My body belongs to me

2020-05-26 21:26:0103:58 40

My body belongs to me from my head to my toes

           Pro Familia         Dagmar Geisler

I’m Clara and I have something really special: my body!

It belongs only to me.

When I was still a baby, my body looked quite different.

But I’m growing and growing. And my body and I are changing.

I’m proud of myself and my body.

Sometimes I want to close to somebody. 

When I do, our bodies touch.

It feels nice and cozy when Papa hugs me.

I like to cuddle with him.

It’s comfortable sitting my granny’s lap.

We are very close to each other then.

Holding a little body is not so easy.

You have to be close when you hold a baby’s hands.

When I tickle my friend, we touch each other and laugh a lot.

Touching each other can be something very special. 

But I alone decide if and by whom I’d like to be touched. 

Sometimes I simply don’t wan to be touched.

I don’t think it’s funny when somebody tickles me way too much.

I don’t want that to happen.

I think it’s icky when somebody gives me a big, fat, sloppy kiss.

I don’t want that type of touch either.

I also don’t like it when a dog licks me with his wet tongue.

I feel trapped when somebody holds me too tight.

I don’t want to be held like that.

Whenever somebody touches me and I don’t like it…

I say, “Stop it. Don’t touch me. I don’t want you to.”

If I’m asked to touch somebody, but I don’t want to, I just don’t do it.

I say, “No, I don’t want to touch you. I don’t feel like it.”

You should try saying it too, loud and clear, 

”Don’t touch me! I don’t want you do!”

You can also say:”I don’t want to touch you! I don’t feel like it!”

I think it’s great that people touch each other when they both want to.

Don’t you think so too?

But when I don’t feel comfortable, then I don’t let anyone touch me. 

I say, “NO!” 

That’s because I decide when I would like to be touched and by whom.

And you should too.

Sometimes a person doesn’t stop when you say, “NO!” And keeps on touching in a way that doesn’t feel good.

You must stick up for yourself.

If you can’t do it by yourself, then tell somebody you trust about it, and they will help you.

Think about it.

Your body belongs only to you.

It’s something every special.


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