2020年5月21日 全球新冠病毒报告 Coronavirus around the world_ May 21, 2020

2020-05-23 13:11:0002:51 4379

the World Health Organisation says that

there are now over five million

confirmed cases of kovat 19 worldwide

the organization highlighted that over

hundred thousand of the new cases were

reported in the past 24 hours Spain's

government has made it mandatory for

everyone over the age of six to wear a

face mask in public when physical

distancing is not possible the rule

which came into effect today is both for

indoor and outdoor public spaces

government and health officials say that

they've implemented this as a way to

help limit the spread of the coronavirus

beaches in Italy are preparing to reopen

at the end of May after being closed for

several months the reopening comes with

many restrictions that include

maintaining social distancing

restaurants located at the beach have

also started redesigning their space to

ensure physical distancing can be

accomplished designated areas where

tennis volleyball and Lateline beach

parties used to take place will not be

opening yet

Palestinian authorities eased some

restrictions and allowed for curbside

pickup in several cities just in time

for Eid a Muslim holiday which marks the

end of the month of Ramadan shops

businesses and banks have been allowed

to reopen with safety measures in place

in several cities however this will

likely be a temporary easing of

restrictions as officials announced they

will be putting several cities and towns

back under lockdown for about three days

during the festival of Eid to avoid mass

gatherings the International Olympic

Committee is suggesting the Tokyo Summer

Olympics which had to be rescheduled to

2021 due to Cova 19 could be scrapped

completely if it's not safe to host them

by next year

japan's prime minister also said that

the games won't be allowed to take place

next year unless health authorities

provide assurance that it will be safe

to host them the committee is still

hopeful but also agrees with the

Japanese government on the potential

decision to cancel the games in

Singapore a robot is being deployed into

malls to fight the corona virus but

instead of spraying chemicals which is

the most common way of sanitizing

surfaces the robot is using ultraviolet

light to sterilize hard-to-reach areas

and even the air Derek Yap CEO of the

company that designed the robot says

that the Cova 19 pandemic has created

the most ideal conditions for deploying

such a robot thanks for watching Global

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