Franklin and the thunderstorm 25集

2022-10-13 11:52:3504:10 42
B: look out, Franklin!
F: Get him, Beaver!
S: Great save, Fox!
BV: Good pass, Snail!
S: Thanks!
BV: Score!
R: I’m sorry, guys! I should’ve had it.
B: You’ll stop’em next time, Rabbit.
R: I’ll try…It’s just… Well… I guess I’m kinda, you know…scared of the ball hitting me.
F: Well then, why don’t I take goal?
R: Really?
F: Sure! You’re a lot faster than me. We could use you as a forward.
R: Thanks! But… aren’t you scared of getting hit with the ball?
B: Are you kidding? Nothing scares Franklin! Not even spiders!
S: Or big spooky shadows!
B: He is fearless!
S: Yeah! He is Franklin the Fearless!
FOX: Hey, are we talking or playing?
BV: Yeah. I don’t know about Franklin the Fearless, but Franklin the Goalie will never stop MY shot.
B: Are you feeling okay Franklin?
F: Uh…Sure! I’m fine! No problem.
B: Feeling sad ’cause our soccer game got rained out?
F: Um, yeah. That’s it.
R: I don’t blame you Franklin. I was looking forward to the game all week!
FOX: Me too! And then we only got to play for about five minutes.
BV: And we were winning!
S: Ooh…Looks like it getting worse!
F: Huh? Whoa! What happened?!
BV: The power’s gone out!
F: I don’t like this.
G: Oh, my. Stay calm children. I’ll get the lantern from the storeroom.
FOX: Kinda spooky, isn’t it?
B: Yeah! I’ve never been in a library after dark.
R: Did you hear that?
F: What is it?
S: Maybe this place is …haunted!
BV: But ghosts don’t come out in the day time.
FOX: So? It’s just as DARK as night!
BV: Oh yeah! Maybe ghosts can’t tell time!
B: They probably don’t even have wristwatches!
BV: LOOK! What is it?!?
FOX: A ghost?
B: A giant spider?
R: It’s trying to get in!
F: It’s okay you guys. It’s just the wind blowing a tree branch up against the window.
FOX: Whew! Was that ever spooky! My fur was standing on end!
BV: Yeah, we were pretty scared there for a minute!
B: But not Franklin!
S: He’s Franklin the Fearless!
G: Oh dear. I’m sorry Franklin, but it’s best if you stay here until this storm is over.
B: You never told me you were afraid of thunderstorms Franklin!
F: I was afraid you’d laugh at me.
B: Gee. Why would I do that? You didn’t laugh at me about being scared of spiders.
R: Or me, for being scared of the soccer ball.
S: I guess we’re all afraid of something, like big spooky shadows.
B: Or climbing up really high…
FOX: How about that tree branch tapping on the window!
R: Yeah!
B: That was a good one!
BV: We were scared silly!
S: Good thing Franklin was here!





Benjamin Franklin 富兰克林



Benjamin Franklin: An American Life






小乌龟富兰克林学美语 Franklin 英文原版



英文名著--《富兰克林自传》The autobiograph of Franklin

