VE Day 英国庆祝欧洲胜利日75周年

2020-05-09 03:16:5507:27 49

VE Day celebrations: The UK marks 75th anniversary

People across the UK have marked the 75th anniversary of VE Day amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Millions of people throughout the country fell silent at 11:00 BST on Friday to remember those who served in World War Two.

Friday marks 75 years since the formal acceptance by Britain and its allies of Nazi Germany's unconditional surrender.

Extracts of Winston Churchill's VE Day speech have been broadcast to the nation, as part of the commemorations for the 75th anniversary.

Britain's wartime leader spoke about a "brief period of rejoicing" amid "toils and efforts" in the replayed speech.

Earlier, the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall led a two-minute silence, and later the Queen will address a nation still in lockdown.

Boris Johnson expressed "eternal" gratitude to the wartime generation.

Victory in Europe Day marks the day in 1945 when Britain and its allies accepted the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany, bringing the war in Europe to an end.

This year's celebration is limited as the lockdown prompted by the coronavirus pandemic means there will be no large-scale street parties or parades.

But at 15:00 BST, the same time that Winston Churchill addressed the nation on 8 May 1945, BBC One broadcast his words: "We may allow ourselves a brief period of rejoicing, but let us not forget for a moment the toils and efforts that lie ahead."

The commemorations began with a flypast over London by the Royal Air Force display team the Red Arrows, while RAF Typhoon jets flew over Cardiff, Edinburgh and Belfast.

Then, a piper played at the war memorial near Balmoral, where Prince Charles and Camilla laid flowers and led the country in silent remembrance.

Left at the memorial with Camilla's bouquet was a message paying tribute to her father, Major Bruce Shand - who served with the 12th Royal Lancers during the war - and his regiment "who fought so bravely to give us peace".

A gun salute from Edinburgh Castle marked the beginning and end of the silence, but crowds were absent from many war memorials as people reflected at home.

Later, although large street parties were out of the question, some still managed to get out the bunting for a socially distanced celebration.

In a message, Mr Johnson referred to the virus outbreak, saying it "demands the same spirit of national endeavour" as shown during wartime.

"We can't hold the parades and street celebrations we enjoyed in the past, but all of us who were born since 1945 are acutely conscious that we owe everything we most value to the generation who won the Second World War," he said.





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