042_I Need More Time(我需要更多时间)

2023-07-18 21:23:5505:27 1106

1文 本

Elementary I Need More Time (B0042)

A: So, Casey, how are things going with the photos for the press kit?

B: Yeah, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that. I might need to ask for an extension on that deadline.

A: You’ve had over a month to get this finalized! Why are things delayed?

B: Well, the thing is,we ran into a lot of problems. . .

A: I’m not looking for excuses here. I just want to get this finished on time!

B: I know, and I apologize for the delay. But some things were just beyond my control. I had trouble booking the photographer, and then Michael was sick for three weeks, so I couldn’t include him in the photos, and the design team lost all the files, so I had to re-do the pictures.

A: I’m not going to put this off any longer, Casey! I want those photos ASAP!


A: 凯西,新闻发布材料的照片怎么样了。

B: 我一直想和你谈谈这个。我可能需要延迟一下那个截止日期

A: 你有一个多月的时间来完成这件事!为什么会延迟

B: 问题是,我们遇到了很多麻烦

A: 我不想听借口。我只是想这项工按时完成

B: 我知道,我为迟交道歉。但是有些事情是我无法控制的。我找不到摄影师,然后迈克尔病了三个星期,所以我不能把他加在照片里,设计团队丢失了所有的文件,所以我不得不重新做照片

A: 我不会再推迟这件事儿了,凯西! 我要尽快拿到那些照片

2讲 解

Press kit【宣传资料袋;新闻发布材料】a set of documents, usually containing useful facts and figures, given to journalists by a company prior to a product release, news conference, etc .kit是“成套工具/设备”的意思,press是“新闻”的意思,合起来就是“整套的新闻发布资料”的意思。在一些正式的会议或是公司新产品的发布会前,都会准备这样的新闻发布材料给记者、新闻机构、报纸杂志等,主要是一些文档,包括数据,报表和图片等等,了解即可~

I’ve been meaning to (do sth)【我一直想(做某事)you’ve been wanting to do sth for a while, you’ve been thinking about it, and planning to do it, but you just haven’t done it, maybe because you don’t have time or money, etc。我们会有一些想做了很久,却因为时间不凑巧,或者经济方面的限制而一直没有实施的事,这种情况你就可以用Ive been meaning to来表达。可以在前面先叙述这件事,然后后面直接加一句Ive been meaning to,也可以把这件事放在后面,即用Ive been meaning to+你想做的事儿,如:

>> I’m sorry I haven’t called you yet, I’ve been meaning to, but I‘ve been busy. 我很抱歉没有打给你,我一直想打来着,可是太忙了。

>> I’ve been meaning to see that film for a while. 我想看那部电影有一阵子了。

deadline【最后期限;截止日期】the last possible date to do sth. For example, when you have a project, you have to finish by a certain date, that’s the deadline. 学生党应该对这个词不会陌生,时不时就有个论文和小组作业,自然就会关注deadline(“截止日期”,“最后期限”)是什么时候。记的时候可以拆开单词来记,dead是死,line是线,最后期限其实就好像一条线,超出这条line就是dead(死路一条)~
赶上截止日期,即在截止日期前完成就是meet the deadline,没赶上可以说是
didn't meet the deadline 或是 miss the deadline

extension【延期】extension and deadline go together, if you can’t make or reach your deadline, you’ll ask for an extension, you ask for more time , and the extension is moving the deadline in the future . 这个词就和deadline有些关联啦,它的意思是“延期,延长”,当你没有在deadline前完成应该要完成的事儿时,就需要申请延期啦。

delay【推迟,延期】the opposite is “on time”. 我们在EnglishPod31-取消预约里曾经对比过几个“推迟,延迟”的不同,没看过的同学点链接去看一下哈。这里我们再说一下delay和后面出现的put offdelay可以做名词,也可以做动词,用在sth is delayed表示“推迟,延迟”时,一般上指由于外部不可控因素而被动推迟,有心的同学可能就留意到机场的电子屏上的延迟就是delay了。


>>The match was delayed for half an hour due to heavy rain. 因下大雨,比赛延迟了半个小时。

Delay 在作为动词时的另一个含义是“使什么人或事情迟到,耽误、耽搁”。我们经常在谈论交通的时候会用到,如
>> I was delayed by heavy traffic this morning. 今天早上,因为交通堵塞,我迟到了。
Myplane was delayed by a heavy storm. 我乘坐的飞机因为大风暴被延误了。

put off【推迟】when you put sth off, itmeans you leave it for later.put off 表示延迟时一般是主动提出延期的要求或做出推迟的决定,并不是因为有意外或者由不定因素而导致需要延期。

>> I’ve been putting this project off for a week, and it’s due tomorrow. 我把这个项目推迟了一个星期,明天就要交了(顺便回顾下我们上两集讲到的due

>> Can we put our meeting off to next week, I’m too busy right now. 我们能把会议推迟到下周吗,我现在太忙了。

>> I’ve been putting my email off all day, and now I have 50 messages to respond to. 我一整天都在拖着没回电子邮件,现在我有50条信息要回复。

run into problems 【遇到了问题】”meet some problems” is wrong, the correct expression is “run into problems”. 我们在谈到“遇到问题”问题的时候很可能会想遇到是meet,问题是problem,就合成了meet some problems,但是这种说法是不对的,正确的说法应该是run into problems, run into是“遇上(问题、麻烦)”等的意思,后面可以跟problem,difficulty,trouble 等不好的事物,如

>> we ran into a storm on our way home. 我们在回家的路上遇上了风暴。

>> if you’re not careful now, you’re going to run into a lot of problems later. 如果你现在不注意的话,之后会遇到很多问题的。

>> I ran into some troubles with my computer. 我的电脑有点问题。

【拓展】run into后面也可以加sb,还可以表示“撞见某人”

beyond my control【无法控制】you can’t control, you can’t do anything about it. “超出了我的控制”,类似sth is out of control

have trouble doing sth【做某事有困难】表示“做某事有困难”,“难以做到某事”

ASAP【尽快】as soon as possible . ASAPas soon as possible的缩写,在工作的邮件里非常常见。也可以在口语中使用,如果你常看美剧,可能会发现它在口语中有两种念法,一种是它拆开念成四个字母A-S-A-P, 还有一种是它看成一个单词,发音有点类似于“a-sap”。后者比较简短,所以如果你不是特意强调“尽快”的话,后面的念法比较常见。


宣传资料袋;新闻发布材料:press kit

我一直想...I've been meaning to


最后期限,截至日期 deadline


遇到问题:run into problems

无法控制:beyond my control

做...有困难:have trouble doing sth

推迟某事put sth off






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I Need Yuh



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Need You




