Unit10—B文章—Personal Advantages of Taking

2023-08-25 00:04:4104:56 7552

Personal Advantages of Taking Public Transportation
When I take public transport, I always end up seeing a balanced view of regular folks, which is different from how they're usually depicted in the profit-driven media. I meet real, authentic people who may have the same concerns as mine. Whenever I'm on a bus, or the train, or even at times in a taxi that I share with other passengers, whom the driver picks up along the way, I get assurances that most folks mean well to me, i.e., they don't mean to harm me intentionally, despite a few terrible, harsh experiences I've had with some bad people before.
The meaningful experience of receiving respect from and giving respect to others
People generally behave as politely and respectfully as they can whenever they take public transportation.That's how all of us were taught, by and large, by our parents, our elders and the generations before. We always need to conduct our best selves when inpublic. It's a great experience seeing able-bodied men giving up seats for the elderly, disabled, or pregnant women. I even see women give up seats to others.I see people move a bit on their seats just to share space to those needing seats. I see people smiling and talking with each other. I feel more warmth among people when on a bus or the train. I see people behaving genuinely pleasant toward co-passengers, and I realize it takes a lot of guts to do this especially during these difficult times.
Save cash for other purposes
I always get the opportunity to save money, and am actually gaining pennies these days. This is particularly true when you live in a city, like New York, where subways and buses are in place. I've done the math: it's far cheaper to take the subway and the bus, plus the ferry if you live in Staten Island like me, than to keep a car and drive yourself (抱歉哦,喜马拉雅上有字数限制)