福特省长承诺在安大略省进行更多的COVID-19检测Premier Ford promises more COVID-19

2024-02-21 20:26:0904:24 6252

testing everyone in Canada for kovin 19

would be an ambitious and expensive goal

in this crisis something that would

likely be difficult if not outright

impossible to achieve

right now no government is talking about

doing that but Saskatchewan is launching

the most aggressive plan yet starting

next week Monday Saskatchewan will offer

a test to anyone who works outside the

home or is returning to their workplace

all they have to do is ask they don't

even have to have symptoms it is unclear

though whether people will be rushing

out to get a test personally like I

don't necessarily feel like need to if

I'm feeling healthy I have a family that

I go home to so that would definitely be

something I would want to do if I need

it if I felt like I needed to

Saskatchewan is the first province in

the country to offer such expansive

widespread testing the province is also

one of the leaders in loosening

restrictions and allowing more

businesses and services to reopen now

Ontario one of the harder hit provinces

is continuing to struggle with tests

Mike Crowley covers Ontario legislative

affairs for CBC News and he is at

Queen's Park the legislature for us this

morning Mike's been doing a lot of

reporting on testing so what is

happening in Ontario now well Heather

Ontario is supposed to hit a target of

16,000 tests per day and for the last

three days running it has fallen

woefully short of that basically

averaging about half of the benchmark

the provincial officials are chalking

that up to the effect of the long

weekend saying that fewer people were

showing up to get tested but the fact is

that all throughout May

Ontario's actually only hit its 16,000

tested a target basically about half of

the days this month supreme reduct Ford

he's making some bold promises about

what Ontario is going to do with testing

take a listen

we're gonna ramp up this testing like

this province is never seen another 3-4

weeks we're gonna do a lot of testing I

can I can stand here and promise you

that I'm gonna be all over this testing

what does stuck for being by a lot of

testing we'll know details from him or

his officials in terms of actual numbers

of where Ontario is going to get with

testing in the next three to four weeks

Heather so Mike what we had seen in

Ontario was a long-term care facilities

that was where the testing was based now

it's beginning to expand beyond that of

checking people who feel symptoms what

are experts saying though that Ontario

has to do to make the tests even more


well that thing of allowing anybody who

has symptoms to get tested that's

literally only been in the past week and

it was a cause of a lot of frustration

for people who felt they had pot

potentially cases of kovat 19 Dokdo

sought they might have had it and yet

they weren't able to get the test

because the tests were being rationed so

strictly here in Ontario so I spoke to a

number of epidemiologists though that

say that this pandemic is largely about

or a lot about people who don't have

symptoms coming down with the illness

and actually potentially spreading it

and that's what they're thinking

Ontario needs to be looking at in the in

the coming weeks and months especially

as the economy reopens all of those

people who are out there working

potentially getting exposed here's what

one epidemiologist I spoke to from the

University of Ottawa had to say about

what he calls surveillance testing means

not testing just in the symptomatic of

the people we know or lightly infected

but going after the cases where we think

they exist but are aware of them yet so

hunting the disease down so hunting it

down that means what other experts told

me would be going to grocery store

workers who are out there having a lot

of public interactions taxi drivers bus

drivers people who are going back to

work and have the potential to be

exposed to the virus just like what's

happening there in Saskatchewan it's

quite a contrast from what's going on in

in cheerio

as you mentioned it's sketch one people

who are working at all out in the public

can get a test starting on Monday that's

not the case here in Ontario









灵猫张小辫 回复 @Jasmine628_pq

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