Socially Distant Concerts Signal A Reopening For Live Music

2021-12-08 13:37:2705:02 188

The last time musician Jon Jones performed in public with his group Eli Young Band was March 8.

The spread of COVID-19 in the United States forced a halt to the large crowds that gather for music shows.

But, now Eli Young Bandhas a possible work-around.

In June, it plans toperform live once again with a "drive-in" series of shows at the Texas Rangers' new baseball stadium in Arlington.

"This is going to be a surreal kind of setting,"Jones said.

About 400 cars full of people are expected to attend the show. Audience members will be required to stay in their vehicles as the artists perform.

As states start to reopen businesses, music industry organizers are testing out new models of smaller, socially distant concerts.

Jones is hopeful that drive-in concerts might help widen the path toward are start of traditional shows.

The four-night series called Concert in Your Car is set to open June 4. Tickets to the event sold quickly.

Band manager George Couri set up the series in partnership with the Rangers baseball team.

"It's about creating an experience for live music again," said Couri. "The big driver for me is to prove it can work.

It would give people hope that this can be repeated again and again in many different places."

The drive-in concert idea has been tried before.

American music star Keith Urban performed at a drive-in theater in Tennessee last week.

He used a smaller crew than usual and production elements were limited.

But, Urban suggests the industry will expand on the current drive-in concert model.

"The stage is going to be coming out to the parking lot and people will be staying in their cars," said Urban.

Concert organizer Live Nation is planning to test fanless concerts, drive-in concerts and "reduced capacity shows" says President and CEO Michael Rapino.

He spoke about the idea on a teleconference call with investors.

Tailgate Fest in California had already proved before the pandemic that car-centered concerts could be successful.

The country music event where fans are encouraged to watch from their trucks, cars and other vehicles is going into its third year this August.

Tailgate Fest's leader Melissa Carbone says a lot of changes are coming to the event because of the coronavirus, including the cancellation of some gatherings.

But music stars Dierks Bentley and the groups LynyrdSkynyrd and TLC still plan to perform.

"...Nobody wants to see live music go away," said Carbone.

For most bands, live shows are a major money-maker.

But Couri said the launch of the drive-in concerts at the Texas stadium will see more limited earnings.

The fee for admission is $40 a car. No food or goods will be available for sale.

All bands will play acoustically so as to reduce production workers. And attendees will listen to the music over their car radios.

Jon Jones of Eli Young Band says the group is not doing the drive-in concert to make up lost earnings only.

He said the band also wants to give music back to the fans.

"I think people need something safe that they can go do and if we can be that," Jones said, "that's awesome."


乔恩·琼斯最后一次和他的乐队EliYoung公开表演是在3月8日。COVID-19在美国的传播迫使聚集在一起观看音乐表演的大批人群停止活动。但是,现在EliYoung Band有了一个解决方案。今年6月,该公司计划在阿灵顿的德州游骑兵队新棒球场举办“免下车”系列演出,再次进行现场表演。“这将是一个超现实的场景,”琼斯说。预计将有大约400辆满载乘客的汽车参加展览。表演者表演时,观众必须待在车内。随着各州开始重新开放商业,音乐产业的组织者正在试验小型的、社交距离较远的音乐会的新模式。琼斯希望免下车音乐会可以帮助拓宽道路,让传统表演重新开始。这场名为“车内音乐会”的演唱会将于6月4日开始连办四晚。演唱会的门票很快就卖光了。乐队经理乔治·考利与游骑兵棒球队合作推出了这一系列赛。“这是关于再次为现场音乐创造一种体验,”Couri说。“对我来说,最大的动力就是要证明它是可行的。这将给人们带来希望,希望这种情况能够在许多不同的地方反复发生。”“免下车音乐会”的想法以前也有人尝试过。美国音乐明星凯斯·厄本上周在田纳西州的一家汽车影院表演。他使用的工作人员比平时少,制作元素也有限。但是,厄本认为汽车工业将会扩展目前的免下车音乐会模式。“舞台将走向停车场,人们将呆在自己的车里,”厄本说。音乐会组织者LiveNation的总裁兼首席执行官迈克尔•拉皮诺表示,该公司正计划测试无风扇音乐会、免下车音乐会和“低容量演出”。他在与投资者的电话会议上谈到了这个想法。在流感大流行之前,加州的汽车节已经证明了以汽车为中心的音乐会是可以成功的。今年8月,这场乡村音乐盛会将进入第三个年头,粉丝们可以在卡车、汽车和其他交通工具上观看。“尾门节”的领导人梅丽莎·卡波内表示,由于冠状病毒的出现,包括取消一些聚会在内的许多改变正在到来。但是音乐明星DierksBentley和LynyrdSkynyrd和TLC组合仍然计划表演。“…没有人想看到现场音乐消失,”卡蓬说。对大多数乐队来说,现场表演是主要的赚钱手段。但是考利说,在德克萨斯体育馆举行的免下车音乐会的收入将更加有限。入场费是每辆车40美元。没有食物或商品可供出售。所有乐队将演奏声学,以减少生产工人。与会者将通过车载收音机收听音乐。Eli Young Band的乔恩•琼斯(JonJones)表示,该乐队举办免下车音乐会不仅仅是为了弥补损失的收入。他说,乐队也想把音乐回馈给歌迷。“我认为人们需要一些安全的东西,他们可以去做,如果我们能做到,”琼斯说,“那太棒了。”

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