' The poor wolf!

The three little pigs are very happy because the wolf is not there They start to build a big new house.

Let's make a house of bricks,' says Patrick

Oh. yes Straw and wood aren't very good; says Peter.

•We don't want this house to fall down! says Percy

The three little pigs are very happy because the wolf is not there They start to build a big new house.

The three little pigs build a big new house.

It's very strong,

They make a fence and they paint it red.

They sing, 'Hum de hum, dum de dum, hee de dum, dee de hum,' when they work.
























