Destroying Financial Fear_20200527

2022-09-08 05:40:18139:00 103

Destroying Financial Fear 

Janice Sanders first learned of DCI in 2011. She has attended 10 DCI training levels at the Sedona College of International Management, and looks forward to future sessions. Janice is also part of the Yoga Studies Institute and DCI Online teachers.


She resides in Silverton, Colorado, a very small town, high in the mountains of the USA.  She moved to Silverton straight out of college to be a gold-mine geologist. While wong as an underground mining geologist, she noted the town’s other booming industry, tourism. As gold price dropped and mines began closing she had already started two small retail stores in Silverton. Since then she has opened 15 stores in southwestern Colorado. Over the years she has sold or closed less lucrative stores, and now has 3 successful stores.


Janice uses the Diamond Cutter System to continue to plant seeds for success in her business and personal life. She has attended 10 sessions at the Sedona College of International Management, where we are well trained in the skill of planting of seeds, by helping others to get what they want.


Janice has two daughters and one granddaughter, and has many babysitting opportunities of pets and children.  Janice is a DiamondX Teacher, and co-host of The Art of Planting Seeds. Her life goal is to teach as many people as possible the art of planting seeds.

Key Points:

1. Understanding what Financial Freedom is and what it is not.

2. Review old way methods and DCI seed system methods to remove your financial fear.

3. What you can do if you are not getting any results?

